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Gailon Arthur Joy

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BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« on: January 26, 2008, 09:09:43 PM »

appletree of BDSA- Advanced Member - Member No.: 4,244 Gender: m

" The trouble with Gailon's answers to 3abn questions is this: He is usually wrong. Though he knew the date of the board meeting (as many people did) his statements of what would happen in the meeting were totally generic, speculative and wrong as usual. Once he put his "ideas" in writing, in people's minds they became facts. "Joy is in the know, he knows what is happening in the board meeting." This, is why there is a lawsuit. His stabs in the dark were exactly that, stabs in the dark....with no basis of fact whatsoever. As far as I can see, he was wrong on all counts concerning the boards agenda, Danny and the future outlook for 3abn.... Joy knows no more "Hidden Truths" about 3abn than someone on the street. He isn't "in the know" as has been proven time and time again when his speculation and opinions have played out. If anyone wanted "true" facts about 3abn, the Pickle/Joy team would be the last place you would go to find them." Appletree of BSDA Forums

Well, here we are...the official authorized statement of the officers and directors of 3ABN...apparently Appletree is the Secretary of the 3ABN Board and here is the report!!! Hope the IRS Investigators aren't watching...oh, yeah...they are!!!

What a shame. No constituency, no operational changes, no reformation, no settlement with the IRS, no accountability to the stock-holders in the pews...just more of the same!!! Is that why the house got sold very quickly to Gilley and Gilleys' house got sold just on time to pay Danny and Danny is building a house on land he doesn't even own. Yup, guess you are right, appletree...more of the same old, same old. Not the change of culture the IRS was looking for, but then, what do I know???

Unfortunately, Appletree, you are about to know just how much we really know, just how much the IRS knows and just how little you know..or is it that you simply refuse
to acknowledge???

Confession is cathartic for the soul... Appletree needs to consider it before it is too late, for him and his career.

Believe me, every source I have is saying the same thing...DANNY is being eased out...wonder why...wonder when Linda will be back??? Yes, the nemisis of 3ABN
is certain to be the big winner as Danny gets caste to the, just when
will they apologize for what 3ABN and Danny did to Linda Sue Shelton? Just when
will they dis-continue their campaign to prevent her from conducting her ministry?

Time is running out and they need to act quickly.  And a lot of change is imperative!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy


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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2008, 10:30:53 AM »

What a shame. No constituency, no operational changes, no reformation, no settlement with the IRS, no accountability to the stock-holders in the pews...just more of the same!!! Is that why the house got sold very quickly to Gilley and Gilleys' house got sold just on time to pay Danny and Danny is building a house on land he doesn't even own. Yup, guess you are right, appletree...more of the same old, same old. Not the change of culture the IRS was looking for, but then, what do I know???

Unfortunately, Appletree, you are about to know just how much we really know, just how much the IRS knows and just how little you know..or is it that you simply refuse
to acknowledge???

Confession is cathartic for the soul... Appletree needs to consider it before it is too late, for him and his career.

Believe me, every source I have is saying the same thing...DANNY is being eased out...wonder why...wonder when Linda will be back??? Yes, the nemisis of 3ABN
is certain to be the big winner as Danny gets cast to the, just when
will they apologize for what 3ABN and Danny did to Linda Sue Shelton? Just when
will they discontinue their campaign to prevent her from conducting her ministry?

Time is running out and they need to act quickly.  And a lot of change is imperative!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy

Danny Shelton is being eased out...

That would go along with the probably politically correct speeches we hear on 3ABN live...

« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 10:47:32 AM by Artiste »
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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2008, 05:36:20 PM »

appletree of BDSA- Advanced Member - Member No.: 4,244 Gender: m

" The trouble with Gailon's answers to 3abn questions is this: He is usually wrong. Though he knew the date of the board meeting (as many people did) his statements of what would happen in the meeting were totally generic, speculative and wrong as usual. Once he put his "ideas" in writing, in people's minds they became facts. "Joy is in the know, he knows what is happening in the board meeting." This, is why there is a lawsuit. His stabs in the dark were exactly that, stabs in the dark....with no basis of fact whatsoever. As far as I can see, he was wrong on all counts concerning the boards agenda, Danny and the future outlook for 3abn.... Joy knows no more "Hidden Truths" about 3abn than someone on the street. He isn't "in the know" as has been proven time and time again when his speculation and opinions have played out. If anyone wanted "true" facts about 3abn, the Pickle/Joy team would be the last place you would go to find them." Appletree of BSDA Forums

OK.  Let's follow appletree's logic (now that we know what orchard he is from):

He states that Gailon is "usually wrong" which denotes being wrong much of the time, but not all of the time.  In the very next sentence, he says Gailon is "wrong as usual" which definitely means being wrong all of the time.  Maybe appletree should try not to contradict himself within the same paragraph.

