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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2016, 10:43:45 AM »

Linda posted on Facebook the following:

As announced by my friend, Barbara Kerr, I will be hosting the 'Inspire' radio program this Sunday, September 4th at 7:00pm eastern time. I am thrilled to announce that my special guest will be Pamela Benton. Pam is the mother of the 'Benton Sisters,' Trishonna, Emberly and Audrey. Pam will be speaking about her daughter, Emberly, and the recent shock of discovering that she has brain cancer (glioblastoma). We will also discuss Emberly's progress, in overcoming this health crisis, since she traveled to Norway to be treated by Dr. Arild Abrahamsen. You can join the program by calling 862-902-0300 and entering the code 13514# or by clicking on the 'Listen Live' link at Hope you can join us!


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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2016, 06:16:23 AM »

The latest posted by Linda on Facebook:

CHECK IT OUT! - For those of you who missed the radio program, the Big News with Emberly Benton Blake is that her treatments in Norway have been successful. The results demonstrate that her cancer is GONE!! This will be verified with an MRI when she returns home. This is a Huge PRAISE THE LORD!!

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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2016, 07:43:52 AM »

A One Day Ago Update from Trishonna:

Dear Friends and Family, REJOICE with us!!!! We received exceedingly awesome news this weekend. Emberly's cancer levels are down to 0 now from 137. We are praising God for His mercies endures forever. The Dr. is continuing to work with Emberly's health, addressing her stomach ulcers, thyroid insufficiency, kidney issues, heavy medal toxicity and other infections. Just think she started out on the 4th of July to become cancer free and she reached God's healing harbor Labor day weekend. In a few days is Emberly's Birthday too... Happy Birthday kitty, love you so much. God bless each of you for your unfailing love and prayers. God has heard and answered. May you be exceedingly, abundantly bless above all you could ask or think.

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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2016, 08:03:24 AM »

Linda Shelton posted the following on Facebook on October 12, 2016:

Question: Can you explain how a light bulb makes light? Can you explain how pictures and sound come from a television? How about the telephone? Radio? A computer? Undoubtedly, there are inventions on our planet where we appreciate what they can do, but we could not begin to explain how they work.

Many remember that Emberly Benton Blake was not only diagnosed last May with Glioblastoma (cancer of the brain), but she also had surgery removing a portion of her brain, as well as the cancer. The rest of the cancer, the specialist labeled as in-operable. Since I was aware of Dr. Arild Abrahamsen's success with various cancers, I alerted the family as to the type of technology that he had to offer. Amazingly, they decided to 'take the plunge' and fly to Norway, while understanding that the clock was ticking for Emberly (by traditional medicine standards.) After two months of IV treatments, his equipment indicated her cancer was gone. This dedicated Seventh-day Adventist doctor gives the glory to God.

I have personally benefitted from these treatments. I speak of this more in my book, 'Adventures in Forgiveness.' Although the technology is similar to television, radio, a computer, etc., in that it is impossible to easily explain it in lay terms, I thought I would at least offer my humble views of this amazing technology for those of you who have questions as to how this may have occurred.

When a patient, like Emberly, comes to his office, she does not find alot of stainless steel equipment, a large staff of uniformed assistants or even a large, modern clinic. To the contrary, one enters a simple office with a computer, a large computer screen along with some smaller pieces of equipment. Rather than gathering information with blood tests or xrays, the information is gathered by the equipment and the doctor by reading and analyzing the frequencies of the organs. (Amazingly, similar technology is used today by mechanics to detect problems in cars and trucks.) Incredibly accurate information can be gathered in this manner in a very small amount of time. The problems of the patient are not only identified by the indications of the frequencies, but also the remedies needed to counteract the problems are also indicated. This removes much of the guess work out of working to help the patient recover from the problems. Dr. Abrahamsen uses no drugs. He uses condensed and sterile liquid forms of vitamins, minerals and natural substances like iodine, dmae and dmso. These substances rarely, if ever, have side effects. Additionally, when these simple remedies are combined, they become mega miracle workers! Wow!

We are living in an age where today the most powerful sources of technology use television, radio, Wifi, cell phones. Even today's weapons use radiation and electromagnetic frequencies. And now the technology in medicine is using frequencies as well.

