Advent Talk

General Category => General Discussions => Topic started by: Murcielago on August 03, 2010, 03:05:43 PM

Title: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Murcielago on August 03, 2010, 03:05:43 PM
An 11 story, $100 mil mosque is now slated for construction across the street from where the World Trade Center towers formerly stood. Some call it "the 9/11 Victory Mosque" and others say that it will be central to healing the rift between Islam and the West. Its founders state that its purpose is to bring people of all faiths together, that people of other faiths will sit on its board, and that it will house an interfaith chapel. Opponents say that its purpose aside, it shows insensitivity to the survivors of 9/11, and the families of those who died.

What do you think?
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on August 03, 2010, 03:46:05 PM
That's a good question Murcielago,  but I think it is not what we think it's what the patriots will do? I've been watching all the news blogs and it is not pretty what most people think. It is too bad to have it put on here. The handwriting is on the wall. Some of the blogs do not know how the Obamablabla (by Palin) is still walking around. People scuffed at what was going to happen to American, The best question is it now, or a little later. I think the beginning is now. It's just to big and too bad for it to get better. Obamablabla just put tax on Pizza. I believe the red necks will be a "firing their guns" soon according to the upheaval of the blogs.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on August 03, 2010, 04:57:25 PM
Well, I think that if we are going to get anywhere near respecting the tenants of this nation about accepting all, we will have to separate the actions of extremist from the normal Muslim.  it was the actions of extremists who are responsible for the tragedy at the Towers. 

Tinka, i am very disappointed at you quoting sarah Palin.  She is a very ignorant woman, but not too stupid to make money off of feeding folks her ignorance.  She needs to tend to her daughter who has some serious issues right about now.

I do, however, agree with you about it being about what the families/victims feel about it.   
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Murcielago on August 03, 2010, 09:05:55 PM
I am all for inter-faith conferencing and shoulder rubbing. Groups who wall themselves in fall to the ailments that plague any kind of multi-generational incest. In this particular case I believe that it is terribly insensitive to the 9/11 survivors, families of the dead, the City of New York, and to the nation at large. This mosque could be built anywhere else in New York without creating the deep offense that has been inflicted.

Btw, Princess, your thoughts on Sarah Palin accurately reflect my thoughts on "Christian" music performers and evangelists who do it for money, and I have a hard time believing that people actually take them seriously.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Murcielago on August 03, 2010, 10:49:06 PM
It would be kinda like the Japanese putting up a statue of Emperor Hirohito at Pearl Harbour.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on August 04, 2010, 04:09:10 AM
What makes you think Palin is so ignorant, she has the views of hard working Americans that are about to be cheated out of their country by premeditated and preplanned long terned annihilation of America by the ungodly Muslims. Americans built this country under one God and Christianity. They were deceived at last by slowly being  lax and giving up their ways of God in Judgement mostly by the inner working of the liberals.  Americans were fooled, cheated and lied to and now they know it except the diehards.

I am not so sure Palin will be in leadership but she is far from ignorant. Now she is a woman that many woman can be jealous of. She has true beauty class, strength and common sense agendas.  First of all, she is mentally Independent of being led by anyone. a strong individual, down to earth,  moose skinner, hunter and fisherman good mother, country minded of the heartland and lives it and she has a husband that has his own identity that she still respects as I see in her actions, they work together, yet his role is still very protective of her even tho she I don't think --any one man would want to tangle with her physically with her capabilities and yet has the know how to keep very feminine. She takes everything in stride as it comes and can turns it on a dime. She is not out there trying to look like a clown "style" in fashion to hide all or any if she has any ugly parts.  I never saw such idiot clothes on a person till Mrs. Obamablabla, I do not know what the deal is with the Muslim dully in the White House but it sure don't have the look of a love nest. In fact it much appears it is a project. No I do not ever want to rub shoulders with haters of America calling us Satan, Haters of our Jesus, all the while people trying to join together that which is unevenly yoked. Did you all forget what happened to God's people when they intermarried. There seems to be quite a lack of understanding of past experiences Biblically. What makes you think of putting people in to Guide America that is a Jesus hater to lead. You all will suffer the consequences. Yes, there is no doubt an agenda with the mosque. If you haven't noticed it is a high agenda for them to filtrate every town there is and their agenda is to attack within. The same tactic used in the Bible of the Trojan Horse. We will be deceived into a blood bath as it calls for Biblically. Maybe sooner then later according to what I am reading in the people that are the true Americans that fought for this country and the ones that protect their "given lives" for it. What in the world are ya all thinkin? let me guess, --this will lead to all "harmony" and live happily ever after. (Basically it is the same tactic used by these "Sympathizers" on here fighting for TS and DS. Some people just do not know how to relate to the big picture of same actions for the Justifying of just plain sin. Does not one know that a person is evil and all will die if one does not love our true God. If you claim they love God then how can they do the evil fruits. ) Take the blinders off. They are coming to get "the big Satan" as they refer to our "God planned" country of freedom, in wealth and the peoples way of life as they know it , Have you not heard the prophecy and what is going to happen in America by the SP. and Bible Account.  Talk about ignorance, This is something else. People raised in other countries do not know the inner extent of America and true Blues and their deep rooted sense of Patriotism for this Country. It is us that lost our loved ones for freedom that outsiders only wished they had.  There is not another place or country in this world like it. That is what will bring on the blood bath. Are you all for it??? When my eyes look upon  our beloved flag, I do not see a piece of material, I see blood that has been shed, running in the stripes and people maimed for life while I am intact and for how I have been able to live. That is what I see.  I believe history, prophecy, and the Word of God. I believe all should be equal and not a planned agenda for the take over from to instill evil and false God. I am an American that believes in One God that founded this country and my belief of freedom for all with no prejudice. But the decline is here...and now for all. Bring it on so I can go HOME.

