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Author Topic: Tommy Shelton arrested!  (Read 179888 times)

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #30 on: March 19, 2010, 05:01:58 PM »

You know, for me, it is not whether TS was employed or volunteered.  His family knew he should not be around young boys, even if no legal action was taken.  We know from current events that many of these cases are 25-30 years old, it doesn't mean it didn't happen.  Fortunately, like Virginia, there is no statute of limitations of this type of crime.  In fact, in this case, I believe that TS wrote at least one letter of apology, admitting to his unfortunate(just trying to be nice here) criminal behavior.  So, his wife, knew, his brother knew, his family knew, because even though no charges were filed with police or authorities at the time, it was still addressed.  Yet he was allowed work to far too close to even more young boys.  That is the problem.  

Sorry, Tinka, believe it or not, many wives in these types of situations choose to look the other way, in some cases even getting angry and blaming the children.  

Hmm, Ian so your telling me that TS and wife did not work or take any money at the 3abn site. Funny I thought I saw them working on there.  and what office did he hold?  What was their work? That they are able to get the $80,000. Taking in children, adoptions, foster care which was it. They must have been the volunteers that DS claimed. Right! That really is a biggie for me as I cannot imagine a woman knowing the faults of her husband to go and do such a thing to jeopardize another child??? let alone willfully subjecting her own children for so many years to the possibilities of this let alone the embarrassment.  Love nor high water, If there would have even been a whiff of knowing that was a problem as a woman she had responsibility of this. Now I feel she is as guilty for taking in another child and letting this go down. Talk about being angry with this!! this is where I stand no matter what you say. There is no excuse, no room, and no lies here. I see in you no sympathy for victims and ruination of young children. That would come very close to me doing the ultimate. I really do not understand sickos getting on here standing up for this. Believe one thing, when he comes to a jury outside the SDAs the people will not be finding excuses for his guilt. But will deliver. The next in line will be the downfall of the protectors and mam that is what links the whole mess. Unfaithful in one thing ..unfaithful in all. You will see it fall like dominos. unless they chose to stop the public view of this horrific saga and let responsible honest christians take over. But you see a deceiver will not give up his greed until forced. Watch close how it will proceed. Each pattern has its ending....
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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #31 on: March 19, 2010, 06:13:09 PM »

Thank You Gregory,
That does seem unusually low for that type of crime. ($2,000 range)Seems that most on tv arrested for this conduct have to post maybe $250,000 to million. I figured likewise for most his was high and that was the cash part but thanks for claryfying.


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2010, 06:50:49 PM »

Di, you bring up a true fact and then at that point when you find that, for sure there is great problem with the woman too. The children would have to be taught to except this activity in justifications in their own minds through out their life. After all their mother did. I am sure they have been through horrible mixed emotions, embarassment, and life long difficulties.

I made comment of his employment because of Ian said it did not have anything to do with 3abn. But if he was allowed to be displayed at 3abn and of course all knowing the details, it was the pew money that supported him. and now the indirect money whether it came from assets of mortgage on house or cash the family came up with it. Of course all money filtrated to family members through 3abn funds are still accountable of what they were used for since the public gave for evangelism. (anything it was used for other then evangelism is deceivement when claiming that 3abn is worked on volunteers).  I just do not believe that anymore like I did at first.   I just wondered what work he did other then 3abn.  Then of course another way of making money is taking children in too. But maybe it was just an adoption for one. whatever.. but these are things that will come out in the courts of public view and it's just not me that will ask these questions to prove the guilt. Then the fingers of justice will all come to view. Its just the way it works as the public has no compassion for cover ups just black eyes to all participants. The prosecutors bring it all to view. Its hard to believe he is out on $2,000 ? bail. But not stating it is not so. I thought maybe that amount might be for DUI or something of that sort.

Gailon Arthur Joy

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #33 on: March 19, 2010, 07:20:37 PM »

Thank You Gregory,
That does seem unusually low for that type of crime. ($2,000 range)Seems that most on tv arrested for this conduct have to post maybe $250,000 to million. I figured likewise for most his was high and that was the cash part but thanks for claryfying.

