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Author Topic: Elder James Gilley Winning over the staff...can he win over the board?  (Read 13254 times)

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Gailon Arthur Joy

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There is clearly a new wind blowing at Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc. Staff reports are that Elder James Gilley is a clear breathe of fresh Air, compared to the Founder, former president and consulting, Home Building, director, Danny Lee Shelton.

Staff consistently compliment Elder James Gilley's open door policy, his warm and friendly and even very appreciative personality. Elder Gilley's sincere and heartfelt spiritual tone and that nasty habit of COMPLIMENTING STAFF on a job well done is clearly also greatly appreciated by staffers. 

Some have commented that it helps to offset years of the reclusive, exclusive, barnstorming, arrogance and less than appreciative attitude of the prior president. Some have gone so far as to comment they see no need to keep the "drone" around anymore.

Staffers claim the working atmosphere is less terrorized, clearly more wholesome and productive and some have actually suggested they may be inclined to make it a career with the new President, Elder James Gilley.

On the other hand, reports abound that some Danny worshipping board members are less than happy with the choice of Elder James Gilley as the pre-eminence and dominance of Danny Lee Shelton wanes into the sunset. The concept of Christian Leadership under Elder James Gilley is out-weighed by years of dominance by the miracle producing, wife dumping, private inurement seeking, natural wonder of Thomsonville and the political gamesmanship they claim he was just so good at.

Until recently, Elder Gilley's detractors on the board felt "the annointed one"  of Thompsonville had finely honed his political power and successfully brought the Shelton brand of poison pill politics into the denomination with a keen eye on cleaning out the denominational leadership of 3ABN detractors. Elder Gilley's detractors are clearly not happy to see the political powerplayer being set aside to acheive a new day of "Spiritual Correctness"  being ushered in by the Elder James Gilley administration.

Elder Gilley's unique promotional trips to the churches has also gone far to improve a failing image of 3ABN. Instead of begging for money and speaking incessantly about the 3ABN miracle, Elder Gilley's old fashioned sermon style followed by prayer sessions and taking time to meet, listen to and pray with the folks is winning back many stockholders in the pews. Elder Gilley's "spiritual correctness" is clearly having a positive impact and will go far to repair the damage of the Shelton Shadow over 3ABN.

We trust that as the new era of Elder Gilley's "3ABN Spiritual Correctness" builds momentum with the stockholders in the pews that 3ABN must be open and transparent and accountable to the stockholders in the pews. Let us pray that Elder Gilley continues to maintain the open door policy to the stockholders and Elder Gilley will outlast and win over his detractors. 3ABN will be returned to "spiritual correctness"!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy



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Well that is fantastic news!!  Good for Elder Gilley!!!  I'm quite sure he had no idea the mess he was getting into!!  He surely does continue to need our prayers.

Any idea which board members fall on which side?  Are you at liberty to say?


Daryl Fawcett

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I am happy to hear this good news, even if it is only one step forward at a time, which makes sense for the very reason that a lot of years of the other needs to be undone, which obviously takes time to accomplish.


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Here is AppleTree's reaction on BSDA:
(Johann @ Mar 8 2008, 04:09 PM) *
This was posted todday on Advetist Talk:

There is clearly a new wind blowing at Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc. Staff reports are that Elder James Gilley is a clear breathe of fresh Air, compared to the Founder, former president and consulting, Home Building, director, Danny Lee Shelton.

Staff consistently compliment Elder James Gilley's open door policy, his warm and friendly and even very appreciative personality. Elder Gilley's sincere and heartfelt spiritual tone and that nasty habit of COMPLIMENTING STAFF on a job well done is clearly also greatly appreciated by staffers.

Gailon Arthur Joy

The only "wind blowing" is from Gailon. If, as Gailon says, Gilley is doing a good job and is very spiritual... then this should say volumes to the fact that Gilley supports Danny 100% though he knows all the facts and details of everything going on at 3ABN. He's not dumb. Did I hear this second or third hand? No Jim told me face to face of his support for Danny. The same support holds true for Union President Max Travino!

Joy is acting like the Danny "worshipers" are struggling with Jim being President. If they are Danny worshipers and Danny wants Jim there, then doesn't it stand to reason that the "worshipers" would tag along with Danny and support Jim as Danny does?

Joy does a lot of bluffing instead of providing real information. He takes a stab in the dark and hopes it is true. Remember when he posted that an "emergency" board meeting was called to see about a settlement with the IRS? The truth was that 3abn had not heard a word on any IRS findings so how could they be discussing any settlement?

Same MO for his Gilley post. Does it stand to reason that out of 140 employees that some may like Gilley's administration better than Danny's? Of course. That is a persons perogative. Gailon knows he isn't risking much to make that stab. Where he makes his mistake is then to go on with unrealistic embellishments and lies that Danny was terrifying employees, people were quaking in their boots....etc....All ridiculous. All untrue. I'm there...he isn't...

Keep blowing and going Gailon. These type of posts look beautiful in court records.

Gailon Arthur Joy

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Do I get to introduce them into the record myself? Or should we subpoena some employees?

But, then, we will have Danny to explain everything to the jury!!! And it will take two weeks to expose every Danny statement as "factually challenged". Not so tough with the evidence we have. And if they don't role out their evidence soon, it will never make it into the court record.
The clock is ticking!!! There will be no surprises, Appletree, at trial. We will have the evidence or it simply does not exist!!! I already know it is a "bit sparse"!!!.

But, Maybe we can get it out of Appletree!!! After all, he is right there!!

I wonder about this Appletree!!! I Wonder if he will respond to e Federal Subpoena Duces Tecum!!! I wonder if he will be so bold before a Federal Jury? If he shows any confidence, We could have Appletree introduce all the evidence and explain where he was when he was right there observing all this wonderful information. IN DETAIL!!!

The jury will see which way the wind blows!!! The wind blows against thee!!!
If it did not, you vipers would have exposed it all to the entire world many moons ago to exonerate your pathetic selves!!!!

And Truth is still an absolute defense!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy
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