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Bob Pickle

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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #135 on: July 14, 2008, 05:44:04 AM »

A bit burdened?? Without that experience someone has no idea of what they are talking about. NONE

What I meant was that if you have no such experience and you get sued, it isn't fun. It isn't a game.

Someone with experience should be saying just the opposite  instead of  "it isn't such an awful thing". It was no game to our attorney.

A person with a lot of experience will ask others if they can stomach it, but they themselves if sued may consider it all to be a game because of their experience.


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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #136 on: July 14, 2008, 05:54:29 AM »

Bonnie, I agree with you that lawsuits are not fun.

But I get the idea that lawyers don't look at them the same way that the parties do. It seems to be a game to them. (I'm not impressed if their game involves trying to ruin some innocent person's life just because their client pays them to do that.)

Now if a party in a suit just happens to have a bit of litigation experience, they may not look at the suit as being such an awful thing. Someone without that experience would tend to be a bit burdened.

Some of you seem to be confused which side of the fence I am on.

I take DS role and that of 3ABN supporters no matter what more seriously than I do LS. That is true because 3ABN and DS are in the public spotlight.They have the far greater responsibility. It is also true I personally take a dim view of most televangelists. When I give my hard earned, limited resources to anyone for a cause,there are certain things I want to know. Doesn't matter whether the answers concern what some may think illegal activity or whether it is perfectly legal but tacky.
If I had unlimited resources and was content with donating a 100.00 and having 50.00 of it go first and foremost to support a cushy lifestyle for someone no problem. But as I am unlikely to reach that goal I watch where I give and who I support.
I want the most mileage out of my dollar. When a televangelist lives a modest comfortable life on my donations, I will believe his heart is where his mouth is. I don't expect them to live in subsidized housing or as Mother Theresa, Existing on one or two meals a day, giving everything else to what she believed in. But nor to I want to support a life most that earn a paycheck cannot live .

Horses, a very expensive hobby is not my idea of promoting the gospel and taking care of the poor. To enjoy riding and owning a horse is one thing. Asking others to support several, while accepting and asking for donations for spreading the gospel is another. For your expensive hobby to be supported by donations is tacky, unless that party is independently wealthy and not using my donation to support.
We have a friend that owns one horse. He estimates that one horse at 80.00 a month to support. Times that by several. Then take in to account you need to hire someone to care for on a daily basis while you are not there. The regular vet, farrier fees,worming, hay, grain,riding equipment.  Now in the next breath tell me to donate so the poor lost souls that need to hear the gospel can be reached, or the many starving children. Guaranteed ed you will not get my money. Or tell me about the swimming pool you have to dip your toes in after a hard day riding or caring for the horses as you are almost teary eyed over those lost souls just waiting for you to come with the gospel.
Even at that, if there are those wishing to donate being made fully aware of what their hard earned dollar goes to support first, no problem. Their choice.
When money coming from that type of source is used to support that, or as Jim and Tammy Baker, air conditioned dog houses I do not believe their heart is where the mouth is. I don't believe TB was anymore innocent than her husband in taking advantage of others to live a lifestyle most of us can't. My preference is that she would have had the same accommodations the State of MN provided for her husband.

We have many org that do a lot of good things while doing some of the more questionable. I will not support ADRA either. While no denying the many wonderful things they do, I want to know someone is minding the storehouse first. Not building tennis courts for employee's. Then I believe another, wasn't it along the lines of the sun was in their eyes. I can find many places for my money that go directly to the one hurting or in need.

I believe many start out with the purest of intentions, but like politicians something goes horribly wrong. There are those that are committed to spending wisely and living modestly, but I don't have the time or patience to sift thru the debris to figure out which one will spend my money the most wisely.
Like many ,DS showed his true colors as far as I am concerned with a disgraceful public display by him and those he allowed. Anything else he has to say, no matter how eloquently, he has lost me if I had ever been a supporter.

