Welcome & Information Category > Suggestion Box

Worship and Praise/Our Testimonies


Daryl, I was looking were to put the recent story of the 800 acre fire, and how the church members were blessed and kept from harm, and there was nothing appropriate unless I wanted to put it in general discussion...How about a WORSHIP AND PRAISE/OUR TESTIMONIES section or a Testimony, Thankfulness, & Praise section like in Maritime for telling how the Lord has blessed us......

Yesterday we brought two young people with us to worship with us in church - young people who have not been attending church. I am so grateful to know how they were blessed both by the music, preaching and the lesson study.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: sad vindication
From: - - -
Date: - - -
To: linda@lindashelton.org

Just got he news about Danny and Tommy. Guess the Lord decided you
could be vindicated here on this earth. Bless you. J. . .


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