Since Emberly's case was extremely severe, Initially Dr. Abrahamsen tested and treated her on a daily basis. He followed the indicators of his equipment as to the remedies given to her by IV fluid. As time went on, the treatments were reduced to every other day. In about two months, his equipment indicated the cancer was gone.

The newspaper articles in Norway refer to Dr. Abrahamsen as 'the miracle doctor.' They refer to his methods being 20 years ahead of his time. He will often receive the patients that traditional doctors send home to die. He successfully treats, not only those afflicted with life-threatening diseases, but he treats famous athletes, even those who have been included in the Olympics. His treatments help them perform at their best, using no drugs. But Dr. Abrahamsen is not interested in worldly acclaim, yet in my opinion, his work should be recognized, applauded and developed to where more people can have access to it. Over the years I have written and talked to physicians and people who, one would think, would be interested. Strangely, no one seemed to want to 'jump in.' Does anyone know Bill Gates? He's the next one on my list. Please pray that a breakthrough can be found here... And PRAISE GOD for this incredible technology that saves lives!!

By the way, Emberly and Jason, her husband, arrived safely to their home in California yesterday. According to her doctor in California, she was not supposed to be alive today. They are praising God for her invigorated strength and healing. She looks and feels great!

Bob Pickle

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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2016, 12:15:20 PM »

I would like to know more. What is the name of the machine that measures the frequencies? What are the specific frequencies we are talking about?

Back in 1997 someone sent me a plastic water-filled disk that was said to use quantum mechanics and water-structuring technology such that if you put it in your washer, you didn't need detergent, saving lots of money. You could buy these disks at a discount and make money by reselling them.

Knowing something about quantum mechanics, I was skeptical. So I conducted experiments to see whether the disk would emulsify fats and lower the surface tension of water. It didn't.

I took Crisco and cayenne pepper, mixed them together, and worked that stuff into three socks. I then washed three loads, with only one sock in each load. One load used detergent. One used the disk. And one used plain water. The result? The disk worked as well as plain water, which means that the socks came out of those two loads still dirty.

As long as you didn't wash anything greasy, your clothes would probably come fairly clean, which would make it appear that the disk worked.

Another example is water witching. I have been told that water witching works because of magnetism or electricity. Yet some water witchers use sticks, and sticks don't conduct electricity and aren't affected by magnetism. For those who use brass rods instead of sticks, magnetism doesn't affect brass either. And if the cause is really electricity, passing them over the hood of one's car should cause them to move as well.

So I would like to learn more. I've been hearing about this equipment for awhile, but I have no idea what it is, and couldn't tell anyone what it is if I were asked, or where to get one from.

Even though we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and some things about the body are impossible to fully explain even today, we ought to be to explain the basics about this machine and what it is doing.

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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2016, 04:36:15 PM »

Perhaps Linda Shelton can answer your question.

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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2016, 10:29:44 AM »

Not everyone would be able to answer it, and I think the first paragraph of what you pasted makes clear that Linda doesn't know how to. That's fine. But I think she might be able to give us the name of the machine.

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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2017, 04:36:48 AM »

Posted on Facebook on March 23, 2017:

Dear Friends and Family,

Today Emberly is on her way to a clinic in Idaho. She texted me this picture of her children who are with her and Jason on spring break. I know many of you have been asking how Emberly is doing. I've not been able to respond because honestly I've not known what to say. Two months ago in early January on a Friday night she went into seizure during a bad snow storm. Jason along with my parents and their children drove her into Redding to the Emergency Room. She was seizing and going unconscious. The medical staff told them she wasn’t going to make it unless some drastic measure were taken which they were not equipped for. Jason, Emberly’s husband requested they do everything possible to save her life. She was then heavily sedated and put on life support just to stabilize her. Sabbath afternoon she, along with Jason were airlifted from Redding to San Fransisco. I met them there and stayed by Emberly’s side giving Jason a time for a little respite. Seeing her in a medically induced coma on life support still seizing nearly tore my heart out. Every hour they would bring her out of the coma to check her to see if she was still neurologically intact. She would look at me with terror in her eyes and want to speak but unable because of the tubes down her throat. I could say more, but I will spare you and just say this… witnessing it was harder on me than her. Because of God’s mercy and the drugs she does not remember anything she endured. The medication they gave her was enough to erase the last two months from her memory. But I remember it all clearly. And in my breaking heart, greatly humbled, falling into the arms of God for His grace and mercy on her behalf, with bated breath, have stood still to witness what God will do. It’s only recently that she is beginning to remember from day to day. But she remembers nothing from the last post I shared with all of you here on Facebook. We had to wait till the respiratory therapy team came in Sunday morning to remove the tubes and bring her off of life support. The first thing she said to me is “Why didn’t you let me die?”, and “What will be my life now, wouldn’t it be better to die?” Oh how I could have cried, because I have watched people go down the long hard road of cancer to their last breath and I’ve not wanted to witness this for my own sister. I didn’t know what to say. My heart was breaking. My dear friends, I have not felt very courageous these last months. I have felt like Hagar who left her son in the desert under a shade tree and went off a little ways not wanting to see him die and cried to the Lord. Not knowing what was going to be the out come. It looked so bleak I couldn’t see it possible that she would be able to leave ICU much less come home. But by the end of the week they sent her home.