edited to correct some bad english
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on August 04, 2010, 04:32:21 AM
and btw, another added thought, Is this what I saw with the GC wanting to rub shoulders with false religions, are we to be joiners?? Just what do they believe in this late date and time??? I read something clear different then what I am seeing. Of course then there is "Hope" within.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: mrst53 on August 04, 2010, 08:47:17 AM
I feel building the Mosque so close to Twin Towers site is in Poor taste, by anyone's standards. Do we put a statue of Hitler in the middle of the Holocaust museum. I don't think so. I know, NOT ALL Muslims are evil and  TRUE Islam is  a religion of peace, like all religions, but even they should have more feeling for the victims of 9/11 than to want to build so close to the 9/11 site. What are they THINKING??
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on August 04, 2010, 10:33:27 AM
It does not surprise me as Muslims worship a false God. They do not believe in the Son of God no way, shape or form, so therefore they are in falsehood and there claims of peace is nothing more then to filtrate to higher agenda. The western civilization means only death to them and delivered. IF you really trace down everything Bibical they put their own curse on theirselves at the Crucifixion when they begged Crucify and let our generations be held responsible...and they were. and what is sad is God's only beginning people did not believe and most are still with the curse of being blinded of truth. They will never be a nation of God's people ever again and can only come to Jesus on Individual basis.

You know when I am in a store and they come in, I immediately head out as One never knows what they are up to or what they are going to do. Yep, I am afraid and the warning is when I see them wear their proud towels that aren't necessary but maybe for the desert in our country soaked in water. Anybody see the young girl on magazine with her nose cut off?? They are Barbaric and the Bible say they will always be wild. Can anyone change that hmmm?? An individual has more hope. Only a proclaimed a brother and sister in proclaimed Christianity will I rub shoulders with, never a Manson, never a serial killer, never a pedophile as that is entirely up to the Holy Spirit and how he deals with it. I will except anything he stores up in Heaven but like Thomas, I gotta have the proof here on this earth. as we become what we sympathize with.. as some people yearn for human acceptance theirselves and except the evil human traits of others. My sympathy is for life loss of Eternity and I or no one can enter into that realm once the line is crossed. We are shown many examples and warned not to be unevenly yoked and shun the appearances of evil so therefore I take heed.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Emma on August 04, 2010, 01:12:12 PM
Just a few thoughts Tinka

The Muslim religion was not in existence at the crucifixion (Mohammed lived in the 6th century AD).  

The Koran accepts Jesus as a prophet and even talks of  His return to earth, though He is not recognised as the Son of God.

Where does the Bible unequivocally refer to Muslims as always being wild?

I have no sympathy at all for the extremes of Islam.  However my work involved working with many Muslims as both colleagues and clients, and I know the vast majority of them as good and decent people.

There are parts of the world where Muslims are coming to accept Jesus in quite large numbers, but I will not detail that here.

Having said all that, I can appreciate that the victims and their families of 9/11 are upset at the building of the mosque.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on August 04, 2010, 01:35:18 PM
It is only insensitive when we blame all Muslims for the attacks.  They are no more responsible for the actions of Al Quaida and the Teleban(sp) than SDAs are for David Koresh.  They are not ALL extremist plotting to destroy the US. I also suspect that the ones who are planning this project are the the extremist.  Misdirected blame and/or anger is never a good thing.

I mean SDAs many times really are in the same predicament.  How many times have you heard of someone ready for baptism to join the SDA church who change their minds, because someone tells them we are associated with some extremist offshoot.  As I said int he other thread, we are still in the "cult" section at many bookstores.  You would think we might understand about not making the distinction.

Murcielago, those musicians who do that are answerable to God. However, because I can't see the heart, I lack the the knowledge or authority to make the determination who they might be.  You know, like the wheat and the tares.  We can't tell the difference, mistaking one for the other.....all the time......which is th reasont he Mastoer told the servants not to pull them up, right?   :-)

I am all for inter-faith conferencing and shoulder rubbing. Groups who wall themselves in fall to the ailments that plague any kind of multi-generational incest. In this particular case I believe that it is terribly insensitive to the 9/11 survivors, families of the dead, the City of New York, and to the nation at large. This mosque could be built anywhere else in New York without creating the deep offense that has been inflicted.

Btw, Princess, your thoughts on Sarah Palin accurately reflect my thoughts on "Christian" music performers and evangelists who do it for money, and I have a hard time believing that people actually take them seriously.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Johann on August 04, 2010, 01:41:38 PM
While working as a missionary in West Africa it was a great blessing to win Muslims and Pagans to Christ and to baptize them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on August 04, 2010, 01:51:24 PM
Excellent points, Emma.  In fact, recently we had a ministry within the SDA church focused on just that...the conversion of Muslims.  They even have some countries where the message is broadcast in Farsi.

I'm sorry Tinka, we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.  Sarah Palin is just ignorant and opportunistic, and everytime she opens her mouth it is just a hot mess...Spreading confusion, discord, misinformation where ever she goes.  Tinka, you must have missed that sassy phto shoot she did not long ago.  it got published, but not when she wanted........not sure about her having so much class.....moose burgers and all. LOL!!  Now you know I don't like Condeleeza's politics, but I can respect her and what she has accomplished as an American, African American and a woman.  I can't seem to give that to Sarah.  there is something that hold me back, and that gut feeling isn't usually wrong.

Just a few thoughts Tinka

The Muslim religion was not in existence at the crucifixion (Mohammed lived in the 6th century AD).  

The Koran accepts Jesus as a prophet and even talks of  His return to earth, though He is not recognised as the Son of God.

Where does the Bible unequivocally refer to Muslims as always being wild?

I have no sympathy at all for the extremes of Islam.  However my work involved working with many Muslims as both colleagues and clients, and I know the vast majority of them as good and decent people.

There are parts of the world where Muslims are coming to accept Jesus in quite large numbers, but I will not detail that here.

