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Author Topic: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere  (Read 42056 times)

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Daryl Fawcett

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Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« on: January 28, 2008, 06:11:29 PM »

I am going to post any relevant letters from Linda Shelton as I locate them beginning with what I understand was the first letter from Linda that was posted by her on her website:


Hello my friends,

May God's richest blessings be yours today! I have missed the times I have had sharing with you, sitting on the front porch with Fluffy and Sheltie. (They send their greetings!) But some very unfortunate events have occurred. Many of you are asking "what happened??" In a nutshell, God's Word says it best. "I hold not Your peace, O God of my praise; for the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me; they have spoken against me with a lying tongue; they compassed me about also with words of hatred; and fought against me without a cause. For my love they are my adversaries; but I give myself unto prayer. And they have rewarded me evil for good and hatred for my love." (Psalm 109:1-5) This has been undoubtedly the most trying experience of my lifetime. Yet I want you to know that for three difficult months I stayed, I prayed and I fought this spiritual battle. I wanted to have the assurance that when the time came to lay down the sword, that I had given it my best. This does not mean I made perfect decisions in every circumstance of this crisis. But it does mean that by His grace, I did the best that I could. This is something I cherish right now, and it gives me peace. For whatever reason, God has allowed this. I don't question Him, I thank Him. He's still holding the steering wheel of my ship, so wherever we go, we go together. He has led me into the wilderness, I've faced the "terrors of the night," but right now He is my peace, my safety net and my Friend. And as always, He is teaching me lessons that are "out of this world!"

Let me be frank and honest with you concerning the rumors. Have I been unfaithful to my husband of 19 years? Absolutely not. Did I do something immoral? No way!! Weren't there many, many people that I counseled with concerning this problem? The only formal counsel I ever received during this entire episode was that of my local pastor, a husband and wife team of counselors and the Chairman of the 3ABN Board. That's all. But the problem was bigger than the counsel could relieve. But... "All my bones will say, "Lord, who is like You, Who delivers the afflicted from him who is too strong for him, and the afflicted and the needy from him who robs him?" (Psalm 35:10)

I truly believe that sometimes we get to be like greenhouse Christians. Our environment is controlled, our needs are provided and our future is secure ... perhaps too secure. Then our loving heavenly Father shakes things up a bit to help us realize once again what it feels like to be vulnerable, desperate and even ... condemned. He helps us to feel exactly like those we are trying to reach for Him. And oh, what a valuable lesson it is. So although things have been shaken up a bit at 3ABN, let's pray for God's ordained ministry, let's support it and let's learn the lessons God wants us to learn right now. We need to remember that "the enemy is the enemy," not each other.

When I first saw the rumblings of these rumors taking off like a rocket, I was devastated. I could almost literally see the foundations of my 19 year ministry crumbling to the ground. I wanted to work for Jesus but it seemed as if this tidal wave of rumors had finished me. So I considered other options like going back to school (yuck) and even starting my own business. But the Lord has clearly shown me that He's not finished with me yet. He has a plan. So right now I am in my "listening mode" waiting on the Lord's instructions. I'd like to THANK you so much for the warm blanket of prayer that surrounds me now, and that has surrounded me throughout this crisis. Your prayers make all the difference in the world. THANK YOU!! Stay tuned to my website for updates, and thank you also for your support of my "sprouting" new ministry through the CD's, cassettes and songbooks. May God bless you abundantly more than you can ever ask or think!

His love & mine,

Linda Shelton

I am not certain of the date of Linda's letter, whether it was before or after the July 1 letter from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of 3ABN, therefore, I would ask you to bear that in mind as you read or have read these letters.

This letter was also taken from the Linda Shelton topic that was posted on July 23, 2004.

To be continued.......

Daryl Fawcett

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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2008, 06:19:59 PM »

Here is another letter from Linda posted in the Linda Shelton topic:


August 18, 2004

Hello my friends,

I am overwhelmed!! Thank you so much for your cards, letters and gifts. Your love, prayers and encouragement mean more than you can possibly imagine...especially right now.

Many people have been asking "Where is Linda Shelton?" Well, she's been tucked away in the woods here in Southern Illinois nearly three months. It's been a wonderful quiet retreat where I can heal from the scars of spiritual and mental warfare. On 3ABN I've always been one to try to bring out the good things about trials...never dreaming that one day that my entire life would be pulled up from the very foundations. Truly it seems an impossibility that one can lose so much so quickly. It's not my intention that this letter result in your pity and sympathy, but it is my intention to give you, as my friend, perhaps a clearer picture of what happened. I signed a severance agreement with 3ABN. This limits me as to how detailed I can explain my story... but with God's blessing, and the unction of the Holy Spirit working on your heart, I believe I can say what needs to be said to clear up a lot of questions.

