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Author Topic: Most Unusual Pet You Owned??  (Read 28774 times)

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Lil Star

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Re: Most Unusual Pet You Owned??
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2008, 07:25:16 PM »

I remember when I was younger; we had two baby sparrows in our wall. My step father put a hole into the back of one of the drawers in the kitchen and brought the two birds out. I had a cage from all the bunny rabbits we had and I took care of both of them. One didn't make it for very long but the other one lived for quite awhile. I got it to play ladder on my fingers, he would walk up my fingers until I stopped. Then he would also fly around my room and he was just a fun little bird. One day the birdie got loose. He flew out the door and away he went. I cried and cried for days. My mom told me that birds who are supposed to be wild don't like captivity. But I still wanted him back. I still cried and cried. One day, it was very strange. I was outside and here came a bird who landed on my shoulder. It was my bird!  I couldn't believe that God had let him come back to me. Besides the angora rabbit, my bird was my favorite. I loved him with all my heart!

One day I came home and someone had opened up the cage to my birdie. I did not know where the birdie was. My sister came in the room and layed down on my pillow and we found the bird. It flew around the room a couple of times and then passed away. That was a very sad time in my life as a child. Mom and my step father purchased a few other birds to try and help me through the burial of my precious birdie. None of them lived with me. They just were not the same and since then, I have never owned another bird.
RIP mom

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Re: Most Unusual Pet You Owned??
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2008, 07:52:10 PM »

Let's see...Flying squirrels, opossums, groundhog, coon, blue jay, gray squirrel (currently raising an orphan, nearly ready to release) chickens, guinea fowl, ball python, plus the regular dogs and cats and birds. Funniest cat--his favorite food was cantaloupe!

scratsmom  :hamster:  (gray squirrel's name is scrat)

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I have a calico cat who SCREAMS for cantaloupe!! If it's on the counter and starts to ripen, she starts crying and crying till she gets some (I have pictures to prove this!!). Once you cut it open, no matter where she is in the house she comes as fast as possible to get some. I have never seen another cat (and none of my other three cats can see what the big deal is) like cantaloupe! It sure fascinates all who watch her eat it! She would rather have that then tuna!! Go figure!
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Re: Most Unusual Pet You Owned??
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2008, 12:57:16 AM »

Let's see...Flying squirrels, opossums, groundhog, coon, blue jay, gray squirrel (currently raising an orphan, nearly ready to release) chickens, guinea fowl, ball python, plus the regular dogs and cats and birds. Funniest cat--his favorite food was cantaloupe!

scratsmom  :hamster:  (gray squirrel's name is scrat)

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I have a calico cat who SCREAMS for cantaloupe!! If it's on the counter and starts to ripen, she starts crying and crying till she gets some (I have pictures to prove this!!). Once you cut it open, no matter where she is in the house she comes as fast as possible to get some. I have never seen another cat (and none of my other three cats can see what the big deal is) like cantaloupe! It sure fascinates all who watch her eat it! She would rather have that then tuna!! Go figure!

No matter how peculiar, would we have them other way? I know I wouldn't. I get a barrel of laughs from our pets.  :horse:  :rabbit: :dogwag:  :beagle: :purr: :hamster:

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Re: Most Unusual Pet You Owned??
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2008, 09:07:39 AM »

color=purple][/color]These are some great posts. I could so picture that monkey and truck driver.  Too funny!!   :ROFL: And the story of the travelers woes...what an unforgettable trip.  I have had a chipmunk, a towhee, a goat, seven Arabian horses, numerous dogs and cats and still have two dogs, three cats and uncounted goldfish in a 'ceement pond'.  God is so good to have given us such an incredible variety of creatures to love and enjoy.  :horse: One time I had a Siamese cat named Mr. Dickens so named for Charles Dickens as I got him around Christmas.  However, he really was a dickens!   I was in my hay barn one day, taking a break from stall cleaning,  and Mr. Dickens was perched high up on the topmost bales of hay.  Teddy, a long-haired, red domestic cat was tightrope walking on a beam unaware of the other's presence.  He decided to jump down to the hay-covered floor and had no sooner landed than a blue-eyed ninja cat leapt on top of him grabbing wildly for his neck.  It scared poor Teddy so much that he was gone in a nano-second leaving a bewildered Mr. Dickens to look up from the hay, which he thought should be Teddy, sporting a red fu-manchu of Teddy's long hair from either side of his mouth.  He looked so comical and that is just one of a long series of goofy things that cat did.  I so hope to be reunited with my mini-zoo of beloved pets someday on the new earth.