Having said all that, I can appreciate that the victims and their families of 9/11 are upset at the building of the mosque.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on August 04, 2010, 02:34:32 PM
I definitely should have made myself more clear and just took for granted that most would think the decendents of  Abraham Sarah and the Handmaiden. The two brothers that have branched off into the different tribes. the 12 sons of Jacob,

  16:9   And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands.  
  16:10   And the angel of the LORD said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude.  
  16:11   And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou [art] with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.  
  16:12   And he will be a wild man; his hand [will be] against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.     16:13   And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth me?  
  16:14   Wherefore the well was called Beerlahairoi; behold, [it is] between Kadesh and Bered.  
  16:15   And Hagar bare Abram a son: and Abram called his son's name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael.  
  16:16   And Abram [was] fourscore and six years old, when Hagar bare Ishmael to Abram.  
Now read Genesis 49

Chapter 49

  49:1   And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you [that] which shall befall you in the last days.  
  49:2   Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and hearken unto Israel your father.  
  49:3   Reuben, thou [art] my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power:  
  49:4   Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed; then defiledst thou [it]: he went up to my couch.  
  49:5   Simeon and Levi [are] brethren; instruments of cruelty [are in] their habitations.  
  49:6   O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united: for in their anger they slew a man, and in their selfwill they digged down a wall.  
  49:7   Cursed [be] their anger, for [it was] fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel: I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel.  
  49:8   Judah, thou [art he] whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand [shall be] in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee.  
  49:9   Judah [is] a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?  
  49:10   The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him [shall] the gathering of the people [be].  
  49:11   Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes:  
  49:12   His eyes [shall be] red with wine, and his teeth white with milk.  
  49:13   Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he [shall be] for an haven of ships; and his border [shall be] unto Zidon.  
  49:14   Issachar [is] a strong ass couching down between two burdens:  
  49:15   And he saw that rest [was] good, and the land that [it was] pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute.  
  49:16   Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.  
  49:17   Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.  
  49:18   I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD.  
  49:19   Gad, a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the last.  
  49:20   Out of Asher his bread [shall be] fat, and he shall yield royal dainties.  
  49:21   Naphtali [is] a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words.  
  49:22   Joseph [is] a fruitful bough, [even] a fruitful bough by a well; [whose] branches run over the wall:  
  49:23   The archers have sorely grieved him, and shot [at him], and hated him:  
  49:24   But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty [God] of Jacob; (from thence [is] the shepherd, the stone of Israel:)  
  49:25   [Even] by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb:  
  49:26   The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren.  
  49:27   Benjamin shall ravin [as] a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.  
  49:28   All these [are] the twelve tribes of Israel: and this [is it] that their father spake unto them, and blessed them; every one according to his blessing he blessed them.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on August 04, 2010, 02:46:45 PM
Like I said --it is only possible to win a Muslim on a one to one basis. Otherwise you never knew what descendants you are dealing with according to the scripture above or what their agenda might be as they sure are forcing the issued in America as a whole right now. They want Shira law, they want our schools shut down for their holidays, they want what they want and we need not be so lax and sympathetic in their efforts as it is growing. Also if you go back far enough guess who else they will back or turn to in the end as a lot of their stuff coinsides with the Mother church.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on August 04, 2010, 03:31:59 PM
But, Tinka, you can't make that determination.  Only God can.  My God can do the impoosible and is bigger than any box I can put Him in.  He, because it is He only who saves, can save as many Muslims as He wants.  Guess what?  They are also His Children.  He know where they are and what they are doing.  He knows their hearts. He knows ALL like them as He knows it with you and I.

If your reference to the "Mother" church is the RCC.  There is a lot about you SDA church that is like them, including the way in which we hold services.   

Like I said --it is only possible to win a Muslim on a one to one basis. Otherwise you never knew what descendants you are dealing with according to the scripture above or what their agenda might be as they sure are forcing the issued in America as a whole right now. They want Shira law, they want our schools shut down for their holidays, they want what they want and we need not be so lax and sympathetic in their efforts as it is growing. Also if you go back far enough guess who else they will back or turn to in the end as a lot of their stuff coinsides with the Mother church.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Murcielago on August 04, 2010, 03:35:35 PM
I think it is also important to look at the big picture and see the patterns. As Christianity was destroying civilization and learning, Islam came out of the desert and kept education and civil behaviour alive. The Golden Age of Islam coincided with the Dark Ages of Christianity. The art, architecture, music, literature, and science that we know today bears the imprint of Islamic culture.

Today, the tables have turned and much of the Middle Eastern Islamic world has fallen into a dark age. The largest Islamic population in the world is in Indonesia and Malaysia, and the darkness and violence we see in the Middle East does not really relate to them. Thus, I am led to see that what we fear and loath in Islam may be regional and cultural issues as opposed to simply a matter of religion. From North Africa, across South Central Asia, and into Southern Asia, we see a distincly Persian mountain culture that has been adopted as part of the Shiia version of Islam. During the reign of the Ottoman empire, the Persian Shiia took Iraq and imposed their religion and culture there, and spread it over time through Wahabi missionaries and mercenaries west into Arabia, and East into Afghanistan and the part of India that later became Pakistan. The moderate Muslims of Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Lybia, and Morocco retained the moderate Sunni religion. As the Ottoman empire was being crushed at the end of WWI, and the European powers scrambbled to gobble up the pieces, chaos ensued. Quickly, the Europeans divested themselves of their portions of the Muslim world, and the result was total anarchy in many areas. Radicalism thrives on chaos and anarchy, so the Persian Shiia got their foothold areas where they were once forbidden. Today the real struggle is still between the Sunni and the alien Shiia. Shiia was created as a religion to wrap around the radical mountain Persians, And Sunni is the religion of the Arabs and the Turks.

Again and again, the Shiia have tried to redirect the animus of their Sunni enemies by trying to make it a war between Islam and the world... between Islam and Christianity.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on August 04, 2010, 03:38:33 PM
See now this is what I am talking about!  Give me some facts.  Excellent!
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Adam on August 04, 2010, 03:46:28 PM
Sarah Palin for President in 2012.  :oops: :ROFL: Sorry, I had to do it, Di.  :pals:
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: horsethief on August 27, 2010, 11:55:31 PM
Whem Islamic forces have conquered a people or a nation, they build a mosque on their battle sites. They've been doing this since Mohammed's day.