On her way to a clinic in Idaho today, she texted me...

"It's spring break and we are going through Nevada for a Dr appointment. Kids are having fun 💞”

I responded that I am praying for her, to which she replied, "Thank u soooo much I need lots of prayer, I am not getting better fast. They just say well u should not be alive so u are and that's good but I am not getting better."

"Please pray that I will be strong and stay on my diet, it's so hard for me. I don't know y I am such a baby. Mom makes the food so yummy but I have crazy cravings. I feel like I am a big baby and if I am not strong, which I am not, I will not make it?😰🤕🤒”

I asked her if I could post an update to all who love her and she said "Thank u soooo much. Tell them that I love them all 💞🐶💞🐶💞🐶💞🐶”

So, my dear friends, and family… I don’t know what to say… Yes, it’s a mystery that Emberly is still alive. The cancer has spread through much of her brain according to the MRI scan that was taken last Thursday. Her body is in good health thanks to the Dr. in Norway, who cured her of the 8 different strains of Lymes and got the cancer markers down to 0 in her blood which has been a huge blessing in extending her life. Yet the cancer in her brain continues to grow. I marvel that Emberly is still alive and in good cognitive condition.

A few Bible texts come to mind. "And he said, Take the arrows. And he took them. And he said unto the king of Israel, smite upon the ground. And he smote thrice, and stayed. And the man of God was angry with him, and said, You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck down Syria till you had consumed it: whereas now you shall strike down Syria but three times.” 2 Kings 13:18-19

Perseverance, how much do we want the thing we are requesting for. Are we ready to give up after a while if we don’t see the complete answer to our prayers? Oh that we will learn the lesson from this king's mistake and be like the widow in Jesus' parable.

"And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" ~ Luke 18:1-8

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally, and reproaches not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed." ~ James 1:5-6

"Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” ~ John 14:13

So dearly beloved friends and family, I take courage that every prayer that has been prayed on Emberly's behalf is recorded in the books of heaven. We need wisdom and perseverance without wavering in our requests before God. Just the fact that Emberly is still ALIVE is a miracle. That alone should be enough to strengthen our faith to keep praying for the breakthrough Emberly needs. Do we not return tithe, so can we not claim and expect the promise? “Will I not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it?” ~ Malachi 3:10

Thank you for standing in the gap on Emberly's behalf. May God richly bless you exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think, is my prayer for you. May we be faithful, praying "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". Amen

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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2017, 11:27:55 AM »

As this is over a month old, I am not yet aware of any further update on her condition.


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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2017, 05:13:15 AM »