I find it interesting that Gailon has the power to put ideas in writing which later become facts in other people's minds.  Ideas are abstract and belong to the people who embrace them; facts on the other hand are concrete coupled with evidence, either written or otherwise.  The causation of Gailon's ideas changing to facts in people's minds is logistically inaccurate and pure speculation, and would never hold up in any court of the land.  (I believe it is even overruled on Law and Order on Wednesday nights on NBC.)

As for the last sentence about "true" facts and where you would go to find them ... facts are true and can never not be such.  Appletree could benefit from the help of an editor or scribe, but then we would not be able to gain insight into who he truly is.

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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2008, 09:19:33 PM »

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 QUOTE(sister @ Jan 26 2008, 03:03 PM)
Linda Shelton has maintained her innocense in regard to Danny Shelton’s accusations of adultery since he first uttered them. For over a year she has asked, no, demanded that Danny publically present the “evidence” he claims to possess. Yet no one has come forward to present any information publically. Enough of the charades! In the street vernacular I believe the expression is, “Put up or shut up.”

Appletree, all of your statements rest upon the assumption that Linda Shelton is guilty of a false accusation of adultery that has never been proven. Since you, too, must be aware of that fact— since you have offered no proof to substantiate your assumptions, based upon unsupported testimony— the simple question is, “Why have you chosen to maliciously malign the reputation of an innocent woman?”

Appletree, produce the evidence as Linda Shelton has requested or stop your lying. This is where “the rubber meets the road”, Appletree. No more excuses, “put up the evidence or quit maligning Linda Shelton’s reputation.

Remember, simply attacking me will not change the facts that no evidence has been produced that proves adultery. People pay attention here. Appletree, produce the evidence of Linda Shelton’s adultery— since you have claimed to see it— or produce an apology.


Dear Sister....wrong again. I don't have to show the evidence or apologize. Period. Your first sentence that Linda has maintained her innocense was ludicrous. Now what would you expect her to do? Tell all????
You say Danny hasn't produced the evidence. Has it every occurred to you (evidently not) that for reasons that have not been revealed, his hands are tied. Let's just say it was not his decision to make. I wish it were. A lot of this craziness could have been nipped in the bud. Let's just look forward to "good timing" and justice being done.

Now behind door number did you go from talking directly about Linda Shelton and then saying "attacking me will not change the facts that no evidence....etc etc. Attacking ME?????? Did you say ME as in Appletree is attacking Linda Shelton/ Alias/ me....Sister?????? can now, spin, twist and sail away into the wild blue yonder all you want but it looks like a huge SLIP to me. (Imagine as if we didn't know it all along.)

Well, Appletree does it again: Danny had his hands tied and could not produce the evidence against Linda for nearly four years now? Does anyone have any idea how Dannies hands were tied? Is this why they have not given us the first document in response to the Pickles requests to Produce? Too bad they didn't let us know this
before they filed suite!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy


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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2008, 08:13:22 PM »

Is Appletree succeeding in getting his message through? How can we prevent Sheltonism from dominating our Church?

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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2008, 09:28:24 PM »

Deceit, conceit, political maneuvering, monatarism and cronyism is clearly alive in Adventism.

Further, there is no effective means to discipline or conciliate these difference and more and more often Adventists are off to court for their redress.

But look carefully at the description of Laodicea and we can clearly understand why this can go on and money talks while the truth walks. In time rest assured that the Lord will manifest HIS power within the church and the Lord be merciful on those who have mocked him.

Gailon Arthur Joy


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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2008, 10:22:12 PM »

Deceit, conceit, political maneuvering, monatarism and cronyism is clearly alive in Adventism.

Further, there is no effective means to discipline or conciliate these difference and more and more often Adventists are off to court for their redress.

But look carefully at the description of Laodicea and we can clearly understand why this can go on and money talks while the truth walks. In time rest assured that the Lord will manifest HIS power within the church and the Lord be merciful on those who have mocked him.

Gailon Arthur Joy

Sad, but a very true description Gailon. May we all have our eyes opened and may God deliver us.


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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2008, 07:45:43 AM »

(Observer @ Feb 5 2008, 02:32 PM) *
Of course I am not going to go public with the information that you request. If there are people of bold vision who discuss possible resolution of the issues, that will at some point have to be private. Later, it can be public.

You do make some interesting assumptions. Again, it would not be helpful to go public in a response.

