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Author Topic: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript  (Read 165704 times)

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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #45 on: June 30, 2010, 02:23:39 AM »

I need to post a correction here in that it started at BSDA before it started at MSDAOL, not vice-versa.

It even started before that. . . Dr. Samuelle Bacchiocchi?


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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #46 on: June 30, 2010, 06:54:10 AM »

Chapter 2
An Inconvenient Truth


For Linda events eventually escalate from emotional and mental abuse to physical abuse. Although physical abuse is often thought of as an enraged husband beating his wife, there is one form of abuse that is far more devastating for its victim physically, emotionally and spiritually: when what was once the joys of the marriage bed become an abusive act. What was once an expression of mutual love between a devoted married couple becomes a forced act of non-mutual consent for the animal gratification of one partner forced upon an unwilling spouse.  When a husband who has told his wife he wants to get rid of her and she refuses his sexual advances, he then forces himself on her physically and states that it is his “right” until they are divorced, an act that was once consider a joy becomes little more than the most vile crime that can be committed against a woman. In the midst of all this harassment, built entirely upon fabricated “evidence”, Linda asks Danny the one question she can not answer for herself, “Why are you treating me like this?” He answers, “Because I want you to get out!” Shattered by the brutality of her husbands response, she turns and walks away, barely able to discern her direction, as the tears stream from her eyes.

Dr. Abrahamsen explains that despite a request from the 3ABN Board Chairman, Walt Thompson, for all contact between he and Linda to terminate immediately. After a few weeks he allows it to continue: “At one point I had a conversation with Walt Thompson, Chairman of the Board of 3ABN. He asked me to stop all communication with Linda. This had also been communicated to Johann and Irmgard Thorvaldsson and others. I told him that it was obviously Danny’s plan to isolate Linda from everyone at a time when she needed help. To me it was the Christian thing to answer her phone calls and the only humane thing to do for someone who was in crisis.”

“Considering the urgency of the situation I allowed the conversations to resume. Linda knew, with her high profile status, that confiding with local people regarding these issues would be very bad for the ministry. I had given counsel to people in difficulty in the past and felt I could be helpful from a distance in this situation. I encouraged Linda to fight for her marriage and ministry many times. This she really did, but she often had to leave her home to find refuge at her daughter's apartment in Springfield, even in the middle of the night because of Danny's behavior. At times like these she was afraid of him. She always returned to her home after a couple of days seeking to try to mend the marriage, but Danny would not allow this.”



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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #47 on: June 30, 2010, 07:09:38 AM »

So the 3abn Board would not listen to her side or even give her the chance as Danny had them all ready prepared! Let's see Brandy left pretty quick for a fact  :ROFL:

Corrected for added thought:

But again, how could she tell what would have been most embarrassment of a lifetime that you even chose to be married to someone that was like that. She would have suffered the embarrassment beyond all. But the time is right now for the other side to be told.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 07:15:08 AM by tinka »


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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #48 on: June 30, 2010, 03:13:01 PM »

Write on, sister, Write on!  this is better than "The Te...."..............errrrr............ the other one.  LOL!!!!!
It is the duty of every cultured man or woman to read sympathetically the scriptures of the world.  If we are to respect others' religions as we would have them respect our own, a friendly study of the world's religions is a sacred duty. - Mohandas K. Gandhi


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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #49 on: June 30, 2010, 03:16:03 PM »

Write on, sister, Write on!  this is better than "The Te...."..............errrrr............ the other one.  LOL!!!!!

Where you been, I've missed you. About time you weighed in here.


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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #50 on: June 30, 2010, 05:27:00 PM »

Write on, sister, Write on!  this is better than "The Te...."..............errrrr............ the other one.  LOL!!!!!

LOL, thanks princessdi. But, although I have often been credited as the author of "The Te...", it was not my work. I only wrote "An Unauthorized History of 3ABN". Although both Jorgen VanBraun and I have somewhat similar writing styles and wrote on the same topic, I can not take credit for an others work. Perhaps one day Jorgen will write again, I would love to do a collaboration with him.


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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #51 on: June 30, 2010, 05:47:25 PM »

Sister: I have had the opportunity to read these excerpts carefully, today. Below I have bolded one line that I find most troubling.

First, I would like to ask, did Danny Shelton have an affair with Brenda Walsh? or what was the extent of their relationship?

If the answer is not completely known in that sense, theoretically, Danny is the adulterous person. Is it possible that these events was planned by Danny and maybe even Brenda to do away with Linda, so he could marry Brandy?