My story begins many years ago when I was only 24 years old. I was married with two small babies, Alyssa and Nathan. A literature evangelist came to my door, and after a pleasant visit she invited me to church. Three months later I was baptized as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. These truths set me free to the highest degree and I was spiritually floating on "cloud nine." Yet Satan was angry. My family, at the time, had a twisted view of the SDA church, and additionally the family was heavily involved in politics. My choice was not, in their opinion, politically correct. The pressure on my husband and marriage resulted in a divorce. I was devastated. I lost my husband, my home and my security. I ended up living in a public housing facility which was completely contrary to the lifestyle in which I had been raised. Although this was an incredible blow, the lessons I learned during this time were priceless. I learned about what was really of the utmost importance in life. Still yet, it was a Gethsemane experience.

Time passed. Ten days after his vision to build 3ABN, Dan and I were married. It was an amazing experience to literally watch the hand of God build this network. It was an incredible privilege to be able to participate in a ministry that was ordained in the courts of heaven. But the battles still came...the evil one was angry with such an incredible evangelistic tool. One battle which literally brought me and kept me on my knees, occurred in 1995. After enjoying the custody of both of my children for many years, my children's father took me to court when my son, Nathan, was only 15 years old. Nathan was quite enamored with the newly acquired attentiveness he was getting from his father, so he wanted to live with him. I told Nathan that I could not, with a clear conscience, and would not place him in such an environment where smoking, drinking, etc. existed. We were in court for 3-1/2 days. Some questions I was asked were "Why couldn't my son play ball on Friday nights like all of the other boys his age?" And "Why couldn't my son eat meat like other young teenagers his age?" The opposing attorney was very successful making me, Nathan's Mom, look like an unbalanced religious zealot. I begged God to intervene. After I cried a barrel of tears I heard a still, small voice say "Just as Abraham placed Isaac on the altar, I want you to place Nathan on the altar." I said, "Please God, anything but that." But finally after crying another barrel of tears, with God's help I was able to place Nathan on the altar. The years that followed were much more than heart-breaking. Nathan become involved in alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc.. Many times I lay in bed numb and fearful that I would wake up to the news that something happened to Nathan during the night. I begged God to intervene. He did. He saved Nathan's life on not just one, but many occasions. Still yet, this was much more than a Gethsemane experience for me. In the last eight years it has not always been easy to sit on the porch and share the devotions the Lord gave me because of what was happening with my son. But somehow just speaking the Bible scriptures and making the effort to encourage someone else who was hurting always, but always strengthened me.

After 8 years of prayer the turning point came. God impressed an SDA doctor from Norway to visit 3ABN the last part of December. He said he didn't know why he was there...but he does now. I met him briefly and the conversation turned to Nathan. I explained to this doctor how Nathan had a $20,000 plus habit last year that had left him skin and bones. The doctor asked to see him and miraculously I was able to get Nathan to see him. He invited him to Norway to treat him with IV's filled with natural remedies which would cleanse his body then build it up. Again, miraculously Nathan agreed to go. He left around the 20th of January. A friend of mine and myself joined Nathan for about 3-1/2 days the first week in February to give him support. Incredibly, there was a visible difference in Nathan after only 10 days. When I returned I regularly called this doctor for progress reports. Although February was probably the busiest month of travel for Dan and myself, on March 7, 2004 I was accused of committing spiritual adultery with this doctor, because I spoke with this near stranger to me on the phone. Later untruths were spoken by one close to me and a simple situation escalated quickly into a nightmare. Things went from bad to worse to sinister. I literally fought the dragon from March until a separation became vitally necessary around the 1st of June. In a short time my job, my marriage, my ministry, and my reputation were gone...and not in this order. There are many details...but this is my story. Let me add here that before God there was no romantic notions on my part, nor on the part of this doctor, during a time filled with accusations and condemnation.