The men of our armed forces who have fought Islamic terrorists are righteous men for what they do. Do not dishonor them.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on August 30, 2010, 02:09:35 PM
You know, I was thinking about this statement of yours for a while.  I one thought comes to mind.  the Japanese, as a country, attacked Pearl harbor.  That was not some radical fraction without the knowledge or permission of the government.  So it is not the same. 

It is more like blaming all Adventists for the acts of David Kroesh. 

I have come to realize that I really don't want them to build the mosque there.  not because they don't have the right, but because we are not ready to uphold our own tenants.  Too many of us cannot separate the actions of the extremist from the religion itself.  And Adventist ought to be really better at this than most, as we are often identified by extremist fractions or offshoots.  But we are not.  If I were the folk who want to build the mosque, I would fight in court and secure my legal right to build, and then choose another site.  It is not their failing, it is ours.  We are not standing by our word as a nation.

It would be kinda like the Japanese putting up a statue of Emperor Hirohito at Pearl Harbour.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on August 30, 2010, 07:14:38 PM
Di, Di, what and how are you thinking???? Read HIstory! Read Bible references of what we are dealing with. These are imposters using all their own agendas and rules and now I underderstand why you don't understand....
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: horsethief on August 30, 2010, 10:53:23 PM
A mosque near ground zero site is not only offensive to the surviving family members, but it's also an insult to our brave soldiers who have fought the evil islamic terrorists who attacked us.

Our soldiers are righteous for using their skill and bravery in defeating these godless beasts who seek only death and destruction upon freedom loving people.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on August 31, 2010, 02:39:22 PM
:ROFL: :ROFL:  Adam, you are just wrong for that!!! 

I guess I will just have to settle for "how nice she would look on a postage stamp"!  LOL!!(line from Princess Diaries 2)

Sarah Palin for President in 2012.  :oops: :ROFL: Sorry, I had to do it, Di.  :pals:
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on August 31, 2010, 02:47:48 PM
Well, I kind of thought the RCC was the beast in our end time prophecies, not Islam.  Has this changed?  Are we really re-thinking our own biblical prophecies?  I am an excellent student of history and understand very well the biblical inferences.  The only thing more violent than the expansion of Islam, is the expansion of christianity.  Are you willing for all to judge ALL christians by our history?

Now, having said that, I must admit, I have not read the repsonses of the families most directly affected by this.  I believe I would only not build in respect to them, but th rest of my statment stays the same.  Those families did lose loved ones in a most horrific way possible, however, it still was not all of Islam that inflicted that pain. 

Di, Di, what and how are you thinking???? Read HIstory! Read Bible references of what we are dealing with. These are imposters using all their own agendas and rules and now I underderstand why you don't understand....
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: mrst53 on August 31, 2010, 05:17:42 PM
Maybe a day-care center or senior center could be built  there on that site, instead of a mosque. I think it's too soon and memories are stil too tender.The idea may be from the heart but I don't think Americans are ready yet, since are soldiers are still dying, by the hands of the Taliban.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on August 31, 2010, 05:42:55 PM
Well, I kind of thought the RCC was the beast in our end time prophecies, not Islam.  Has this changed?  Are we really re-thinking our own biblical prophecies?  I am an excellent student of history and understand very well the biblical inferences.  The only thing more violent than the expansion of Islam, is the expansion of christianity.  Are you willing for all to judge ALL christians by our history?

Now, having said that, I must admit, I have not read the repsonses of the families most directly affected by this.  I believe I would only not build in respect to them, but th rest of my statment stays the same.  Those families did lose loved ones in a most horrific way possible, however, it still was not all of Islam that inflicted that pain. 

Di, Di, what and how are you thinking???? Read HIstory! Read Bible references of what we are dealing with. These are imposters using all their own agendas and rules and now I underderstand why you don't understand....

Di, The connections are all there. There are many documents out their and links that connect what we all think the beast is and what connections the beast has. Look at the One World Power coming into fact and they call it the "New World Order" I did put a link on here that some of our own people are not aware. They are looking to something the least expected and the elect can very well be deceived. I see it coming.  Kinda like I did not realize the coastal area would present something else beside bad storms. Look to the bones and skulls and the connections that lead all the way to know what!!
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: horsethief on September 02, 2010, 12:15:47 AM
Imagine what the media would say if they wanted to put a cross or a nativity scene there?
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: mrst53 on September 02, 2010, 01:46:54 PM
Maybe someone should suggest that the building include a room for Christians too. After all, it was to include something for the Jews, why not us :puppykisses:
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on September 02, 2010, 02:24:35 PM
I doubt if it will go much further. Someone buried a dead pig on the site??? They will probably move on :ROFL:
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 06, 2010, 03:24:17 AM
What makes you think Palin is so ignorant, she has the views of hard working Americans that are about to be cheated out of their country by premeditated and preplanned long terned annihilation of America by the ungodly Muslims. Americans built this country under one God and Christianity. They were deceived at last by slowly being  lax and giving up their ways of God in Judgement mostly by the inner working of the liberals.  Americans were fooled, cheated and lied to and now they know it except the diehards.