Just a few thoughts I had...
Chapter 2
An Inconvenient Truth


The next time Linda was to have contact with Dr. Abrahamsen in person, in addition to a few phone calls to discuss Nathan’s progress at the Norwegian clinic, was in the first week of February. Since Danny had refused Linda’s pleas for him to become personally involved in Nathan’s recovery and join her in the trip to Dr. Abrahamsen’s clinic in Norway, she was accompanied by her “best friend” of two years, Brenda Walsh. At the time, Brenda not only appeared to be an excellent choice based upon their friendship, but with her effervescent personality she would be an entertaining companion for the long transatlantic flight.

What Linda did not realize is that behind her back a “special relationship” had developed between her husband and this same “best friend”. Later Danny would admit to Linda that he had a special emotional bond with Brenda. Brenda Walsh, had her own program on 3ABN, Kid’s Time, in addition to that she was involved in other programming on the network. Staying in 3ABN guest housing, without her husband, gave she and Danny both the time and privacy to develop their relationship. Later there were reports of Danny’s truck being parked all night in front of Brenda’s apartment and Danny being seen leaving before dawn. While Danny was accusing Linda of talking too long on the telephone with the Doctor and declaring it was incorrect behavior for a married woman to have with any man other than her husband, unbeknownst to Linda, Danny was spending many late night hours alone with a married woman in her apartment. If it wasn’t so tragic, it would be humorous in the ridiculousness of the absurdity of his accusations against Linda and his behavior with another married woman, Brenda.

Linda knew, through their talks together, that although Brenda was a married woman, she craved the adoration of other men and sought out their attention. Earlier Brenda had a surgical procedure to enlarge her breasts and was in the habit of wearing tight clothing to emphasize her figure and appeared to enjoy the effect she had on men when she brushed up against them. Although obviously some men enjoyed Brenda’s sad attempts to receive the attention she craved, this was not always the case.

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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #52 on: June 30, 2010, 06:07:40 PM »

It's funny you pick up on that aspect as I pick up on the aspect that there was witnesses that saw DS Pick up truck still at Brenda's early in morning and all hours of the night. That made it "revelent" to the fact but put for anyone to completely understand why His truck would be there at all hours of night.

Edited for added thought

I don't think they sat in each other's company in all night hours by their self just to make Linda jealous or think she would catch him so she would divorce him. Not those two!!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 06:18:04 PM by tinka »


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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #53 on: June 30, 2010, 06:14:05 PM »

It's funny you pick up on that aspect as I pick up on the aspect that there was witnesses that saw DS Pick up truck still at Brenda's early in morning and all hours of the night. That made it "revelent" to the fact but put for anyone to completely understand why His truck would be there at all hours of night.

It all makes sense now. Danny in all actuality was the adulterer.  Just as his brother, Pastor Tommy Shelton was or still is. No, Pastor Tommy Shelton did not leave his wife for another woman, but instead acted to prey upon young boys.

Sin is sin, no matter how you look at it.

--edited for grammer--
When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. --
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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #54 on: June 30, 2010, 06:24:35 PM »

It's funny you pick up on that aspect as I pick up on the aspect that there was witnesses that saw DS Pick up truck still at Brenda's early in morning and all hours of the night. That made it "revelent" to the fact but put for anyone to completely understand why His truck would be there at all hours of night.

Edited for added thought

I don't think they sat in each other's company in all night hours by their self just to make Linda jealous or think she would catch him so she would divorce him. Not those two!!

They were definitely doing something in each others company!  :o

Just as this proclaims:



I'm so sorry for taking longer than I first told you. We were at the Hospital everyday with a sick friend and I just couldn't get this together. It takes me longer to do things in my old age....

I hope this will give a little insight to what went on that day, I forget some things that have happened in my life but that day stuck in my mind forever. I really pray that these boys will soon get peace from what they have carried around with them all these years. I do not feel any animosity towards the people at Ezra Church of God. I have felt hurt but God has helped me all these years. I can tell Judy Woods has been deeply hurt and disappointed by Tommy and Carol; I know exactly how he can make you feel. He use to come to my house and talk for hours about his feelings for Carol. He said be worked on programming his mind so that if he was ever in an accident he wouldn't say the wrong things if he was under a mind altering drug. I think I know what he was trying to keep from saying.

God bless your efforts in these matters with 3ABN and your Church. We will certainly keep you in our prayers.


Sherry Avery

PS: I do know who wrote that last letter....The Mother...