Although this has been a real Gethsemane experience for me, folks, I still love Jesus and I feel that I am on top of the problem, rather than the problem being on top of me. I praise God for all the precious memories of the past and I look forward to a life of ministry in the future. (I told the Lord that under the circumstances with the "reputation thing" that He's going to have to open up the doors. He's told me He would.) Additionally about my precious son, Nathan still struggles with some drug use, but praise God, he's fighting it...and he's going back to Norway in September for more treatments. Folks, I just want to encourage you to stay CLOSE to Jesus. The whirlwind can come when you least expect it to knock you off your feet...and where will you land?? Now is the time to lean hard on those everlasting arms, now is the time to spend time in God's Word and now is the time to make Jesus your Best Friend! May He bless you abundantly more than you can ask or think!! My prayers are with you!!

His love & mine,

Linda Shelton

P.S. Keep checking my website for new updates at [/]

Linda referred to the signing of a severance agreement.  Here is the link to that severance agreement or contract, whatever the proper wording is:

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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2008, 06:21:56 PM »

Here is another open letter from Linda Shelton:

Winter, 2005

Dear Family of God,

WARNING: The following contains some humor...not because the subject matter is at all funny. It is not, but for many it makes the truths of uncomfortable situations easier to digest.

Life is a proverbial "Lost & Found." We reach in anguish for the things we have lost, but in the process we find. We find things we would not have found unless we had experienced the loss. And as we piece the fragments of what we find together, then emerges another facet, another picture of Christ that we never saw before. If it is hung in the right spot, a picture can cover the hole in the wall, and also fill the hole life leaves in our hearts.

A host of a popular talk show recently conducted an experiment. Her cosmeticians and costume professionals modeled her slim figure into one who looked to weigh 350 pounds. Then she hit the streets. She was shocked to discover the prejudice and the rude behavior she encountered. She concluded that this particular day was not only enlightening, but also it was one of the most heart-breaking in her life. She had been a super model prior to becoming a tv host. Never had she walked in the footsteps of one who was overweight. But the experience changed her perspective forever. She gained a sympathy and tenderness never experienced before walking in someone else?s shoes. A similar experience has been mine, only it came not by choice.

I?ll never believe that God makes the bad things happen. But he does allow them. Sometimes the bad things that happen evolve into being God?s Plan A for us, at other times Plan B. But needless to say, when our lives belong to Christ He can cause the roses to grow where the tears fell. Let it be known again, that it was NOT my choice to go from the proverbial "top" to the bottom...but since I?ve landed here, ooh, there?s a lot to learn. And there?s a lot of company down here. In fact, I have found that there are many people whose lives have been hurt by bizarre circumstances. They have been struck by a strange element in society. The Bible refers to them as "the tares." I refer to them as the "joy-stealers." These are people who allow jealousy, desire for power, paranoia, fear, hatred, depression, dis-function and a general disconnection from God to steal their joy, and thus they find themselves on a mission to be "joy-stealers." The joy-stealers NEED Jesus and ministry from YOU!!

There?s another element in society who I call the "squished." These are people who have been railroaded, run-over, hoodwinked, slandered, burned at the stake or just karate-chopped by the "joy-stealers." The "squished" NEED Jesus and ministry from YOU!! There are many who find themselves in heartbreaking circumstances only to discover that their church family is NOT there for them. In fact, in some instances we find that the rocks being hurled are thrown by those who sit in the pews next to us? Sad, but true. I have discovered that many hurting people are allowed to "fall through the cracks" on purpose, to save face and to maintain the "image" of the church, ministry or establishment. After all, Christians are supposed to be "the heads and not the tails," "respected and not scandalous" and "blessed and not poor, blind, miserable and naked." Right? "Joy-stealers" sadly share the characteristic of forgetting what true Christianity is all about, similar to the Pharisees of many years ago. Because of my situation, many have written to me sharing their stories with me. I have posted some of these in a section I?ve entitled "Stories." I hope you will take the time to read them. They will open your eyes to some incredible ministry opportunities in your own home, church and community.

Christians everywhere see the signs of our soon coming Savior. We see the hurricanes, the tornadoes, the tsunamis, the earthquakes and the terrorism. With each added catastrophe, many are added to the ranks of the broken, the hurting and the utterly devastated. And here it comes it the test of our loyalty to Christ, the test of the true-blue Christian, the test of our LOVE! "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if YOU have love one to another." John 13:35 Folks, it?s easy to love when the person smells good and looks successful. But what about when the person reeks of accusations and scandal? What if it makes you look bad if you exercise love? What if you get some of the "muck" on you if you dare to get involved?

