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Author Topic: First Letter to 3ABN Family From Dr. Walter Thompson Dated July 1, 2004  (Read 23423 times)

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Daryl Fawcett

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Here is the first letter received from Dr. Walter Thompson:

  Dear 3ABN Family:

You may have heard by now of changes that have recently happened at Three Angels Broadcasting Network. We believe we owe you, as a loyal supporter of this ministry, an accounting of recent events regarding the former Vice President of 3ABN.

Out of respect for the privacy of those involved, we cannot reveal all details. But after prayer and reflection, we are convicted that we should share with you what we responsibly can.

You may have noticed that Linda Shelton has not appeared on 3ABN telecasts for the last few weeks. That is because as of June 1, 2004, the 3ABN Board of Directors removed Linda from her role as Vice President and as a board member. More recently, she has been discontinued as an employee of 3ABN as well.

We want to assure you that this decision was not made by one or two people, nor was it made in one or two weeks. Rather, the situation developed over nearly five months, and was dealt with by the full 3ABN leadership, including its Board of Directors.

The issue relates to a matter that arose in Danny and Linda Shelton's marriage. They were not able to resolve the matter, despite many attempts with their local pastor and other counselors. It was then brought to my attention as Chairman of the Board.

In order to make a thorough, fair and independent review of the matter, I convened a fact-finding committee of well-known Adventists who are not employees of 3ABN. The committee consisted of myself; William Hulsey, a businessman and mayor of Collegedale, Tennessee; and Kay Kuzma, author and family issues expert. We were counseled in our deliberations and review by Nicholas Miller, an Adventist attorney associated with a major national law firm.

The committee members spoke with all relevant witnesses. It invited Linda to meet with the full committee and to present any witnesses she might wish to have speak on her behalf.
Upon reviewing the situation, it was clear to the 3ABN leadership that the source of the conflict lay in certain choices that Linda was making. We asked her, both verbally and in writing, to make different choices. She refused.

Under the circumstances, the board had no real choice but to take the actions it did in regards to Linda?s position at 3ABN. Should Linda reconsider her course of conduct, we would also reconsider our decision regarding her role at 3ABN.

Please pray for Linda, for Danny, and for the 3ABN ministry during this time.
We believe in a God of miracles, who can renew and restore. This ministry was started and built through a series of miracles. Those miracles continue to this day, and we believe that many more are yet to come.

We believe that this ministry will continue to move forward, taking its direction from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is His ministry, and not that of any man or woman. The Board of Directors, President Danny Shelton, and I as Chairman, are committed to doing His will with this organization.

Please join us in supporting 3ABN with your prayers and financial support. We know you have done so in the past, and we are deeply thankful for it. But right now the devil is doing his best to derail this work because we are pressing the front close to his strongholds.

This month we added a quarter of a billion potential viewers in India, as our signal is being placed on cable systems through much of this Hindu nation of 1.1 billion souls. This effectively doubles the viewership of 3ABN, virtually overnight. We are also being placed on the most-watched cable-network in the Washington D.C. area, giving us access to the political and thought leaders of our country.

Please don?t let the devil succeed in heading off the vital work of 3ABN at this crucial time. You have faithfully supported this ministry in the past. Show us your continued resolve and support by making a faith pledge or donation to support us during this tremendous expansion of our coverage.

Your efforts and support are the medium through which God allows 3ABN to carry its gospel message to the world. We thank God and you for that support.

In His Service,
Dr. Walter Thompson, Chairman
Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Inc.

P.S. I came across a quote recently that highlighted the importance of 3ABN?s resolve to ?Go ye into all the world?: ?The Duke of Wellington was once present where a party of Christian men were discussing the possibility of success in missionary effort among the heathen. They appealed to the Duke to say whether in his judgment such efforts were likely to prove a success commensurate to the cost. The old soldier replied: ?Gentlemen, what are your marching orders? Success is not the question for you to discuss. If I read your orders aright, they run thus, ?Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.? Gentlemen, obey your marching orders.?? Gospel Workers, p. 115.

Join us in helping Three Angels Broadcasting Network carry out its marching orders!

Posted July 1, 2004.