This will take awhile to explain but let me start by saying that in 1975 my husband and I were married at Ezra Church of God by Tommy Shelton. We were very close to Tommy and Carol (his wife) for a number of years. I had lived in Paducah with mutual friends before I was married; they were like family to all of us, We had a wonderful church family and God blessed my husband and me with two wonderful boys.

The problems started of course with the first accusations of misconduct with Brad Dunning. I knew Brad as a fine young man; he didn't go to our church but I knew his mother and grandfather. I didn't know quite how to handle what I had heard and I wasn't 100% sure of what went on. I couldn't feel free to disbelieve my pastor but I asked God to show me the truth before I could blame anyone. I just had to be sure I was right. What made it harder was that our mutual friends (from Paducah) had told us a couple of years before that they felt uneasy about Tommy bringing boys to their home and always wanting to counsel them in his room. This was tearing on me as I prayed that God would please make things clear to me so I could be 100% sure.

In late October 1984 I went to our mutual friends' weekend home (in West Frankfort) to look in her closet for the size of a blouse; her birthday was the next week and I wanted to buy her a gift. When I drove up to the house I saw Tommy's car in the driveway. I also saw two boys raking leaves in the backyard. I went to the door and rung the doorbell but no one came to open the door. I then went to the backyard and asked the boys (they were from our church) if they knew what Bro. Tommy was doing in the house. They said they hadn't seen him and that his car was there when they arrived. I went around to the door again and opened it with my key. When I went inside I saw both bedroom doors shut (unusual for my friends to shut these doors). This made me very nervous; I thought to myself, "Would Tommy have another woman in this house?"... I turned and went to the front porch and when I turned around and came back inside there was Tommy in his stocking feet coming up the stairs from the basement. He said he was checking to see if there was water on the basement floor. I thought that was very strange for when I went to the bedroom the door was opened and someone was in the bathroom. I asked him who was in the bathroom and he said it was his son, Ricky. I went into the bedroom and the bed was a total mess; the bedcovers were all in disarray. I was really getting nervous now and I went over to the closet and looked inside for the size and then got out of there.

I drove out to the church and walked into the Christian school gym and there was Ricky playing basketball with other boys. I then went upstairs where I knew they were having a meeting with new prospects for the school; I saw the principal's wife and motioned for her to come out. I asked her where Tommy was and she said he was with a certain boy somewhere.

I went to my car and proceeded to drive back to the house and on the way I saw Tommy's car coming down the road. I was sure the boy had hid when they saw my car coming down the country road. When I got back to the house I went inside and found the bedroom doors opened and the bed all made up. I walked back to the front porch and Tommy drove up. My question to him was, "What is going on? You've been caught haven't you?" His reply was, "I knew you would think that something was going on. I [page 2] was just cutting his hair." I asked him why the bed was a mess and he just said, "I don't know." He said he didn't have a chance anymore; he had to hide everything he did because everyone would think the worst. He then told me he would leave the church. I told him to do what he thought he should do and I left.

That afternoon he sent Carol to talk to me. She told me I was mistaken on what I saw and he was just trying to help this boy. She said I was just jealous of Tommy and his relationship with our mutual friends. I thought, why or how would he come up with that? She told me it would ruin the church and it would be my fault. We talked for hours that night just enough for me to question what I should do. I decided I would not tell anyone what went on that day but continue to watch and pray for God to tell me what to do. I thought it was enough to scare Tommy into changing his ways. I wanted him to get help.

Several months went by and I was praying constantly telling others I had a great burden and needed them to help me pray about it. One Sunday while at the same house with my friends, Ricky came in. He was really upset; his dad was going on another trip and was taking one of the young boys with him (the same boy that was at the house with him that day in October). Ricky cried and asked why his dad would take these other boys and not take him. Well, that did it for me. The next day I went to my friends (the mutual friends who owned the house) and told them the whole story. They both realized that Tommy had a problem and I will never forget the words said, "Even if he were my blood son he must be confronted; he must pay for his sins." That's all I needed, I had to go home and talk with one of the leaders in the church, the Sunday School Supt.

I told her (the Sunday School Supt.) what had happened and she told me she had been seeing things that didn't look right to her and she and her husband had questioned it. Her husband had seen cars at the church late at night when he had come home from work on midnight shift, cars that belonged to young boys. I told her I wanted to see the church get him help; he had a problem that was more than we could handle. She hugged me on her front porch and told me it would be taken care of.