We all have heard the story many times. "A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves..." The man was left half dead. When a priest came along, "a man of God," surely help had arrived. But no, he looked at the wounded, hurting fellow then he passed quickly by on the other side of the road. Then another one who claimed to worship God came along, this time it was a Levite. Now he was convicted of what "he ought" to do, but it was too unpleasant for him, so he too passed by on the other side. The priest and the Levite failed to shine during their moment of testing. But then a Samaritan came along of a tribe which was avoided like the plague by the godly people of the day. He saw the need, his heart was moved with compassion and he acted at once to rescue the man! Inspiration brings out that "the priest and the Levite neglected the very work the Lord had enjoined on them, leaving a hated and despised Samaritan to minister to one of their own countrymen." (Christ?s Object Lessons, pg. 167) "I may be able to speak the languages of men and even angels, but if I have not love my speech is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell." (1 Corinthians 13:1)

Instead of just talking about the broken, bleeding one in the middle of the road, the Lord has allowed me to be the one hit by a mack truck experience. He allowed me to walk in the footsteps of the "squished." When I was at the proverbial "top," I didn?t notice there was such a problem of colossal proportions such as this. But when my life crashed all around me from the explosions of false rumors falling like rocks from the sky, my circle of friends became very small. In fact, I learned what it must feel like to have leprosy. When I sought for help I heard things like "Sorry to hear that. I?ll be praying for you. Bye." My losses were great including my husband, my home, my job and ministry, friends, family (Shelton) and co-workers, my reputation (worldwide), etc. Many think that in situations like this one that there has to be many people involved, much evidence and a lot of time and attention put into the matter. This was NOT the case. I really learned what the word "squished" meant. Yet I thought to myself, "At least when one is ?squished,? you can?t fall any farther." But I was wrong. The "joy-stealers" wanted to do a better job. Here?s what happened.

1) After six months of "squish-dom" I decided to venture timidly back to church. I was timid because I was still extremely tender and emotional over all of the "squish" trauma. I was thrilled with the experience. I was welcomed with open arms. They put me to work teaching Sabbath School and preaching occasionally. These were undoubtedly the "joy-givers." The ministry opportunities helped me to heal incredibly. The request was made to transfer my church membership to this caring church in December of 2004.

2) Six months later changes were made. A new pastor was transferred to my church. I heard that some "joy-stealers" from higher levels feared that I would "hi-jack this church and make it my headquarters." Thus, the new pastor soon told me that I would not be allowed to do any ministry on the platform in the church...later when pressed by others he said "For a season." In regards to my "squished" experience and testimony regarding such, this pastor was rather loose with the words "liar" and "tactical maneuvers." Needless to say I left with a new "squished" experience, but soon the Lord led me to a small black SDA Bible Chapel who welcomed me with open arms. Although they may be small in number, the Holy Spirit is there when we worship together. They are "joy-givers."

3) But then the "joy-stealers" were at it again. The end of October I received a letter from my previous pastor. The letter stated that the church board had voted "to call a church business session to recommend to the church that you be placed under censure." (This was 18 months after the fact.) I called the pastor to ask "why?" He said it was because I had abandoned my church and ministry which then led to a divorce. (Folks, one does not choose to go from the proverbial "top" to the bottom...unless they are tripped, shoved or railroaded.) Of course, I replied this was not true. But I discovered, from someone in the know, that the basis for the discussion of my church membership was this. It was said that if they transferred my membership it would make someone look right and "someone" else look wrong. To make a long story short, I either had to take the church censure (which could include getting kicked out of the denomination), or I had to appear before a very biased group of people who had been saturated in a "very altered" version of the story, and present things to them which would definitely not enhance their Christian experience. It had the potential of turning into a "joy-stealers" jam session. I did not want to participate in any such a thing. I was counseled by two pastors and other dedicated Christians to drop my membership. I have a verbal commitment from the pastor that this is what will be done at the next church business session.

Let it be known from sea to shining sea that I LOVE my Church, and by God?s grace I will indeed be a loyal Seventh day Adventist Christian until the day I die! May God bless, expand, renew and Spirit-drench my Church that it can be a SHINING witness of Who Jesus is, of What He stands for, of Where He wants His children to spend eternity and Why He left heaven to save sinners like you and me!!

I will be quite honest with you. I prayed and wrestled with the decision to post this information. I am the kind of person who wants things pertaining to God to look like a Rogers and Hammerstein movie filled with songs, laughter and blessings. But folks, life isn?t like that. People get hurt inside and outside the Church. And we find in these painful situations that there are critical things taking place on the spiritual level. Please prayerfully consider these concepts.