Never would anyone question where the heart of Mother Theresa was. If asked, she would have received anything she asked I was able to give. DS and others do not have to feel called to live as she did,but I have no desire to support a lavish lifestyle first.
If that lifestyle can be supported by independent means, have at it. Do not beg for mine.

If you are going to prattle on and on publically about the gospel,forgivness and all that goes with it, conduct your personal life accordingly. Doesn't it say somewhere Christ did not defend himself against his accuser's?
Maybe a brief statement about his failed marriage to LS, treat the settlement in a fair manner, and move on would have helped immensely in preventing this

edited to correct sentence
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 06:21:22 AM by bonnie »
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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #137 on: July 14, 2008, 05:57:15 AM »

A bit burdened?? Without that experience someone has no idea of what they are talking about. NONE

What I meant was that if you have no such experience and you get sued, it isn't fun. It isn't a game.

Someone with experience should be saying just the opposite  instead of  "it isn't such an awful thing". It was no game to our attorney.

A person with a lot of experience will ask others if they can stomach it, but they themselves if sued may consider it all to be a game because of their experience.

I have never been a great fan of lawsuits. Experience has taught me sometimes in this world it is necessary,but avoid it wherever and whenever possible. Once you get to the part of almost enjoying the battle, time to take a good long look in the mirror and see what others see
Beware of those that verbally try to convince you they are Christian. Check your back pocket and make sure your wallet is still there. Next check your reputation to see if it is still intact. Chances are, one or both will be missing


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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #138 on: July 14, 2008, 06:09:15 AM »

Doug Batchelor is another that had they my support to begin with, would have lost it with this......

Evidently, all the nasty internet rumors 3ABN’s enemies manufactured influenced the feds to investigate.  They figured that where there was smoke there must be fire but they discovered it was all smoke.

 People can be reassured that their donations to 3ABN have always been, and are still going into expanding God’s kingdom.  Karen and I never stopped supporting them.

Please feel free to share this with you friends and perhaps it will help to reestablish confidence in this great ministry and undo some of the damage caused by the smear campaign.

Uncalled for,no facts only rumor being repeated, that which he seems to be against.

People can be reassured that their donations to 3ABN have always been, and are still going into expanding God’s kingdom.  Karen and I never stopped supporting them.

Bully for him. His reassurence means little. Maybe he can explain how some things expand God's kingdom??

What LS has done or is doing is not in the public eye,but I would not throw myself under the bus for her either.
If she is the one that is going to others, blaming and naming names as to who has cost her another ministry, she needs to grow a spine. If she puts up with "the little goldfish" mentioned elsewhere saying this is what she thinks, she might gain more respect by not relying on the goldfish to get the message out. Maybe she should just be upfront with people.

Any private citizen that can have any enjoyment, feel it is not so bad because they have had some experience in litigation, needs to get a life. There are a lot more beneficial ways to get a high out of life than this. Try a hobby you can turn into helping others.
Nothing gives me greater pleasure than using my love of sewing to help someone else.  Try it, it may give you a far greater high than a lawsuit ever could.
Beware of those that verbally try to convince you they are Christian. Check your back pocket and make sure your wallet is still there. Next check your reputation to see if it is still intact. Chances are, one or both will be missing

Jack Indabocks

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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #139 on: July 14, 2008, 06:29:55 AM »

Considering the events of the last few days, I am devastated.  They say it is over; however, it isn\\\'t over with me yet.

Several days ago I received a PM from a member to talk about the 2000 audit.  I replied that I had that file and I did not want to destroy 3ABN.  The very next morning, I turned my computer, and Windows came up in a fix mode.  My files had been changed.  It took forever for it to fix the null files.  Guess what files were gone? 

All five of the pdf files found here:

I laughed because I have the whole ball of wax on removable storage.  That is when I wrote what I did about the 2000 audit.  However, I did not post it until things progressed.  I have a lot of files on my hard drive, but these were only files I was using at the time.  The rest is on DVD and removable storage.

I posted about the audit and added a few comments after the fact.

Then I got up and my computer opened up with all kinds of red alerts.  My data had changed again!  It took forever to get my firewall up and running along with Windows defend and my virus and scan came up.    Everything security was turned off!