Rainnpony :cat:


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Re: Most Unusual Pet You Owned??
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2008, 09:22:08 AM »

[quote These are some great posts. I could so picture that monkey and truck driver.  Too funny!!   :ROFL: And the story of the travelers woes...what an unforgettable trip. [/quote]

I have often wondered if that truck driver ever convinced his wife he had not been drinking. The trip was an unforgettable one to say the least.

After living on the farm I have decided if you didn't have a sense of humor the animals will give you one soon enough.

We have had such great, funny times with many of our animals. They can be such a comfort at times as well

 I have had a chipmunk, a towhee, a goat, seven Arabian horses, numerous dogs and cats and still have two dogs, three cats and uncounted goldfish in a 'ceement pond'.  God is so good to have given us such an incredible variety of creatures to love and enjoy.  :horse: One time I had a Siamese cat named Mr. Dickens so named for Charles Dickens as I got him around Christmas.  However, he really was a dickens!   I was in my hay barn one day, taking a break from stall cleaning,  and Mr. Dickens was perched high up on the topmost bales of hay.  Teddy, a long-haired, red domestic cat was tightrope walking on a beam unaware of the other's presence.  He decided to jump down to the hay-covered floor and had no sooner landed than a blue-eyed ninja cat leapt on top of him grabbing wildly for his neck.  It scared poor Teddy so much that he was gone in a nano-second leaving a bewildered Mr. Dickens to look up from the hay, which he thought should be Teddy, sporting a red fu-manchu of Teddy's long hair from either side of his mouth.  He looked so comical and that is just one of a long series of goofy things that cat did.  I so hope to be reunited with my mini-zoo of beloved pets someday on the new earth.

Rainnpony :cat:
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Re: Most Unusual Pet You Owned??
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2008, 08:40:19 PM »

I have my own blue eyed ninja....His name is Quantum Alexander....Why Quantum Alexander?  Because he is always in trouble....always..  He is latest in a long line of Siamese Cats-- Lester, Blue Louie, Phoebe, Holly, Mimi Frances(She was another naughty one)--But none as naughty as Quantum Alexander.  He's 5 years old and I figure he'll be around for another 12 years.  I just hope I can keep up with him.... :purr:




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Re: Most Unusual Pet You Owned??
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2008, 09:55:02 PM »

I really hope that we are reunited with our beloved pets in Heaven. Ours have given us so much joy in this life and surely, there must be a Heaven for kitty-kats and other beautiful animals?  :cat: :dogwag:  :horse:  :rabbit:


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Re: Most Unusual Pet You Owned??
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2008, 09:47:01 AM »

I really hope that we are reunited with our beloved pets in Heaven. Ours have given us so much joy in this life and surely, there must be a Heaven for kitty-cats and other beautiful animals?  :cat: :dogwag:  :horse:  :rabbit:

Might get a bit crowded but wouldn't that be nice. There are some pets I have had over the years I still miss.
Loved them all but some were so special

Just noticed something with the spell checker :ROFL:
It changed Chrissie's post to read "there must be a heaven for kumquats" instead of kitty cats
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Re: Most Unusual Pet You Owned??
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2008, 02:31:36 PM »

Hhmmm.... Skunks are fun - our skunk's name was Sachet and the trick-or-treating kids were a bit surprised to see it the first time around.  Other pets would include a number of snakes, a rat who survived his initial existence as snake food (nice and fairly common as pets, I think), racoons, that sort of thing.... 


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Re: Most Unusual Pet You Owned??
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2008, 09:09:17 PM »

In this a little late but I also had a cat who loved cantaloupe, would beg every time we opened one.  His name was Hisler, he had a black half mustache like Hitler and he tended to hiss - thus his name.  He was a great cat, just showed up one day needing a home. Had him declawed and it didn't stop him from hunting or climbing trees and ending up on our roof.  I miss that cat.
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