1) The "joy-givers" are the "wheat" and the "joy-stealers" are the "tares." Which one are YOU?

2) Salvation comes into our hearts as we accept and believe...or "be-live" in Jesus. Believing is not just a casual assent, it is an evidence of a divine Love that pervades our words and actions. From day to day this love is being tested, and hurting people are the TEST!. If God?s thermometer were placed in your heart to measure your Love for God and man, how would it read? Are you a taker or a giver?

Our main work is TO BELONG TO CHRIST, not to try to look like we belong to Christ.

3) When we actively minister to hurting people, we minister to Christ.

Again Jesus says " If you have faith as big as a mustard seed you can say to this hill, ?Go from here to there,? and it will go." (Matthew 17:20) Jesus plants the mustard seed in the DIRT to grow, then it becomes one of the largest plants in the field. While we are surrounded by broken dreams, ruined lives, and smelly circumstances, in Christ we grow. Love searches to find the so-called unlovable, untouchable and unappealing. These are those who need love the most. Conviction is worthless unless it is converted into conduct.

4) In scripture God used both the times of blessing and the times of blunder to draw His children to Himself. God can take ANY situation and use it to His glory! God is WELL ABLE to prosper His Church in the good times and the bad. Christianity will not always look like a Rodgers and Hammerstein movie.

I am praying that in response to all that has happened in this public and heartbreaking situation, that churches everywhere will make decided efforts to be "joy-givers" as opposed to "joy-stealers." I believe every church should have a "Squished" Committee designed to search out the hurting within and without of the church. This was and is Jesus? mission. This is our mission!

Folks, in all circumstances there lies a silver lining. We learn, we grow, our perspectives change and we see and understand differently than we did prior to the events. In life we will always have our "lost and found" and experiences, and with Jesus by our side, the treasures we find will always out number the losses. THANK YOU for the treasure you are to me! Your prayers, letters and emails have been such a wonderful blessing to me! May God touch your life and renew your spirit like never before!

His love and mine,

Linda Shelton
« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 06:26:34 PM by Daryl Fawcett »

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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2008, 06:28:31 PM »

Here is Linda's next letter:

Spring, 2006

Dear Family of God,

"Life Happens." These are words that flashed up on the tv screen. I thought about them. In essence we are given each brand new day as a blank page in the diary of life. The pen is in our hands, but there are circumstances which spill ink upon our blank pages which are out of our control. There are unexpected blessings, then again, unexpected calamities. In this obstacle course we call "life," we are being tested day by day in preparation for the world to come. Will we be loving and merciful, will we be patient and kind, will we choose to walk and talk as Jesus does in our day to day circumstances? This is the challenge!

Let?s first talk about the calamities. The Bible talks about "a time of trouble such as never was." Every age has seen persecution, torture, famine and suffering which untold millions of human beings have experienced until their mortality could not endure it anymore and they breathed their last breath. Yet what sets this century apart from all other centuries is the more frequent and recurring natural disasters which have come to planet earth. Can this be the time of trouble the Bible speaks about? I believe so.

I have very much enjoyed reading the book "The Great Controversy" lately which gives incredible insights as to this particular time in earth?s history. It says, "Only those who have been diligent students of the Scriptures and who have received the love of the truth will be shielded from the powerful delusion that takes the world captive. By the Bible testimony these will detect the deceiver in his disguise. To ALL the testing will come. By the sifting of temptation the genuine Christian will be revealed. Are the people of God now so firmly established upon His Word that they would not yield to the evidence of their senses? Would they, in such a crisis, cling to the Bible and the Bible only? Satan will, if possible, prevent them from obtaining a preparation to stand in that day. He will so arrange affairs as to hedge up their way, entangle them with earthly treasures, cause them to carry a heavy, wearisome burden that their hearts may be overcharged with the cares of this life and the day of trial may come upon them as a thief." (GC 625-626)

I know the trials are coming in many shapes and sizes and they are striking people everywhere. I have received many of your emails describing the some of the heart-breaking circumstances. Yet God is faithful and true! Although every man, woman and child may turn against us our heavenly Father says "I will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon ALL the world." (Revelation 3:10) We may feel the heartache, we may experience the blows, we may weep the tears, but THERE ARE invisible arms wrapped around us all the while and He will NOT allow us to suffer more than we are able. Take Courage! Take Hope! Take the Hand of the Almighty One who DELIGHTS in saving US!! It is only on this earth that we have the privilege to praise Him through suffering. In heaven this unique way to praise God will never be available again. So when the arrows are coming faster than we can even count them, PRAISE HIM!! Praise GOD from Whom all blessings flow!! MANY times during my dark days I used the power of PRAISE to defeat the principalities and powers set against me. I was victorious on every occasion! God is a FAITHFUL God! His Word cannot fail!!