It had to check all my drives!  Guess what?   They have removed all my 3ABN information from my hard drive.  In fact, they took everything on that drive.  All of my files and folders are empty.  Yeah, all of it!  This is so unnecessary. Please stop.  You did not get most of my eBay files.  What you got was files saved from the save-3ABN site, and several other things I have used frequently.

So why would they even bother to hack your computer? What would be the point, Fran?

From your own posts about this, it is my understanding.

Its all from files which are available online to anyone.

You have copies in removable storage.

You have sent it all to IRS and Gailon and Bob  et all...

The IRS has considered it and concluded their investigation.

You have posted it all along with your personal judgments and personal conclusions and faultfinding on at least 4 forums that I know of, many times.

All of the above is still here, available to anyone concerned. This makes no sense to me.

You appear to be afraid, but the truth is 3ABN has nothing to be afraid of from you all that you have to say has already been investigated and they were not guilty or at fault.

You posted:
\"My correspondence with the IRS is not on my hard drive.  I believe the Criminal Investigation is not over.  I have left a message with my IRS point of contact.  I will find out if it is really over.\"

I think this is wise, and is what you should have done as soon as it was posted that the IRS investigation was over, rather than continuing to post defensively and to repeat your assumptions and allegations, faultfinding and conclusions without even checking..

But better late then never.

I am very interested in the response you get from your point of contact. I am sure I am not alone.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 06:38:54 AM by Jack Indabocks »

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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #140 on: July 14, 2008, 06:47:24 AM »


From reading your posts it is apparent that you have never met Danny Shelton, you did not ever watch 3ABN, you have not ever corresponded with Danny Shelton.

So when I read you also keep posting how your opinion of Danny Shelton came from Danny Shelton?

I consider you not credible.

Where did you get your opinions of Danny Shelton?

It is obvious you have got them from what his critics and accusers have said about him and claimed.

Now you are finding fault with Doug Batchelor based on that?

Think, and be ashamed, and stop.

Doug Batchelor is another that had they my support to begin with, would have lost it with this......

Evidently, all the nasty internet rumors 3ABN’s enemies manufactured influenced the feds to investigate.  They figured that where there was smoke there must be fire but they discovered it was all smoke.

 People can be reassured that their donations to 3ABN have always been, and are still going into expanding God’s kingdom.  Karen and I never stopped supporting them.

Please feel free to share this with you friends and perhaps it will help to reestablish confidence in this great ministry and undo some of the damage caused by the smear campaign.

Uncalled for,no facts only rumor being repeated, that which he seems to be against.

People can be reassured that their donations to 3ABN have always been, and are still going into expanding God’s kingdom.  Karen and I never stopped supporting them.

Bully for him. His reassurence means little. Maybe he can explain how some things expand God\'s kingdom??

What LS has done or is doing is not in the public eye,but I would not throw myself under the bus for her either.
If she is the one that is going to others, blaming and naming names as to who has cost her another ministry, she needs to grow a spine. If she puts up with \"the little goldfish\" mentioned elsewhere saying this is what she thinks, she might gain more respect by not relying on the goldfish to get the message out. Maybe she should just be upfront with people.

Any private citizen that can have any enjoyment, feel it is not so bad because they have had some experience in litigation, needs to get a life. There are a lot more beneficial ways to get a high out of life than this. Try a hobby you can turn into helping others.
Nothing gives me greater pleasure than using my love of sewing to help someone else.  Try it, it may give you a far greater high than a lawsuit ever could.

Jack Indabocks

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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #141 on: July 14, 2008, 07:07:52 AM »

Bonnie, I agree with you that lawsuits are not fun.

But I get the idea that lawyers don\'t look at them the same way that the parties do. It seems to be a game to them. (I\'m not impressed if their game involves trying to ruin some innocent persons life just because their client pays them to do that.)

Now if a party in a suit just happens to have a bit of litigation experience, they may not look at the suit as being such an awful thing. Someone without that experience would tend to be a bit burdened.