Just two days later at Prayer Meeting she stood up and testified and ended with, "I love my pastor and I stand behind him 100%." I was shocked. Of course Tommy wasn't there because he was sick.

The next Sunday the Asst. Pastor and Principal of the Christian School stood up and said Tommy was having a nervous breakdown and would be out for a few weeks. That night he stood up and said, "Everyone that is behind our pastor stand up". Well, everyone stood up but me. I think I was in total shock at what was happening. The people that knew my life and me began to wonder what was going on; they knew something wasn't right. They began to call me but I still didn't tell what was going on, they soon got wind that I was jealous and trying to destroy the church.

Soon I did have to explain in detail what was going on and what had happened. There were many supporters of Tommy that gave our family a hard time, even to the point of [page 3] writing nasty letters to my mother-in-law, who didn't have a thing to do with what happened; she had been gone from Ezra Church for a long time. I think maybe there should be some apologies made before there can be healing. Even the young men that came forward had terrible things said about them; some supporters made the comment that you couldn't believe these boys because they weren't Christians and going to church. I wonder how many young men that were molested by their pastors are in church today? It was hard enough for me to ever trust a pastor or the church people again. I lost all confidence in those people that knew what was going on and still backed Tommy, yet I didn't lose hope in the God I knew. These were the things that led to Tommy losing his credentials with the Church of God, Anderson, Indiana, the awful sins he committed against the children! Those that are still backing Tommy (I think we know who they are) need to realize that the judgment is coming and is swift. The devil wants to deceive us all; open your eyes people: it's time to make it right.


Sherry Avery
The bed wasn't messed up for nothing!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 06:29:08 PM by samuelthomas »
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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #55 on: June 30, 2010, 06:27:47 PM »

Well, here goes, this might be a baddie to say. but what else can one think??--But both have added features to attract the other....ooopppps.That cost plenty of money beside the fact.   Sorry just coudn't resist the similiarities of character. Isn't it so obvious why people do these things??? Yikes!


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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #56 on: June 30, 2010, 06:35:07 PM »

Well, here goes, this might be a baddie to say. but what else can one think??--But both have added features to attract the other....ooopppps.That cost plenty of money beside the fact.   Sorry just coudn't resist the similiarities of character. Isn't it so obvious why people do these things??? Yikes!
Fake breast and fake hair. Wonder who's money paid for that!  :-X
When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. --
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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #57 on: June 30, 2010, 06:40:05 PM »


I am sitting at my computer and you are making me laugh so hard. But isn't that the truth....and they are on national TV... :ROFL: with the minglers and the sympathizers :ROFL:  for some reason you struck me so funny. But you got it... I guess I am just silly feeling tonight. Worked hard to day getting jars ready for my 4 gardens. But I pop in now and then to see if Sister has written again. (smiling)


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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #58 on: June 30, 2010, 06:51:30 PM »

Well, here goes, this might be a baddie to say. but what else can one think??--But both have added features to attract the other....ooopppps.That cost plenty of money beside the fact.   Sorry just coudn't resist the similiarities of character. Isn't it so obvious why people do these things??? Yikes!
Fake breast and fake hair. Wonder who's money paid for that!  :-X

We did!!!  :ROFL:  :ROFL:  :ROFL:


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Re: Excerpts from an unpublished manuscript
« Reply #59 on: June 30, 2010, 06:56:21 PM »

Glad I made you smile! It's just disturbing really how everything falls into place. I just don't understand how some people cannot read between the lines and see what is actually going on.  It is black and white. Justifying it will not get anything accomplished.  It amuses me sometimes at the length the defenders go to try to cover up for the misdeeds and ungodly actions of the Shelton regime.[
Well, here goes, this might be a baddie to say. but what else can one think??--But both have added features to attract the other....ooopppps.That cost plenty of money beside the fact.   Sorry just coudn't resist the similiarities of character. Isn't it so obvious why people do these things??? Yikes!
Fake breast and fake hair. Wonder who's money paid for that!  :-X

We did!!!  :ROFL:  :ROFL:  :ROFL:


I am sitting at my computer and you are making me laugh so hard. But isn't that the truth....and they are on national TV... :ROFL: with the minglers and the sympathizers :ROFL:  for some reason you struck me so funny. But you got it... I guess I am just silly feeling tonight. Worked hard to day getting jars ready for my 4 gardens. But I pop in now and then to see if Sister has written again. (smiling)
Yes, along with the livestock.

When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost. --
Billy Graham
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