Trishonna Benton
July 6 at 2:40pm ·
Dear Friends and Family,
The past three weeks have been pretty eventful for Emberly. The tumor had progressed to the point where she was in danger of a fatal brain hemorrhage.
We're so glad for the small miracle of God leading us to the amazing Dr. Kelly at Pacific Neuroscience Institute. The surgery he performed is far more than we could have hoped for in our wildest dreams.
Upon starting the operation, Dr. Kelly determined he'd have much better results by entering Emberly's skull from the area of her left eye brow. So instead of opening the skull at the place of the previous operation, he requested permission to go this other route. He said he'd have a better angle to remove the tumor this way. Once permission was granted by the family the operation continued and proceeded for over 7 hours. A fluorescent dye was injected which helped illuminate the cancer. This helped Dr. Kelly to know where he needed to operate. He used micro-surgery tools guided by a tiny camera to remove all the illuminated areas (representing the cancer). Using this technique he was able to separate and "vacuum" out the tumor material from areas of her brain without the need to remove additional brain tissue. Since the earlier operation already removed all the brain tissue that was safe to remove, this really is quite a miracle for Emberly. He's confident he removed all the places which were illuminated but cautiously calls it a 99% success.
Dr. Kelly has pioneered this micro surgery technique and is considered the leading expert on this type of brain surgery in the entire world. Emberly's operation was recorded on video for further educational purposes in training other surgeons on this technique and several apprentice surgeons to Dr. Kelly were in the operating room to observe as well.
While we know there are no guarantees with glioblastoma brain cancer, we praise God for giving Emberly another chance to start over. She's resting now and continuing her recovery from surgery, working to regain her strength, and start her healing process.
As a side note, the scar along Emberly's left eye brow from the operation is almost not noticeable and the recovery will be much quicker too. And that's another reason we are praising God for Dr. Kelly.
Thank you for your love and prayers sent to Emberly and our family during this long journey. We love and appreciate you all very much. Please continue to pray.

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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2017, 06:35:30 AM »

Here is the link to The Benton Sisters Facebook Page:


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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2017, 01:11:29 PM »

UPDATE on EMBERLY From Trishonna
Dear Friends and Family
It's been a few months since the last update has been shared about Emberly. We're glad to report she has been improving every day since her surgery last summer in late June. Thank you for all your prayers for our family during this very long and difficult journey for Emberly and the rest of us.
Since Emberly has been home from surgery she's been able to quit taking the dreaded steroid medication. She had been on it since the spring to help offset the edema and swelling around her brain, but it also caused her to gain a lot of weight and have other undesirable side effects. During this time our mom also has been an ever present care giver and working to integrate alternative treatments into her schedule and keep her on track with the doctor's orders.
Over the summer her Doctors advised (and insisted) that she go on a round of chemo and radiation. With 99% or more of the tumor now removed from the surgery she would respond more favorably to this treatment designed to target any residual cancer cells in the hopes to keep them from replicating and causing the tumor to come back. After prayer and family discussion Emberly began a month long schedule of chemo and radiation therapy. She successfully finished around the end of September.
That brings us to the current update. This last week Emberly was taken to Santa Monica for an MRI and follow up visit with her medical team to see how things were going. The MRI was inconclusive. They noticed some minor areas that could be recurring cancer or could also be scar tissue from the recent radiation treatments. But Emberly is feeling wonderful, losing the weight she had gained and even working on getting her driver's license reinstated. Her doctors were so enthusiastic about how good she looked and how alert and sharp she was with her mind. Everyone enjoyed her sense of humor as well.
It's now been 17 months since Emberly was first diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiform (GBM) and many patients do not live much past this point. However the doctors were confident that she has a bright future and feel she might easily double the 17 months or more with her current progress. They were very careful not to offer any time predictions, but did mention that there are patients who have survived GBM for 10-15 years... and counting.
So going forward Emberly will be on a limited chemo schedule of 5 days on and 23 days off for the next year with MRIs taken every two months. Of course we'll continue to integrate natural remedies into her schedule as we have been. We are so thankful that Emberly has made such a remarkable comeback from some very scary near death moments these past few months. Please continue to lift her and the rest of our family in prayer. We cherish each moment we have with Emberly as you can imagine. In spite of all that has happened the fact she is still alive and doing so well IS a true miracle and answer to prayer for which we thank our Heavenly Father each day.
This Video Emberly sent me from the Cafe in San Monica after her early morning follow up visit with the Doctor. They were hungry as they missed breakfast to make it to her appointment. It was 11:30 am finally getting to eat.


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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #27 on: January 08, 2018, 09:40:24 AM »

Did they see the following video?:

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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #28 on: January 08, 2018, 07:53:20 PM »

Did they see the following video?:

I did a little searching online, and I would have some definite questions before trying that route. There are those who claim it isn't what it claims to be.

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Re: The Benton Sisters
« Reply #29 on: January 09, 2018, 06:47:58 AM »

There are always those who make such claims against those type of things, but then what about all the claims against using chemo-radiation treatments?

Watch the whole video, as I did, and then tell me/us again what you think.
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