Some of you seem to be confused which side of the fence I am on.

I take DS role and that of 3ABN supporters no matter what more seriously than I do LS. That is true because 3ABN and DS are in the public spotlight.They have the far greater responsibility. It is also true I personally take a dim view of most televangelists. When I give my hard earned, limited resources to anyone for a cause,there are certain things I want to know. Doesn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t matter whether the answers concern what some may think illegal activity or whether it is perfectly legal but tacky.
If I had unlimited resources and was content with donating a 100.00 and having 50.00 of it go first and foremost to support a cushy lifestyle for someone no problem. But as I am unlikely to reach that goal I watch where I give and who I support.
I want the most mileage out of my dollar. When a televangelist lives a modest comfortable life on my donations, I will believe his heart is where his mouth is. I don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t expect them to live in subsidized housing or as Mother Theresa, Existing on one or two meals a day, giving everything else to what she believed in. But nor to I want to support a life most that earn a paycheck cannot live .

Horses, a very expensive hobby is not my idea of promoting the gospel and taking care of the poor. To enjoy riding and owning a horse is one thing. Asking others to support several, while accepting and asking for donations for spreading the gospel is another. For your expensive hobby to be supported by donations is tacky, unless that party is independently wealthy and not using my donation to support.
We have a friend that owns one horse. He estimates that one horse at 80.00 a month to support. Times that by several. Then take in to account you need to hire someone to care for on a daily basis while you are not there. The regular vet, farrier fees,worming, hay, grain,riding equipment.  Now in the next breath tell me to donate so the poor lost souls that need to hear the gospel can be reached, or the many starving children. Guaranteed ed you will not get my money. Or tell me about the swimming pool you have to dip your toes in after a hard day riding or caring for the horses as you are almost teary eyed over those lost souls just waiting for you to come with the gospel.
Even at that, if there are those wishing to donate being made fully aware of what their hard earned dollar goes to support first, no problem. Their choice.
When money coming from that type of source is used to support that, or as Jim and Tammy Baker, air conditioned dog houses I do not believe their heart is where the mouth is. I don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t believe TB was anymore innocent than her husband in taking advantage of others to live a lifestyle most of us can\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t. My preference is that she would have had the same accommodations the State of MN provided for her husband.

We have many org that do a lot of good things while doing some of the more questionable. I will not support ADRA either. While no denying the many wonderful things they do, I want to know someone is minding the storehouse first. Not building tennis courts for employee\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s. Then I believe another, was not it along the lines of the sun was in their eyes. I can find many places for my money that go directly to the one hurting or in need.

I believe many start out with the purest of intentions, but like politicians something goes horribly wrong. There are those that are committed to spending wisely and living modestly, but I don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t have the time or patience to sift thru the debris to figure out which one will spend my money the most wisely.
Like many ,DS showed his true colors as far as I am concerned with a disgraceful public display by him and those he allowed. Anything else he has to say, no matter how eloquently, he has lost me if I had ever been a supporter.

Never would anyone question where the heart of Mother Theresa was. If asked, she would have received anything she asked I was able to give. DS and others do not have to feel called to live as she did,but I have no desire to support a lavish lifestyle first.
If that lifestyle can be supported by independent means, have at it. Do not beg for mine.

If you are going to prattle on and on publically about the gospel,forgivness and all that goes with it, conduct your personal life accordingly. Doesnt it say somewhere Christ did not defend himself against his accuser\'s?
Maybe a brief statement about his failed marriage to LS, treat the settlement in a fair manner, and move on would have helped immensely in preventing this

edited to correct sentence


You need to be a good steward of your own money, not Danny Sheltons, nor anyone elses.

If he and Linda had horses and paid for them by breeding them and selling others, that is their business, not yours nor any one elses.  No one comes into your house and claims you can\'t have pets or spend money or resources in feeding and caring for them, as that money should go to the Lord.

I keep reading you condemning Danny Shelton for the letters he and Linda wrote and it makes me sick. It should make you sick also.