I am not so sure Palin will be in leadership but she is far from ignorant. Now she is a woman that many woman can be jealous of. She has true beauty class, strength and common sense agendas.  First of all, she is mentally Independent of being led by anyone. a strong individual, down to earth,  moose skinner, hunter and fisherman good mother, country minded of the heartland and lives it and she has a husband that has his own identity that she still respects as I see in her actions, they work together, yet his role is still very protective of her even tho she I don't think --any one man would want to tangle with her physically with her capabilities and yet has the know how to keep very feminine. She takes everything in stride as it comes and can turns it on a dime. She is not out there trying to look like a clown "style" in fashion to hide all or any if she has any ugly parts.  I never saw such idiot clothes on a person till Mrs. Obamablabla, I do not know what the deal is with the Muslim dully in the White House but it sure don't have the look of a love nest. In fact it much appears it is a project. No I do not ever want to rub shoulders with haters of America calling us Satan, Haters of our Jesus, all the while people trying to join together that which is unevenly yoked. Did you all forget what happened to God's people when they intermarried. There seems to be quite a lack of understanding of past experiences Biblically. What makes you think of putting people in to Guide America that is a Jesus hater to lead. You all will suffer the consequences. Yes, there is no doubt an agenda with the mosque. If you haven't noticed it is a high agenda for them to filtrate every town there is and their agenda is to attack within. The same tactic used in the Bible of the Trojan Horse. We will be deceived into a blood bath as it calls for Biblically. Maybe sooner then later according to what I am reading in the people that are the true Americans that fought for this country and the ones that protect their "given lives" for it. What in the world are ya all thinkin? let me guess, --this will lead to all "harmony" and live happily ever after. (Basically it is the same tactic used by these "Sympathizers" on here fighting for TS and DS. Some people just do not know how to relate to the big picture of same actions for the Justifying of just plain sin. Does not one know that a person is evil and all will die if one does not love our true God. If you claim they love God then how can they do the evil fruits. ) Take the blinders off. They are coming to get "the big Satan" as they refer to our "God planned" country of freedom, in wealth and the peoples way of life as they know it , Have you not heard the prophecy and what is going to happen in America by the SP. and Bible Account.  Talk about ignorance, This is something else. People raised in other countries do not know the inner extent of America and true Blues and their deep rooted sense of Patriotism for this Country. It is us that lost our loved ones for freedom that outsiders only wished they had.  There is not another place or country in this world like it. That is what will bring on the blood bath. Are you all for it??? When my eyes look upon  our beloved flag, I do not see a piece of material, I see blood that has been shed, running in the stripes and people maimed for life while I am intact and for how I have been able to live. That is what I see.  I believe history, prophecy, and the Word of God. I believe all should be equal and not a planned agenda for the take over from to instill evil and false God. I am an American that believes in One God that founded this country and my belief of freedom for all with no prejudice. But the decline is here...and now for all. Bring it on so I can go HOME.

edited to correct some bad english

I say vote Palin in as the next president of the United Staes of America. I believe that in so doing we would bring about the end of time so much quicker and allow those red necks to get out there guns. And the decline of the nation begun long before Obama and His beautiful wife and children took the helm and tryed and is trying to steer this country back from the obyss. But there are some who would vote her in and say it was because she is a symbol of patriotism not realizing that she will bring this country to its knees. The takeover for evil has begun and the instilling of evil and false God at the foot of Palin. Bring Palin on so I can go Home.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on September 06, 2010, 05:38:14 AM
You already brought it all on with your past vote if American distruction and we have already been through your dead spots of ignorance. I do not know who I would vote for as the candidates are not in focus to their agendas yet and evidently you do not follow through any of it but take color as your importance. I think their is quite a few red necks on here so you out to tame your instincts.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 06, 2010, 09:08:17 PM
You already brought it all on with your past vote if American distruction and we have already been through your dead spots of ignorance. I do not know who I would vote for as the candidates are not in focus to their agendas yet and evidently you do not follow through any of it but take color as your importance. I think their is quite a few red necks on here so you out to tame your instincts.
Tinka, it is not necessary to attack me personally seeings I have not done that to you yet. However the lovely Michelle Obama and her beautiful children gracing the White House has been a lovely scene. As for me taking color as my importance, that came out of your fowl mouth. I see a man desperately trying to clean up the mess that was left him and some people being sooooo extremely jealous that they cannot stand it. The tea party and the like were formed less than a week after he took office. As for Palin I will say again I agree with you let her get in office so the end of time can come and we can go home

Lets not mock other member's names. Thank you.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on September 07, 2010, 06:30:59 AM
Michelle lover,
You assailed and you get assailed!  You still have an obnoxious fantasy with the clown of the white house with no respect of the people and America and Obamablabla can't do a thing without her, her money put him in and her connections got him what he does not really have. She is a spender and obnoxious actor too. Take her ton of make up off and take a good look funny boy. I saw her. She thinks she is a queen in dungarees and spouts her delicacy of Obamablabla as King. Get over the fantacy and I can just imagine what you look like to think such a beauty of your imagination is worth your admiration. Ugly..just plain ugly as your character and her too. You really need to change your handle to "p_mpy" and advertize her someplace else. You assume everything and nobody on her stated anything about preferences who I would vote for. Queene does not know the first thing about skinning a "moose" but she sure does know how to "skin America".    Get some reading lessons. Take your time to understand what you voted for Yucky duck!
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 07, 2010, 10:54:45 AM
Michelle lover,
You assailed and you get assailed!  You still have an obnoxious fantasy with the clown of the white house with no respect of the people and America and Obamablabla can't do a thing without her, her money put him in and her connections got him what he does not really have. She is a spender and obnoxious actor too. Take her ton of make up off and take a good look funny boy. I saw her. She thinks she is a queen in dungarees and spouts her delicacy of Obamablabla as King. Get over the fantacy and I can just imagine what you look like to think such a beauty of your imagination is worth your admiration. Ugly..just plain ugly as your character and her too. You really need to change your handle to "p_mpy" and advertize her someplace else. You assume everything and nobody on her stated anything about preferences who I would vote for. Queene does not know the first thing about skinning a "moose" but she sure does know how to "skin America".    Get some reading lessons. Take your time to understand what you voted for Yucky duck!
Tinka, I can just imagine what you look like and it hurts my eyes. Why do you hate the woman so much, examine yourself and find out what the root of your problem is. You are the ones that voted in Bush and the like and for that the countries problems lay square at your feet. And you are the one worshiping Sara Palin and the like, while the lovely Michelle and Obama graciously fill the White House with elegance and class. It is you and your ilk that want a "moose" slaughterer in office as the president. It is not enough that she shoots defenseless moose from a helicopter but now you want her to slaughter the American people. It doesn't matter what you think about her or him cause they are there leading the country blessed by God and it absolutely destroys the likes of you and your party of NO. Learn to think for yourself and stop being brainwashed by your fellow conspiracy theory guys, who for eight years stood by and watched the country spin out of control but now you and others want to lay it at the feet of the Lovely Michelle Obama which you can not hold a candle to she is so much more beautiful than you. They would have to put you on the cover of MAD magazine. Even the makeup would run from you and hide.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on September 07, 2010, 12:44:44 PM
You know, Tinka, there is one area in which we do agree and that is that the "beast" does not look like what we currently believe.  After giving the devil a cript, we expect him to follow it.....he is not known for being particularly obedient.   