Let?s talk about the good times and the blessings. Let?s face it, the unexpected blessings that come to the empty pages of our lives most typically must be blessings that are sought, discovered and unleashed into our lives. We can make the story of our lives as beautiful as we want it to be. For me there was much beauty and blessing when I was a worldwide television evangelist, but now I find there is also much beauty and blessing when I am not. I love the leisurely heart to heart talks I have with my family. I appreciate so very much the unhurried time of study and prayer. I am noticing things I never noticed before. I am hearing things from God I never heard before. My perspectives and values have and are changing. Life is much different than it used to be, and the good things I am writing on my "empty pages" are also much different than I used to write. And it?s all just a part of the journey to get "to the other side..." and our Lord most certainly wants us to enjoy every aspect of our journey.

The last year or so I felt it was important to record just a small portion of the heartaches and calamities I have experienced. I have always felt that being forthright and honest about how our faith handles the bumps in the road is good for all of us to hear. It helps us on our journey to know how others are bearing up under the storm. Barbara Kerr once shared with me " I know that we all have our trials to go through, but I am sure glad I have not had to go through yours." But she added, "God knew He could trust you with a trial of this colossal size." I am not completely sure what God had in mind with all of this, but I trust He has it all under control. In the good times and the bad, God knows what He is doing. I trust Him with my future...BIG TIME!!

By the way, some of you have written asking "What is the status of your church membership?" I am happy to say that I am a member in good standing in the Seventh day Adventist Church, and there is absolutely NO "censure" applied to my membership. (Never has been and never will be, by God?s grace.)
Additionally I AM available for speaking, singing and ministry appointments. As the Lord opens the doors, I will go!! Some of you might ask, "How in the face of all of this worldwide humiliation, slander and embarrassment can you choose ministry?" Well, quite frankly I did not choose it, God did.. My calling is still as strong as it ever was...perhaps stronger. When Christ comes in the clouds of glory to take me home, I want to be found ministering and doing my duty. What else if there?

One of my favorite Bible stories has ALWAYS been this one. "Now the wife of a son of the prophets cried to Elisha, Your servant my husband is dead; and you know that your servant feared the Lord; but the creditor has come to take my two sons to be his slaves. Elisha said to her, What shall I do for you? Tell me, what have you of value in the house? She said, Your handmaid has nothing in the house except a jar of oil. Then he said, Go around and borrow vessels of all your neighbors, empty vessels and not a few. And when you come in, shut the door upon you and your sons. Then pour out the oil you have into all those vessels, setting aside each one when it is full. So she went from him, and shut the door upon herself and her sons, who brought to her the vessels as she poured the oil. When the vessels were all full, she said to her son, Bring me another vessel. And he said to her, There is not one left. Then the oil stopped multiplying. Then she came and told the man of God. He said, Go, sell the oil and pay your debt, and you and your sons live on the rest." (2 Kings 4:1-7)

Many times in my life I felt this story fit my circumstances, but never to the degree that it fits my circumstances today. And my roles in this story have changed down through the years. There were times when I was like Elisha encouraging others to start pouring. There were times when I was the one who poured, and times when I was like those scurrying to find the empty pots. And yes, at times I was even like the dry empty pot that needed someone to pour into me. There were many times during "my time of trouble" that I felt like the empty pot. It was times like these when the Lord would tap someone on the shoulder to write a most encouraging email to me, or someone would just drop a line to say they were praying for me. For years I poured prayer and the lessons from the scripture into my children, (who are now grown and living with me.) In my time of calamity they poured into me!! They encouraged me and comforted me even when they were hurting too. Alyssa is now in charge of the Burn Unit at the Hospital here in Springfield. She?s mending broken people and seeing the fruit of her own prayers and "pouring" now. I have been a prayer warrior for her for her patients...some who are near death with up to 70% of their bodies burned. Through faith we have seen the mighty Hand of God intervene to save lives. My heart has truly been touched and moved by these who have and are suffering with one of the worst trials on planet earth. Nathan has grown very much through our walk in the dark. PRAISE BE UNTO THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!! I could fill many pages of a book of the big and the small evidences that God is with my little family and that He is multiplying His blessings in our lives. God is a wonder working, marvelous, incredible Being who does work in mysterious ways!! My cup overflows!!