Quote from: example from Bonnie just posted
It is not his critics DS should be most concerned about.
DS explained his committment to honesty with the e-mail concerning the horses. Couldn\\\'t care less what the IRS says, don\\\'t care if it actually transpired. DS is the one that gave a clear picture of what DS wanted to do. Don\\\'t even waste time trying to tell me that it is legal . I know from living the life of a hobby/working farm for 17 years that is not legal. He also wanted to involve others in his little game. DISHONEST,ILLEGAL if carried out. Intent may not count with the IRS, but maybe God has other ideas.

Your motive and intent is considered by God also, along with every idle word.

You have claimed many times that what he was saying and promoting was ilegal and he knew it. You have implied insinuated and posted that he willingly and knowingly tried to flout the law, cheat the IRS,  and get Linda to do so with him as he was dishonest ect..

You have repeatedly judged his motive and intent as wrong, and said it does not matter whether they ended up filing, as he said, or doing such as his intent was wrong and illegal. You have claimed what matters to you is that he tried to break the law and cheat the IRS, and tried to get Linda to also.

What you have not ever done was to give him the benefit of the doubt.

What you have never done is admit you do not know anothers mind or what they know or are ignorant of and so can not rightfully judge their motive intent and character based on so little. This includes Danny Shelton who you have never met, talked to or have personal knowledge of.

What you have not done is consider that this originated with the ministry which he and Linda donated multiple horse to (each). That ministry  was the one who wanted to send the cash receipts. Danny did not ask them to do so, the idea never originated with him.

What you have never considered is that Danny was ignorant at first, and did not know what the tax laws and requirement were when he repeated what that ministry said  to Linda.

What you do not consider is that after he and Linda both went to their accountants and were informed of the law and what was required that they both learned and so did the legal thing as required as he never had any intention of cheating the IRS or doing anything illegal. He did not know that was not  allowed until he talked to his accountant.

I am not going to apologize to you here for posting this, no matter how defensive you react, or how you may attack me or any other in return, for the above is exactly what happened.

Asking is so much easier than assuming and finding fault with another  and judging their motives and intents and character and repeating those false things to another.

You owe Danny Shelton an apology, or at least the courtesy of asking him what happened.

In the meantime judging anothers motive and intent without proof is not your job.

And what you do and say about this from here on out is on you. You can not claim ignorance or another way or POV was not revealed here. Nor can any other reading this.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 07:46:01 AM by Jack Indabocks »


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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #142 on: July 14, 2008, 07:12:23 AM »


From reading your posts it is apparent that you have never met Danny Shelton, you did not ever watch 3ABN, you have not ever corresponded with Danny Shelton.

So when I read you also keep posting how your opinion of Danny Shelton came from Danny Shelton?

I consider you not credible.

Where did you get your opinions of Danny Shelton?

It is obvious you have got them from what his critics and accusers have said about him and claimed.

Now you are finding fault with Doug Batchelor based on that?

Think, and be ashamed, and stop.[/quote

Frankly I am not concerned whether you believe me credible or not. That is not the criteria I base my opinions on. I have never met DS. I had never watched 3ABN till just very recently. I don't need to read a correspondence to me from DS. Reading his and others that purportedly speak for DS or on his behalf, will tell me more than any contrived response or any critic of his.  Two things intitially turned me off on DS. Not the IRS or the lawsuit.
HIs conduct concerning LS publically and his treatment of Mabel Dunbar. There are some public things that no one can deny concerning LS. Mabel Dunbar has far more credibility as far as I am concerned than DS will ever have.
These two things do not square with this almost cultish like following.Or this potrayal of this very righteous man in the eyes of some.

Personally, think what you like. I have no idea who you are and as such,what you say has little credibility with me so
looks like we are at a stalemate.
It is obvious you have inserted what you wish into what I said.