A Bail bond is only to assure appearance and has little to do with the level of crime, but rather based on the likelyhood of flight from justice and what it would potentially cost to hire a bounty hunter to bring him back to justice. Given that he surrendered in Fairfax and did not require extradiction from Kentucky, it is likely that his attorneys had already arranged the surrender and the bond sum by consent with the prosecutors prior to his arraignment. A review of the docket or hearing tape would clearly establish the process.

Despite the blindness of the Dannyites, having interviewed and or secured statements from many of the Tommy victims, my only surprise is that so many have not agreed to prosecute. There were six known victims in Dunn Loring and only two have stepped forward so far.

In summary, we reported "corroborated issues" only. You would not want to know how many stories or statements we were not able to corroborate by a collateral source or known documents or other evidence. And remember, 3ABN cut and ran on two occasions when it was clear we were going to expose the truth to the light of day: the conciliation proposal with ASI for Linda Shelton; Then just 24 hours after it was clear that the Judge in Southern Illinois was going to allow the production of all the Auditors records.

We knew the evidence would prove fatal to their claims and still know that and is why we pursue our appeal. THEY also knew we had printed the truth and did not want to face Motions for Summary Judgement and a real trial with a jury of our peers. And THEY are also seem reluctant to face charges of Misuse of Process and Malicious Prosection.

Time and justice are on our side and is sure and deliberately pursued. Goliath simply has lost their ardor for the fight. Afraid of those stones?

As the DLS world unravels, unfortunately for Ian and the Sirmizer, revelations all will be laid bare for the world to view. You simply cannot "seal" all the truth all the time.

It is far from over...Get use to it!!! 

Gailon Arthur Joy,

Mary Sue Smith

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #34 on: March 19, 2010, 07:44:35 PM »

The arrest of TS has nothing to do with 3ABN and Danny Shelton. Half of what you posted is not true!!

God's work will go on no matter what you try to do to stop it. There is NOTHING you can do to stop it. Keep trying--I am here to tell you I serve a STRONG God and you will LOSE in the end if you continue to try to stop 3ABN and the work that is being done there.   

Gailon Arthur Joy

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #35 on: March 19, 2010, 08:03:38 PM »

The arrest of TS has nothing to do with 3ABN and Danny Shelton. Half of what you posted is not true!!

God's work will go on no matter what you try to do to stop it. There is NOTHING you can do to stop it. Keep trying--I am here to tell you I serve a STRONG God and you will LOSE in the end if you continue to try to stop 3ABN and the work that is being done there.  

It is not anyone's agenda to STOP 3ABN, but rather to reform it before it becomes irrelevant. Covering up for Brother Tommy, a non-sda misinster, can only be damaging to 3ABN. Throwing out the old grey mare and commitiing Biblical Adultery with a 32 year old divorcee does nothting but hurt 3ABN. Contriving book deals at the expense of 3ABN does nothing but hurt 3ABN. And we could go on and on. At some point, these have become very public sins and require a very public confession and repentance in the tradition of King would also require some effort to deal fairly and honestly with Linda Shelton and deliver up her share of the estate, but Danny Lee Shelton simply does not have it in him.

Time is running out!!! The Lord will correct the message so it does not reflect hypocacy; AFACTS, LLBN, HOPE Channel and a host of others will rise and make 3ABN irrelevant
if it does not confess, repent and reform.

As I stated, Get use to will happen. It is and remains in their hands to alter the record and the future. But they refuse...this is clearly denying the Spirit and cannot be forever tolerated by the Spirit. Justice will prevail and you can exclaim that every thing everyone writes is a lie that does not see the world as a junebug, but in time junebugs will fade into history and the truth will prevail, with or without you.

Junebugs also have a nasty habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and we know their demise. Might want to change your perception and your moniker!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 08:07:46 PM by Gailon Arthur Joy »

Mary Sue Smith

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2010, 08:17:59 PM »

You are right on one thing: time is running out for those who are against the work of God.  That includes you, young man.