You can have the rest, Tinka.  We will have to agree to disagree.

Di, The connections are all there. There are many documents out their and links that connect what we all think the beast is and what connections the beast has. Look at the One World Power coming into fact and they call it the "New World Order" I did put a link on here that some of our own people are not aware. They are looking to something the least expected and the elect can very well be deceived. I see it coming.  Kinda like I did not realize the coastal area would present something else beside bad storms. Look to the bones and skulls and the connections that lead all the way to know what!!
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on September 07, 2010, 12:47:32 PM
A "cyber" high-five for this post Christian!  

Tinka, it is not necessary to attack me personally seeings I have not done that to you yet. However the lovely Michelle Obama and her beautiful children gracing the White House has been a lovely scene. As for me taking color as my importance, that came out of your fowl mouth. I see a man desperately trying to clean up the mess that was left him and some people being sooooo extremely jealous that they cannot stand it. The tea party and the like were formed less than a week after he took office. As for Palin I will say again I agree with you let her get in office so the end of time can come and we can go home
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on September 07, 2010, 12:53:32 PM
Now, now, Tinka.....the name Michelle, just sends you striaght to the hateraade bottle.  Girl, and this time the tip of your white hood is showing............or somebody's you might have borrowed.  Dial it back 50 or so notches, I am not sure the impression you are giving is the one you want to portray.

Michelle lover,
You assailed and you get assailed!  You still have an obnoxious fantasy with the clown of the white house with no respect of the people and America and Obamablabla can't do a thing without her, her money put him in and her connections got him what he does not really have. She is a spender and obnoxious actor too. Take her ton of make up off and take a good look funny boy. I saw her. She thinks she is a queen in dungarees and spouts her delicacy of Obamablabla as King. Get over the fantacy and I can just imagine what you look like to think such a beauty of your imagination is worth your admiration. Ugly..just plain ugly as your character and her too. You really need to change your handle to "p_mpy" and advertize her someplace else. You assume everything and nobody on her stated anything about preferences who I would vote for. Queene does not know the first thing about skinning a "moose" but she sure does know how to "skin America".    Get some reading lessons. Take your time to understand what you voted for Yucky duck!
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Sheba on September 07, 2010, 02:54:06 PM
Michelle Obama?
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: mrst53 on September 07, 2010, 04:22:03 PM
I'm not sure Michelle O is responsible for the President's decisions, maybe she should be...He's needs some guidance from above, (I think) but then  they all do... Whether Sara would make a better president is still up in the air...Guys, you have to understand- hunting is a way of life in Alaska just like it is in WV where I come from. Those 2 places will be the last places on earth to give up their guns. They carry their guns everywhere, almost everyone has at least 2 if not 3 or 4. Alaska is an entirely different way of life than the lower 48 states. You have to live there to understand. I can NOT imagine not leaving the house without taking a gun with me to protect me from a wolf or a polar bear, but that's their lives. So Sara Palin is an entirely different breed of woman. She would be like Teddy Roosevelt storming the White House again.  Do  l like Obama, no, but it's his POLITICS, not the man, because I don't know the man. The man may be fantastic- from what I can see, he's a great dad, and that to me, is the greatest job any man can DO.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on September 07, 2010, 08:07:32 PM
I can respect that Mrst.  In fact you don't even have to agree or like him, for me, but just be respectful.   
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: WillowRun on September 07, 2010, 09:00:16 PM
I think that any sort of religious center near the 9-1-1 site should be interfaith.

Sarah Palin....cynical ploy by the republican party to snag some of the women who were disappointed that Hillary didn't get the democratic nomination.  <sigh>  I will never take Palin seriously as a politician... she quit being governor half way through her first term.  With past behavior being a predictor of future behavior, I would have to logically assume there is a real possibility that Ms. Palin, if elected, could bail half way through a presidential term as well.   I think that would be a really bad thing for our nation to experience.

Y'all please be respectful of Michelle Obama.  She seems like a very nice lady and a good mom...and since she's spending her own money.  I say let her spend...our economy needs all the help it can get right now.

No name calling...Man some folks need a time out now! Yeah seriously and at your ages....really.