It is not his critics DS should be most concerned about.
DS explained his committment to honesty with the e-mail concerning the horses. Couldn't care less what the IRS says, don't care if it actually transpired. DS is the one that gave a clear picture of what DS wanted to do. Don't even waste time trying to tell me that it is legal . I know from living the life of a hobby/working farm for 17 years that is not legal. He also wanted to involve others in his little game. DISHONEST,ILLEGAL if carried out. Intent may not count with the IRS, but maybe God has other ideas.

Now you are finding fault with Doug Batchelor based on that?

You call it what you like. I really had no opinion either way on DB before this started. My fault finding or opinion is based not on what others said, but on what DB said and as far as I am concerned showed with that e-mail..

No, I am not ashamed of my opinion.  I am entitled to it and I have not stated anything   other than my opinion.

If you do not like knowing it, don't read it and don't spread it
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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #143 on: July 14, 2008, 07:36:38 AM »

You need to be a good steward of your money, not Danny Sheltons, nor anyone Else's.

Glad we agree. As long as it is my money I am donating, I intend to be careful with it so it does not land in the wrong hands.

If he and Linda had horses and paid for them by breeding them and selling others, that is their business, not yours nor any one Else's.  No one comes into your house and claims you can\'t have pets or spend money or resources in feeding and caring for them, as that money should go to the Lord.

No one can come into my home and be concerned about how I spend my money as I am not living on donations from others. When I get to the place I am asking others to donate to support my lifestyle than I have a responsibility to use their means wisely. I never said anything about not having pets or feeding them. Expensive hobbies based on the generosity of others is quite another.  If they were bought and paid for by independent means I don't have a problem with it and think I said so. If this type of hobby can be maintained on the REPORTED income, again I have no problem. As long as the donors are aware of where their money is going.

I keep reading you condemning Danny Shelton for the letters he and Linda wrote and it makes me sick.

Good, it should.

You have claimed many times that he what he was saying and willingly and knowingly tried to flout the law and get Linda to.

That is exactly what the e-mail stated. Spin it however you like, not legal

You have repeatedly judged his motive and intent as wrong, and said it did\'t matter whether they ended up filing as he said as his intent was wrong and illegal.

No, I took DS at his word for what he hoped to do with LS help

What you have not ever done was to give him the benefit of the doubt. What you have not done is consider that the ministry which he and Linda donated multiple horse to (each) was the one who wanted to send the cash receipts

My reading comprehension tests have scored quite high. I don't have to give the benefit of the doubt to someone that has just explained what he wished to do.

What you have never considered is that Danny did not know what the tax laws and requirement were when he told this to Linda.
No, not likely. I read what was in the e-mail by DS to LS. I read his response to her after she refused.

What you do not consider is that after he and Linda both went to their accountants and were informed of the law and what was required that they both learned and did the legal thing as required as he never had any intention of cheating the IRS or doing anything illegal

I have no problem believing that. Sometimes honesty is the prudent thing even if it is something you do not wish to do. Making public the emails no doubt had something to do with his compliance.

I am not going to apologise here for posting this no matter how defensive you react, or how you may attack me or any other in return, for that is exactly what happened.

I didn't ask for an apology. Had you even attempted you would have had far less credibility than you do now. I have not attacked you. I have responded to what you have said. I am not attacking others. My opinion.

Asking is so much easier than assuming and finding fault with another  and judging their motives and intents and character and repeating those false things to another.

I do not need to ask what DS has already taken the time to explain. His motives were made clear by DS, not me.
I have not repeated anything I believe to be false. I do not put a great deal of faith in the reference DS is going to give DS.

You owe Danny Shelton an apology, or at least the courtesy of asking him what happened.

