Issues & Concerns Category > Daily Life

Christmas Celebration

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It may seem early but we have already been to a couple of Christmas concerts. This evening it was at our local high school, and before the end my eyes were wet with tears. Here we were at a concert in a public school, and I said to my wife, This is almost like attending a church prayer meeting. The high school choir did sing quite a few of the traditional Christmas songs, both American and Icelandic, but through the evening we heard appeals both in songs and the words of the announcer, not to forget the Christ and the Peace He brings to man. A retired high school teacher I talked to afterwards agreed it was like a devotional, a sacred hour, and the place was  a public school where there is not supposed to be any preaching. And yet there was a great sermon in the singing. A public school blessed with a chairman of the music department who is not only a master musician but also beams with  enthusiasm easily caught by his students.

Does it seem like Christmas has already arrived? So have a nice time.




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