And here is Appletree's response:


I am somewhat surprised to see that you have joined the "other sides" altered world of reality. Some of your posts about settlements and give and take where this lawsuit is concerned is ludicrous. 3ABN will not "settle" with the people who have hurt the gospel enough to be sued, in the first place. How ridiculous would that be?

People need to realize that 3ABN will not settle with Pickle and Joy as there is nothing to settle. Pickle and Joy have unlawfully slandered 3ABN and continue to do so. It appears they are finally realizing that that they could end up in jail if they keep being dishonest with the court. Contempt of court is no small thing. Giving the bankruptcy court different information than the Federal court, could end up with Joy going to jail.

They are falling apart. They started together in this suit with the so called great Laird Heal. Joy knifed Pickle leaving him financially responsible when 3ABN wins the court case. Why? Joy was trying to put himself out of harm by filing bankruptcy but it left poor Bob in a, shall we say "Pickle". The court saw this and said that Laird Heal could not now be Pickles attorney. Poor Pickle now had to fend for himself.
The question could be asked to their followers as what they have won so far. Look at the court records. They have now lost their web site, Joy and Laird have been quilty of contempt of court and have to pay $1,000 each! Now where is a man that only has, according to his bankruptcy records, $2.00 to his name going to pay a $1,000 fine? Now if he is able to come up with the $1,000 to pay his fine will the bankruptcy court now also want to fine him for not showing that he had $1,000 hidden somewhere. If it is a gift from someone is he going to pay taxes on the money? If so, where is he going to get the extra tax money. Also on a spiritual note, will he pay tithe on this income? If so, will he offer the court the $900.00 left and take the chance of going to jail or will he short change God and take the chance of robbing God? This kind of scenerio can go on and on......
So, who wants to settle?

Changes that have been made at 3ABN are not what they want. Danny is still very much involved with 3ABN. In fact there are whispers, that instead of firing him as Joy and Picke want 3ABN to do , 3ABN is negotiationing a long term contract with Danny so that he doesn't ever resign from 3ABN and walk away!
Gregory, you say that there have been changes to the 3ABN executive committee. What changes have been made and if so what difference does it make in 3ABN's governance?
You said that policies are being made. The truth is, New policies have been put in place since the beginning of the ministry. Each year, with growth and changing laws every business makes changes or stands the chance of putting themselves at risk. This is nothing new at 3ABN. Pickle, Joy and Linda are not factors in the ever changing, ever growing policies and decisions made at 3ABN. Why would they be? Every day Pickle and Joy have less credibility with church leaders and church members. They are now looked at by many leaders as men out to destroy the SDA church

This suit is not about a give and take. Their will be no compromises on 3ABN's Part! If 3abn were to ever consider dropping the suit, the only negotiations, will be about Pickle and Joy recanting much of what they have said and done as they have spread lies that have hurt the cause of God. 3ABN, as well as their supporters and church officials, see these men as enemies of the gospel. They are not about spreading the gospel but trying to stop the gospel.

Is there, then, an end in sight?
« Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 07:50:07 AM by Johann »


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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2008, 12:07:27 PM »

(Observer @ Feb 5 2008, 02:32 PM) *
Of course I am not going to go public with the information that you request. If there are people of bold vision who discuss possible resolution of the issues, that will at some point have to be private. Later, it can be public.

You do make some interesting assumptions. Again, it would not be helpful to go public in a response.

And here is Appletree's response:


I am somewhat surprised to see that you have joined the "other sides" altered world of reality. Some of your posts about settlements and give and take where this lawsuit is concerned is ludicrous. 3ABN will not "settle" with the people who have hurt the gospel enough to be sued, in the first place. How ridiculous would that be?

People need to realize that 3ABN will not settle with Pickle and Joy as there is nothing to settle. Pickle and Joy have unlawfully slandered 3ABN and continue to do so. It appears they are finally realizing that that they could end up in jail if they keep being dishonest with the court. Contempt of court is no small thing. Giving the bankruptcy court different information than the Federal court, could end up with Joy going to jail.

They are falling apart. They started together in this suit with the so called great Laird Heal. Joy knifed Pickle leaving him financially responsible when 3ABN wins the court case. Why? Joy was trying to put himself out of harm by filing bankruptcy but it left poor Bob in a, shall we say "Pickle". The court saw this and said that Laird Heal could not now be Pickles attorney. Poor Pickle now had to fend for himself.
The question could be asked to their followers as what they have won so far. Look at the court records. They have now lost their web site, Joy and Laird have been quilty of contempt of court and have to pay $1,000 each! Now where is a man that only has, according to his bankruptcy records, $2.00 to his name going to pay a $1,000 fine? Now if he is able to come up with the $1,000 to pay his fine will the bankruptcy court now also want to fine him for not showing that he had $1,000 hidden somewhere. If it is a gift from someone is he going to pay taxes on the money? If so, where is he going to get the extra tax money. Also on a spiritual note, will he pay tithe on this income? If so, will he offer the court the $900.00 left and take the chance of going to jail or will he short change God and take the chance of robbing God? This kind of scenerio can go on and on......
So, who wants to settle?