You have absolutely no proof of any adultery by anyone at 3ABN, including Danny Shelton. 

3ABN will NEVER become irrelevant as long as they follow the Lord as they have been doing in the past 20 years. God is blessing them abundantly.

Mr. Joy, I am a grandma--it is YOU that is on the WRONG SIDE.  To work against the Lord is a very serious thing. Your soul is at stake to work against the Lord and the work He has ordained.  The Lord is sitting on His Throne in Heaven and He sees what you are saying and doing.  He knows ALL, every motive and every word said.  He is a STRONG God and He knows exactly what to do in this situation. He is helping his servants at 3ABN and blessing them in spite of all your false allegations. 

Have you not read your Bible? Those who have worked against the Lord and His Work never end up good.  Mark my words--you had better STOP!!   


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #37 on: March 19, 2010, 08:46:08 PM »


I may not have been clear in my posting:  According to the news media, the bail bond that effected the release of TS was $80,000.00,  not $2,000.  There is more than one way to satisfy a bail bond.  A property owner may satisfy a bail bond by pledging that property.  IOW  if TS is a property owner, he can essentially place an l$80,000 lein on the property, or other family members may do so.  That will satisfy the bail bond.

Another way to satisfy that $80,000.00 bail bond to to purchase satisfaction from a licensed bail bondsman.  In the area where I live, where there is a lot of competation, an $80,000 bail bond may be satisfied by paymenet of a fee of about $2,400.00 to a licensed bail bondsman.  In return for the payment of that fee, that bail bondsman pledges the $80,000.00 to satify the bail requirements.

Perhaps where TS lives the fees are higher as there may not be much cometition there.  But, I will asume that he has family members who have the knowledge to obtain bond at reasonable rates.  As it is the Virginia authorities who have charged him, his bail can be satisfied by any bail bondsman licensed to do business in the State of Virginia.

Gailon Arthur Joy

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #38 on: March 19, 2010, 08:50:18 PM »

Look, Grandma, I am a Grandfather, not a "young man" and I know the difference between the truth and a lie. Danny Lee Shelton is a LIAR and an ADULTERER. I have done the interviews and have the evidence, regardless of your simple blindnness...try some of the eyesalve before you end up a partaker in the sin of ommission.

Now, Grandma Junebug,  since you want a Bible Study lets see what the Lord Jesus himself said that CONDEMNS Danny Lee Shelton, regardless of your old aged blindness... the Lord Jesus Christ gave a very clear definition of adultery in Matthew:

Matthew 5:27
Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit ADULTERY:

Matthew 5:28
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed ADULTERY with her already in his heart.

Matthew 5:32
But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit ADULTERY: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth ADULTERY.

Matthew 19:9
And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except [it be] for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth ADULTERY: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit ADULTERY.

Danny Lee Shelton clearly had no evidence of Fornication by Linda Shelton and the record is replete with proof of this bold faced lie. Therfore, As long as Danny is at 3ABN, fails to confess his sins, fails to repent, fails to reform, 3ABN faces one crisis after another... and faces Nathan the Prophet's finger in his face every morning when he faces the mirror...the Lord has plead for his soul for many years and he denies the Spirit and the proof is in the failure to confess, repent and reform. And now he is divorcing yet again, Grandma Junebug, so just explain to me why he does not wear the blessings of the Lord and why all his sins have been opened to the world for viewing?????? OPEN SIN, my dear JUNEBUG...and that makes Danny Lee Shelton a hypocrit and his very presence at 3ABN is a blight upon the Lord's Ministry.

And that's the truth, whether you like it or not!!! If it were not, we would still be preparing for trial, but he broke and ran at the first clear evidence they were fighting a loosing battle. And if we were the problem, would the Lord have opened the way for us to open their books??? Would he have revealed to us all that was revealed???

Eyesalve, Grandma Junebug, before you suffer blindness from the brightness of the truth...the word of TRUTH does not lie and is proof Primae Facie.