As always, respectfully,

Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on September 07, 2010, 10:34:21 PM
Hillary would never get my vote either. I was relieved when she was ousted. Who knows who will be running but for sure Nov is coming to see the real "change". when America stands up. Of course they all went to the polls last time and did not anticipate the "Acorn premeditated agenda".  Our state is completely doing a turn around. Obamablabla did a number on our state. It's now like a ghost town. Crime is up and no jobs here!
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 08, 2010, 02:57:16 AM
I can respect that Mrst.  In fact you don't even have to agree or like him, for me, but just be respectful.   
The people who are acting like the sky is falling are the very ones that caused us to get in this mess. I can remember the next day after Obama got into office there was this big outcry against taxes and the like, soon after the tea party was started. A major component of the tea party were racist. These people have a vested interest in the downfall of Obama and would like nothing more than to lay the entire thing at his feet as though he caused the mess. But they will come to naught and the wild theories and racist agenda will be defeated. They have to a large extent brainwashed weak minded people who are to a large degree jealous  and out of touch with their own feeling, to lay all the blame at the feet of a black president. Let me tell you they knew Bush had messed up so bad that they had to relent and watch a black man get in office and many tears were shed when in the Whitehouse the descendant of an African took control and became the conduit of power. Now the evil minded people not only hate Obama but his wife also, with gnashing of teeth they hate her, prelude for what will come when they hate Jesus coming through the clouds and have gnashing of teeth. No, Obama is not perfect in a marked way he is just like other Presidents except that his skin is dark and His wife more beautiful than most presidents wives. But the jealous slave owner that still has a desire to play master cannot except the fact that a man of color is in office. At the height of my disdain for the president I have always liked Laura Bush, I thought she was a sweet and librarian type lady. I hated the war that Bush started and have my own theories as to why he did it, but never have I hated him as an individual.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on September 08, 2010, 07:15:52 AM
 :ROFL:  :ROFL: Had nothing to do with the Tea parties or being black (boy are u a racist against whites).  It had to do with the Bla Bla that turned out to be all lies and no backbone. Tea Parties formed because of the lies. He is a liar, but I give him one point. He can fabricate on a seconds notice and then contradicts himself in the next and then more blablablaobamabla. Your far out and think all the reasons are your agenda with stupidity of racism. You must be cooped up in a place with no windows anywhere. People are fighting like Glen Beck to help people get over this mass distruction of separation and fight this monster "together". What is coming will take all Americans together. Too bad your in the outter deck where most people of intelligence is coming together on racism. Both sides are fighting for unity  and maybe the majority can win some but there will always be people like you.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 08, 2010, 07:58:37 AM
:ROFL:  :ROFL: Had nothing to do with the Tea parties or being black (boy are u a racist against whites).  It had to do with the Bla Bla that turned out to be all lies and no backbone. Tea Parties formed because of the lies. He is a liar, but I give him one point. He can fabricate on a seconds notice and then contradicts himself in the next and then more blablablaobamabla. Your far out and think all the reasons are your agenda with stupidity of racism. You must be cooped up in a place with no windows anywhere. People are fighting like Glen Beck to help people get over this mass distruction of separation and fight this monster "together". What is coming will take all Americans together. Too bad your in the outter deck where most people of intelligence is coming together on racism. Both sides are fighting for unity  and maybe the majority can win some but there will always be people like you.
Glen Beck, surely you are kidding me, please tell me your ship has not sailed that far from home. Well, at least we have the beautiful intelligent Michelle Obama to contridict people like you. Maybe after Obama wins the second term his wife can then run for president, what do you think? And her two beautiful daughters that grace the White House are so nice, dont you think?
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on September 08, 2010, 09:41:37 AM
Let the church say......"AAAAAMEN!!!"

I think that any sort of religious center near the 9-1-1 site should be interfaith.

Sarah Palin....cynical ploy by the republican party to snag some of the women who were disappointed that Hillary didn't get the democratic nomination.  <sigh>  I will never take Palin seriously as a politician... she quit being governor half way through her first term.  With past behavior being a predictor of future behavior, I would have to logically assume there is a real possibility that Ms. Palin, if elected, could bail half way through a presidential term as well.   I think that would be a really bad thing for our nation to experience.

Y'all please be respectful of Michelle Obama.  She seems like a very nice lady and a good mom...and since she's spending her own money.  I say let her spend...our economy needs all the help it can get right now.

No name calling...Man some folks need a time out now! Yeah seriously and at your ages....really.

As always, respectfully,

Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: mrst53 on September 08, 2010, 11:59:10 AM
christian, I am Caucasian, never owned a slave, my ancestors never owned a slave and fought against slavery. As I said before, I don't like Obama's POLITICS, NOT HIM. I always vote for the person, not the party. I didn't vote for him, but it had nothing to do with the fact that he was black. He ran on a Democratic Ticket that believed in ABORTION and Stem Cell research with no limits. I could not in all conscience vote for him. He wanted to end the war in Iraq- I believe that it's too soon, and that the men we are leaving in Iraq will be sitting ducks and I think it's wrong. So see, it has nothing to do with him being black- it is his POLITICS.   I think Michelle has done alot of good things for DC- I think the media has gone overboard because the Obamas are black and that is creating tension among some of the whites and blacks in the US, instead of uniting us. He should be OUR  President, not a President for the Blacks as some seem to believe.   

Let's take a breather.... Obama doesn't run for reelection for 2 more years...
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on September 08, 2010, 12:07:31 PM
And her two beautiful daughters that grace the White House are so nice, dont you think? [/color]

Why are you looking at the two young daughters pray tell, Yor infatuation is worse then I thought. Your lingo has got you pegged in just exactly what I have been watching as you spew. I really think you could be dangerous while the whole time your conversation is trying to potray something to cover up your "strange" vibs.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Murcielago on September 08, 2010, 02:34:32 PM
Extremism breeds extremism. The more extreme each side gets, the more extreme the other side gets, and it escalates. Each side considers itself the paragon of wisdom and virtue, but neither has either. Politics is by its very nature a dirty thing that tends to bring out the worst in people. It is amazing how quickly polite, civilized people can deteriorate and become something very different in the context of politics and religion.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on September 08, 2010, 03:34:06 PM
Ok so, keeping some of the responses of this thread in mind, how do we all feel about the response in the Middle East/Islamic countries to Terry Jones scheduled burning of the Quran?

Some of them are shouting "death to Americans" and not making the distinction  Pastor Jones is an extremist, most christians I know would not do what he is planning. But they don't care. An American is burning plans to burn their sacred book.  Do you see what I am trying to say?
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Murcielago on September 08, 2010, 05:05:52 PM
The extremists here want to burn korans, and the extremists there want to burn Americans. The rest of us look on the lot of them as a bunch of five year olds who needs a spanking.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: horsethief on September 08, 2010, 08:57:43 PM
Getting back to basics... It has been the tradition of islamic soldiers to build a mosque upon territory that they have conquered. That dates back to mohammed's day.

Well, the USA is not conquered and won't be.

To those of you who are feeling extreme that this mosque is an offense to our brave soldiers and the survivors of the 9-11 attacks, let me just quote Senator Barry Goldwater...