So a new era of "pouring" begins for me. This time I am planning to regularly record the big and the small blessings on paper. The Lord has given me a flurry of things to accomplish, and I can?t wait to see how the Lord fills the pages of the diary of my life this year. How about you? Someone once said "Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath." A miracle happens every spring... the things that died come alive again. The birds return and add their music to our days. The warm, balmy breezes call us out into the fresh air. The tiny green arrows shoot through the soil, pushing the clods of dirt out of the way. And God reminds us that He is all about LIFE, He?s all about HOPE and He?s all about an incredible LOVE that He gives to you and me everyday. Get out there and experience it! Open your spiritual eyes and see it, feel it and be moved by it. TODAY is the brand new beginning of our ETERNAL life with Jesus! May His RICHEST blessings be yours!!

His love and mine,

Linda Shelton

Daryl Fawcett

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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2008, 06:30:27 PM »

From Linda Shelton's website:

An Open Letter to 3ABN and my Church Family,

I came to the conclusion this week that the only reason we get sad, depressed, upset, etc. is because our "world" is not heaven. We want our circumstances to be perfect, our homes to be perfect, our churches to be perfect and we want all the people in our lives to be perfect. But the realization must come that we?re not in heaven yet and this world will never be perfect. And all the fussing, fighting and pointing fingers that emerges from our imperfect world only serves to demonstrate to the world that LOVE doesn?t really work. Then our Christian witness flies out the window because people are typically drawn to things that work. But LOVE does work, because God is LOVE.

Inside every man, woman and child are two thought patterns. There is the higher elevated thought, and there is the lower thought patterns that stem from our carnal natures. The higher thoughts inspire us to love God and our fellow man. They inspire us to be the spirit of Christ on this earth. From the lower thought patterns come hatred, jealousy, and every destructive spirit that emerges from a human being. Sometimes even those who love God and His law fall into the trap of living in the lowlands of the lower thought patterns. We all have done this. The result is always tragic. The result always seems to say "LOVE doesn?t work."

God?s message for His world today is that LOVE REALLY WORKS! Although the evil one has concocted one of the most wicked, divisive schemes for the Seventh day Adventist Church, the way to deploy the time bomb is to STOP exercising that which is contrary to the spirit of LOVE. We must remember that you, me and the rest of the human family, WE ARE ON THE SAME TEAM! The enemy is Satan, his angels and the forces of evil. We need to stand shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm and face the battles ahead together. We need to purposefully put away the hurts, prejudices and malice that we harbor. We need to climb to the highest places in our thoughts and think the best of one another. If we, as Seventh day Adventists, can at the peak of crisis choose LOVE, it is then we have won the battle! It is then we have presented a true picture of the character of Christ to the world. It is then we become God?s GLORIOUS Church! The best reflection of the Potter often comes as a result of the white heat of suffering.

I want to be the first to do this. I acknowledge that I have been deeply hurt, but there is no hurt too big for God to heal... and we all must have a Gethsemane experience at one time or another. I choose LOVE, I choose forgiveness and I encourage YOU to do the same. Additionally I choose to have no enemies. ALL are brothers and sisters and friends. And yes, I am talking about you Dan, Walt, Nick, John, Mollie, Brenda and Kay, and others. This crisis can be transformed into a dynamic springboard of an awesome outpouring of God?s Spirit on the earth if we all choose to do the same!

In the darkest hour of earth?s history, Jesus chose to LOVE. And when we choose to LOVE in the darkest moments, miracles happen. We need a miracle right now. The right choice now will bring the balm of Gilead to our calamities. It will open the floodgates of heaven where we can receive all that we need to be united, strengthened and prepared for the battle just ahead. It is clear that the evil one is attempting to weaken our ranks now that we are at the end of time.

When we choose Love, we are choosing God. It?s His nature, His character and it?s all that He wants us to be. Jesus says to us today, "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth." In other words, a pretended love doesn?t work. A love that looks good on the outside doesn?t work. But a genuine love from God will help us to keep our thought patterns elevated. It will allow us to see no one as enemies, but the evil one and his angels. It will melt the callouses from our hearts and move us from being spectators of problems, to people who genuinely care enough to get involved in even the ugliest of problems.