Anytime you would like a study on other facts, just let me know, Grandma Junebug, and repent of your sin of ommission before it drags you into the pit with your beloved Liar and Adulterer!!! He would caste you aside and , Lord Forbid. squish you, all without batting an eye!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy


Mary Sue Smith

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #39 on: March 19, 2010, 08:56:48 PM »

Sounds like my post got your feathers ruffled Mr. Joy.  That is too bad because it was sent in good faith. The Lord God of Heaven knows.

But all your blasting of Bible verses will not make DS guilty of adultery, no matter how much you seem to think he has. You can murder a reputation, you can even kill the body, but you will NEVER EVER be able to hurt the soul that knows it is right with the Lord.   


Bob Pickle

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #40 on: March 19, 2010, 09:04:40 PM »


The Lord God of Heaven knows that even if the minor is "consenting," child molestation is wrong. I'm sure the parents of your students agree. Do any of those parents know your position on the matter? How about your local school officials? Do they know?

If you think you are right with the Lord while having such a morally loose position on that topic, you are deceived.

Your posts sound a bit blasphemous, in my opinion. Covering up child molestation or unbiblical divorce or private inurement or kickbacks is never part of God's work. If you don't like that, take it up with Him, not us.


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #41 on: March 19, 2010, 11:22:53 PM »

According to a report I found TS was living in Marion KY working in a school.   Does anyone know if that is a fact?   

In regards to adultery issue, would not DS be a double adulterer?  He put away his wife and married another.  The another he married had been put away.


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #42 on: March 20, 2010, 04:58:01 AM »

According to a report I found TS was living in Marion KY working in a school.   Does anyone know if that is a fact?  

In regards to adultery issue, would not DS be a double adulterer?  He put away his wife and married another.  The another he married had been put away.

First Grat, you would need to know what if anything was the problem between Brandy and Danny. It is obvious from your post here that you are clueless or you would not have written what you did. You really should imo learn to ask questions and get the facts before judging another, and if you don't have them, learn to keep your mouth shut. And no, I am not going to tell you anything about it, it's not your business imo.

Bob and Gailon-- Your posts to Junebug again reveal how ignorant you are and how you say the falsest things about people as if you know what you are talking about and actually believe you do.

I know her, and I know from your posts that you are clueless about her... not that that will stop you I am sure, but she is right, the Lord does know.

And He will NOT be mocked.

I think it would be a good thing if all could keep in mind that the Lord takes very personally what is done and not done with and to his people, and keep in mind what he said about loving one another as he did. That includes all of us here and all of those at 3abn...

"Whatsoever you have done unto them, you have done it unto  me"

Happy Sabbath...
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 05:08:10 AM by Ian »

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #43 on: March 20, 2010, 05:51:14 AM »

According to a report I found TS was living in Marion KY working in a school.   Does anyone know if that is a fact?   

In regards to adultery issue, would not DS be a double adulterer?  He put away his wife and married another.  The another he married had been put away.

One of Tommy's alleged victims told me Tommy was working at a school, or associated with a school. Something like that. He has been living near Marion, KY, for years, just south of the IL line.

Danny did put away his wife, and then married a divorcee. That is correct.

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #44 on: March 20, 2010, 05:56:35 AM »

And no, I am not going to tell you anything about it, it's not your business imo.

Danny said on the air that it was everyone's business, to a point. He said that in 2004. And since in America marriage licenses and divorce records are public record, then your statement is false.

Bob and Gailon-- Your posts to Junebug again reveal how ignorant you are and how you say the falsest things about people as if you know what you are talking about and actually believe you do.

I know her, and I know from your posts that you are clueless about her...

Then I suppose you could inform everyone what sort of teacher Junebug is.

Now honestly, Cindy, what do you think about a teacher who claims to be a conservative Adventist who can't bring herself to say that even if the minor was "consenting," it was still wrong, Tommy needed to go, and Danny was wrong in covering it all up?

How would you as a parent or grandparent feel if your kids or grandkids were being taught by Junebug?
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