No, I do not owe DS an apology. If he anticipates one, he will need to contact me directly. Not have his surrogates request one.  Besides a requested and demanded apology is totally worthless
Beware of those that verbally try to convince you they are Christian. Check your back pocket and make sure your wallet is still there. Next check your reputation to see if it is still intact. Chances are, one or both will be missing


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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #144 on: July 14, 2008, 07:40:11 AM »

Maybe someone can take the time to locate and post DS intent . I am not interested enough at this point, I know what they said, but might be interesting to see how many ways it can be spun
Beware of those that verbally try to convince you they are Christian. Check your back pocket and make sure your wallet is still there. Next check your reputation to see if it is still intact. Chances are, one or both will be missing

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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #145 on: July 14, 2008, 07:49:35 AM »

-------- Original Message --------
From:     Danny Shelton
To:     Linda Shelton
Date:     Thursday, April 07, 2005 3:14 PM

Ms. Shelton

I tried to call you to explain the horse deductions. I just remembered that ****** just gave us a donation of $20,000 last year. It did not mention horses. That is much better than all the other rig a ma role.

I have no idea if that's even close to spelling that word, but it seemed to fit.

So, I have left a message that he has not returned yet. Hopefully, you will just get a tax donation report from his ministry showing that you gave $20,000 to his ministry. That's the way he chose to do it.

I should get one too. I guess he's counting it the same as a cash donation.

Happy Dan

ps. I think he's willing to give us a $10,000 donation for 2005 ($5,000 @), if we donate our black 3 yr. old stud. I can't really use him to breed any more of our horses or they will all be the same blood line.

If this is ok with you please let me know in writing and I'll try to make it happen. He's hurt his foot really bad by kicking in his stall. I hope it heals ok.

Danny Shelton

Jack Indabocks

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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #146 on: July 14, 2008, 07:58:36 AM »

Maybe someone can take the time to locate and post DS intent . I am not interested enough at this point, I know what they said, but might be interesting to see how many ways it can be spun


Bonnie, you have been posting his motive and his intent and claiming to know what that was, and what he thought and knew, and claiming that is why you found fault with him every time this horse issue has come up, and been brought up BY YOU Bonnie. Starting with your posts about it on MSDAOL.

Yet you never once asked him to explain, but were arrogant enought to think you could see and know all about him just by reading what Pickle via Linda produced against Danny?

Yet never once have the critics and accusers( including you) thought it relevant to include anything which occurred between when the published emails and when the tax returns (which did not claim cash receipts?) were filed?

Now you claim you arent interested in Dannys intent, and refuse to be accountable for your own stout words against him? or see where Bob Pickle has erred?

Despite the fact the IRS has concluded their investigation? And you or no other can prove any fault or error, and it seems the IRS has found nothing?

You posted this:
What you do not consider is that after he and Linda both went to their accountants and were informed of the law and what was required that they both learned and did the legal thing as required as he never had any intention of cheating the IRS or doing anything illegal.

I have no problem believing that. Sometimes honesty is the prudent thing even if it is something you do not wish to do. Making public the emails no doubt had something to do with his compliance.

But the emails were posted aka published way after the emails and events and tax returns were filed. Your excuse and justification here makes no more sense, then your earlier posts.


 May the Lord rebuke you!!

And may you at least have conscience enough to never repeat those same arguments whether on or off these forums, for you are accountable, just as Bob Pickle is for all you have led to believe a lie.

So much on this forum is like this, where all all those who sigh and cry over all that is done in the name of the Lord which is just so blind and ignorant of him?

-- absolutely disgusted and ashamed

« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 09:07:36 AM by Jack Indabocks »


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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #147 on: July 14, 2008, 08:35:23 AM »

I get reminded of some words of Scripture, "Thy language betrayeth thee."


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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #148 on: July 14, 2008, 08:39:17 AM »

Exactly what I just got through posting in another part of the forum, Johann.
"Si me olvido de ti, oh Jerusalén, pierda mi diestra su destreza."

Jack Indabocks

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Re: Answers to Posts from the Other Yahoo Site
« Reply #149 on: July 14, 2008, 08:51:16 AM »

I get reminded of some words of Scripture, \\\\\\\"Thy language betrayeth thee.\\\\\\\"

Yes it does, Pastor Johann, and Artiste...


Something for each and every one of us to consider and take to heart.

A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.....But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man

Pro 15:28  The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things.

Job 5:12 He disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.

Pro 1:31Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 08:58:45 AM by Jack Indabocks »
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