Someone once said "Love easily loosens all our bonds. There is no discomfort that will not yield to its sovereign power. The sun compels the traveler to lay aside the cloak that wind and storm have failed to take from his grasp." In the same sense LOVE will cause us to throw off our pride, vanity and the desire to appear "right" in the eyes of the people, and instead we will be like Christ. We will get on our knees and wash each others feet. "Beloved if God so loved us (in our ugliest state), we ought also to LOVE one another." (1 John 4:11)

Linda Shelton (March 25, 2006)

What is Linda telling us here?

Is she telling us to do nothing here?

Perhaps Linda's next letter will give us an answer to these questions.

Daryl Fawcett

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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2008, 06:32:24 PM »

These are all the letters from Linda that were originally posted by her at her website.

The first few are no longer on her site, or, if they still are, the links to them have changed.

The last three letters are still showing on her website.


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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2008, 07:39:52 PM »

These are all the letters from Linda that were originally posted by her at her website.

The first few are no longer on her site, or, if they still are, the links to them have changed.

The last three letters are still showing on her website.

What a graceful, forgiving person Linda is. Not a smidgen of malice.


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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2008, 11:01:41 PM »

What a graceful, forgiving person Linda is. Not a smidgen of malice.
Last Sabbath we had a meal together with Linda and a few other friends. I can assure you this is just Linda. We talked about this, we talked about these cites, which Linda does not normally read, yet friends give her glimpses of what is going on.

Linda appreciates so much the support we are giving her. She wishes this would soon be all finished, but realizes that the evil must be eradicated, and not permitted to flourish. In that way this is not just a matter about Linda, but the cleansing of God's church, and not permitting evil to tarnish the proclamation of the Gospel of Hope.

I invited Linda to join us at AdventTalk. She is considering it. Her concern at every step in her life is that she is doing just what God wants her to do. She is a woman of faith and payer, and she is eager to share her faith with others.

My wife took a snapshot of Linda and me together, and when Linda saw it she wanted me to post it with special greetings to you all. But I still do not know how to post it here.


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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2008, 12:58:23 AM »

What a graceful, forgiving person Linda is. Not a smidgen of malice.
Last Sabbath we had a meal together with Linda and a few other friends. I can assure you this is just Linda. We talked about this, we talked about these cites, which Linda does not normally read, yet friends give her glimpses of what is going on.

Linda appreciates so much the support we are giving her. She wishes this would soon be all finished, but realizes that the evil must be eradicated, and not permitted to flourish. In that way this is not just a matter about Linda, but the cleansing of God's church, and not permitting evil to tarnish the proclamation of the Gospel of Hope.

I believe that the majority of people here are concerned with just this Johann. They are concerned with the cleansing of God's Church.

I invited Linda to join us at AdventTalk. She is considering it. Her concern at every step in her life is that she is doing just what God wants her to do. She is a woman of faith and payer, and she is eager to share her faith with others.

Quite a role model for others to follow, for sure.
My wife took a snapshot of Linda and me together, and when Linda saw it she wanted me to post it with special greetings to you all. But I still do not know how to post it here.

I'll look forward to seeing that picture here soon Johann.

"Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?"
~ Frank Sculley.


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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2008, 03:30:25 AM »

Let me just add that we discovered Linda's website is not complete yet. That is, her webmaster got sick again and could not finish setting up all that she had written. She is wondering again if she needs a new webmaster.

Bob Pickle

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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2008, 07:36:02 AM »

My wife took a snapshot of Linda and me together, and when Linda saw it she wanted me to post it with special greetings to you all. But I still do not know how to post it here.

Use the button below the "I" (Italics) in the "Post reply" window if you have it uploaded to a server somewhere else. Put between the img tags the URL of the picture's location.

Click the + sign by Additional Options and upload the picture as an attachment if you don't have it already uploaded elsewhere. Since I haven't done it myself here, I can't tell you what the next step would be.

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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2008, 10:09:01 AM »

Either that, or email it to me and I will upload it here and then post it for all to see.


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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2008, 06:45:37 AM »

I am still waiting to see that happy picture of Johann and Linda together!

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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2008, 06:29:22 PM »

If somebody can give me a gif or jpg format of that file, then I will be happy to post it here.


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Re: Letters From Linda Shelton From Her Website & Elsewhere
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2008, 05:09:00 PM »

it is still to big for me to send anywhere, so perhaps it had better remain behind the scene?
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