Changes that have been made at 3ABN are not what they want. Danny is still very much involved with 3ABN. In fact there are whispers, that instead of firing him as Joy and Picke want 3ABN to do , 3ABN is negotiationing a long term contract with Danny so that he doesn't ever resign from 3ABN and walk away!
Gregory, you say that there have been changes to the 3ABN executive committee. What changes have been made and if so what difference does it make in 3ABN's governance?
You said that policies are being made. The truth is, New policies have been put in place since the beginning of the ministry. Each year, with growth and changing laws every business makes changes or stands the chance of putting themselves at risk. This is nothing new at 3ABN. Pickle, Joy and Linda are not factors in the ever changing, ever growing policies and decisions made at 3ABN. Why would they be? Every day Pickle and Joy have less credibility with church leaders and church members. They are now looked at by many leaders as men out to destroy the SDA church

This suit is not about a give and take. Their will be no compromises on 3ABN's Part! If 3abn were to ever consider dropping the suit, the only negotiations, will be about Pickle and Joy recanting much of what they have said and done as they have spread lies that have hurt the cause of God. 3ABN, as well as their supporters and church officials, see these men as enemies of the gospel. They are not about spreading the gospel but trying to stop the gospel.

Is there, then, an end in sight?

I believe it is important to add the comments made by Princessdi, on BSDA, in response to Appletree's comments:

Appletree, I think I understand your...frustration, and your point. However, I have a hard time equating 3ABN or Danny with "The Gospel". Now they may believe that Bob and GJ have hurt an independent ministry who is attempting to spread the gospel, but they are not "the gospel" themselves. Neither are the the only ones engaged in this minstry. In fact, nothing any human does can hurt the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The only thing that can be hurt or hampered is 3ABN's efforts in spreading the gospel, and while noble valiant and even Godly, they are not necessary to the spreading of the gospel. It is their privilege to be a part of God's plan, His Work will go on with or without Danny or 3ABN.

That being said, 3ABN did not NEED to sue anyone, they chose to. Not God's choice, but the choice of Danny and the 3ABN board and financial supporter in this endeavor, becuase their coffiers were being depleted. God does not need humans to "defend" Him. 3ABN is not in court defending God against Bob and GJ. They are there defending themselves and the tools of satan they occasionally employed to attempt to do God's work. One more time, ALL Danny and W (Walt Thompson) had to do from the beginning was to answer Bob's questions when he first posed them, in email, etc.


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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2008, 02:05:34 PM »

So which is the correct report of what is going on?

3ABN has no interest in settling the lawsuit because they know they are right and the other side is wrong, or both sides have shown some interest resolving things?

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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2008, 05:52:39 PM »

Here's an educated guess...

Could it be that both sides HAVE expressed an interest in settling this mess...but it is APPLETREE who has no interest?



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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2008, 08:55:59 PM »

I have to say, Appletree has expressed no desire at all to settle.
"Si me olvido de ti, oh Jerusalén, pierda mi diestra su destreza."


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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2008, 10:35:24 PM »

I have to say, Appletree has expressed no desire at all to settle.

Moving headstrong towards Danny's destruction. Diverting attention away from the IRS criminal investigation at his gate.


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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2008, 02:32:52 AM »

I have to say, Appletree has expressed no desire at all to settle.

Moving headstrong towards Danny's destruction. Diverting attention away from the IRS criminal investigation at his gate.

Ah ha, but that is only a temporary diversion! The IRS does not stay diverted for long enough to let them off the hook.


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Re: BSDA's Appletree - No progress at 3ABN
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2008, 06:25:48 PM »

I have to say, Appletree has expressed no desire at all to settle.

Moving headstrong towards Danny's destruction. Diverting attention away from the IRS criminal investigation at his gate.

I would presume that the IRS criminal investigation of DS is an important reason why he is being sidelined at 3ABN.

With DS (or Appletree) stating that there is no reason or wish on the part of 3ABN to settle the lawsuit, is there a discrepancy between what some of the other administration or board members of 3ABN want and what Appletree wants?
"Si me olvido de ti, oh Jerusalén, pierda mi diestra su destreza."
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