This letter was first posted in the Linda Shelton topic on July 23, 2004.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 06:13:36 PM by Daryl Fawcett »


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Re: First Letter to 3ABN Family From Dr. Walter Thompson Dated July 1, 2004
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2008, 06:17:45 PM »

Thanks for posting these different documents, Daryl.

Since I was not a 3ABN viewer at the time of the above letter, nor was I aware of anything at all going on at 3ABN, I was not exposed to the various messages coming out to discredit Linda.

The above letter makes it clear to me just what Linda was faced with in the way of insinuations without coming out with anything concrete.   
"Si me olvido de ti, oh Jerusalén, pierda mi diestra su destreza."


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Re: First Letter to 3ABN Family From Dr. Walter Thompson Dated July 1, 2004
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2008, 07:20:03 AM »

That letter is quite interesting, considering it was written on July 1, 2004. We were with Linda on that fateful day, May 29, 2004. Danny had told her not to appear at the board meeting on the following day because, as he stated, it would be too embarrassing for her to meet the accusations.

Linda was permitted to write a letter of explanation that the board would consider. Unfortunately Linda had problems with her laptop, but I  happened to have a program on a CD with my laptop with which she could remedy the situation. So she wrote her letter and could e-mail it to someone at 3ABN who delivered it to the board early Sunday morning. But it seems like her letter was completely discarded. Danny managed to convince the board she was not telling the truth. Besides that his Private Investigators were watching over the house the whole time. When Dr. Arild Abarhamsen stepped outside the house his picture was taken and sent immediately to Danny. I understood Danny had shown this picture to the board as "PROOF" that Arild had been with Linda that night. He did not tell them that I was there too, just not on that picture!

Concealing evidence is what he has done ever since - is my honest opinion!



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Re: First Letter to 3ABN Family From Dr. Walter Thompson Dated July 1, 2004
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2008, 12:05:19 PM »

That letter is quite interesting, considering it was written on July 1, 2004. We were with Linda on that fateful day, May 29, 2004. Danny had told her not to appear at the board meeting on the following day because, as he stated, it would be too embarrassing for her to meet the accusations.

Linda was permitted to write a letter of explanation that the board would consider. Unfortunately Linda had problems with her laptop, but I  happened to have a program on a CD with my laptop with which she could remedy the situation. So she wrote her letter and could e-mail it to someone at 3ABN who delivered it to the board early Sunday morning. But it seems like her letter was completely discarded. Danny managed to convince the board she was not telling the truth. Besides that his Private Investigators were watching over the house the whole time. When Dr. Arild Abarhamsen stepped outside the house his picture was taken and sent immediately to Danny. I understood Danny had shown this picture to the board as "PROOF" that Arild had been with Linda that night. He did not tell them that I was there too, just not on that picture!
Concealing evidence is what he has done ever since - is my honest opinion!

That's just amazing, Johann!
"Si me olvido de ti, oh Jerusalén, pierda mi diestra su destreza."


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Re: First Letter to 3ABN Family From Dr. Walter Thompson Dated July 1, 2004
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2008, 03:34:52 PM »

That letter is quite interesting, considering it was written on July 1, 2004. We were with Linda on that fateful day, May 29, 2004. Danny had told her not to appear at the board meeting on the following day because, as he stated, it would be too embarrassing for her to meet the accusations.

Linda was permitted to write a letter of explanation that the board would consider. Unfortunately Linda had problems with her laptop, but I  happened to have a program on a CD with my laptop with which she could remedy the situation. So she wrote her letter and could e-mail it to someone at 3ABN who delivered it to the board early Sunday morning. But it seems like her letter was completely discarded. Danny managed to convince the board she was not telling the truth. Besides that his Private Investigators were watching over the house the whole time. When Dr. Arild Abarhamsen stepped outside the house his picture was taken and sent immediately to Danny. I understood Danny had shown this picture to the board as "PROOF" that Arild had been with Linda that night. He did not tell them that I was there too, just not on that picture!
Concealing evidence is what he has done ever since - is my honest opinion!

That's just amazing, Johann!

Danny told me himself how he was using that picture.
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