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 08, 2010, 09:41:16 PM
christian, I am Caucasian, never owned a slave, my ancestors never owned a slave and fought against slavery. As I said before, I don't like Obama's POLITICS, NOT HIM. I always vote for the person, not the party. I didn't vote for him, but it had nothing to do with the fact that he was black. He ran on a Democratic Ticket that believed in ABORTION and Stem Cell research with no limits. I could not in all conscience vote for him. He wanted to end the war in Iraq- I believe that it's too soon, and that the men we are leaving in Iraq will be sitting ducks and I think it's wrong. So see, it has nothing to do with him being black- it is his POLITICS.   I think Michelle has done alot of good things for DC- I think the media has gone overboard because the Obamas are black and that is creating tension among some of the whites and blacks in the US, instead of uniting us. He should be OUR  President, not a President for the Blacks as some seem to believe.   

Let's take a breather.... Obama doesn't run for reelection for 2 more years...
I dont know where to start, no I dont see it has nothing to do with his color and I will not be persuaded to something when I know it is not true no matter how it might appear. And no the democratic party does not believe in abortion they believe in the right of an individual to make that choice themselves (it is the womans body the last time I checked). In the same breath you are upholding a war that we had no legitamate right to fight in the begining, there were no nuclear bombs or chemical weapons as formaly thought. How many more years would you say we should stay there and what is the goal in mind?
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on September 08, 2010, 11:29:55 PM
Ok?!!!  I know that's right, Murcielago!  My point is also that each are judging the other by their "extremes".  I vote we put allthe extremist on an island an dlet them fight it out  amongst themselves...whatever "it" happens to be!  LOL!!!  And NO they can't vote anyone off the island!!

The extremists here want to burn korans, and the extremists there want to burn Americans. The rest of us look on the lot of them as a bunch of five year olds who needs a spanking.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: horsethief on September 09, 2010, 05:19:15 AM
Christian..."there were no nuclear bombs or chemical weapons as formaly thought."

Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq
Thursday, June 22, 2006 

Print ShareThisWASHINGTON —  The United States has found 500 chemical weapons in Iraq since 2003, and more weapons of mass destruction are likely to be uncovered, two Republican lawmakers said Wednesday.

"We have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons," Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said in a quickly called press conference late Wednesday afternoon.

Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum said: "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist."

• Click here to read the declassified portion of the NGIC report.

He added that the report warns about the hazards that the chemical weapons could still pose to coalition troops in Iraq.

"The purity of the agents inside the munitions depends on many factors, including the manufacturing process, potential additives and environmental storage conditions. While agents degrade over time, chemical warfare agents remain hazardous and potentially lethal," Santorum read from the document.

"This says weapons have been discovered, more weapons exist and they state that Iraq was not a WMD-free zone, that there are continuing threats from the materials that are or may still be in Iraq," said Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

The weapons are thought to be manufactured before 1991 so they would not be proof of an ongoing WMD program in the 1990s. But they do show that Saddam Hussein was lying when he said all weapons had been destroyed, and it shows that years of on-again, off-again weapons inspections did not uncover these munitions.

Hoekstra said the report, completed in April but only declassified now, shows that "there is still a lot about Iraq that we don't fully understand."

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Asked why the Bush administration, if it had known about the information since April or earlier, didn't advertise it, Hoekstra conjectured that the president has been forward-looking and concentrating on the development of a secure government in Iraq.

Offering the official administration response to FOX News, a senior Defense Department official pointed out that the chemical weapons were not in useable conditions.

"This does not reflect a capacity that was built up after 1991," the official said, adding the munitions "are not the WMDs this country and the rest of the world believed Iraq had, and not the WMDs for which this country went to war."

The official said the findings did raise questions about the years of weapons inspections that had not resulted in locating the fairly sizeable stash of chemical weapons. And he noted that it may say something about Hussein's intent and desire. The report does suggest that some of the weapons were likely put on the black market and may have been used outside Iraq.

He also said that the Defense Department statement shortly after the March 2003 invasion saying that "we had all known weapons facilities secured," has proven itself to be untrue.

"It turned out the whole country was an ammo dump," he said, adding that on more than one occasion, a conventional weapons site has been uncovered and chemical weapons have been discovered mixed within them.

Hoekstra and Santorum lamented that Americans were given the impression after a 16-month search conducted by the Iraq Survey Group that the evidence of continuing research and development of weapons of mass destruction was insignificant. But the National Ground Intelligence Center took up where the ISG left off when it completed its report in November 2004, and in the process of collecting intelligence for the purpose of force protection for soldiers and sailors still on the ground in Iraq, has shown that the weapons inspections were incomplete, they and others have said.

"We know it was there, in place, it just wasn't operative when inspectors got there after the war, but we know what the inspectors found from talking with the scientists in Iraq that it could have been cranked up immediately, and that's what Saddam had planned to do if the sanctions against Iraq had halted and they were certainly headed in that direction," said Fred Barnes, editor of The Weekly Standard and a FOX News contributor.

"It is significant. Perhaps, the administration just, they think they weathered the debate over WMD being found there immediately and don't want to return to it again because things are otherwise going better for them, and then, I think, there's mindless resistance to releasing any classified documents from Iraq," Barnes said.

The release of the declassified materials comes as the Senate debates Democratic proposals to create a timetable for U.S. troops to withdraw from Iraq. The debate has had the effect of creating disunity among Democrats, a majority of whom shrunk Wednesday from an amendment proposed by Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts to have troops to be completely withdrawn from Iraq by the middle of next year.

At the same time, congressional Republicans have stayed highly united, rallying around a White House that has seen successes in the last couple weeks, first with the death of terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, then the completion of the formation of Iraq's Cabinet and then the announcement Tuesday that another key Al Qaeda in Iraq leader, "religious emir" Mansour Suleiman Mansour Khalifi al-Mashhadani, or Sheik Mansour, was also killed in a U.S. airstrike.

Santorum pointed out that during Wednesday's debate, several Senate Democrats said that no weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq, a claim, he said, that the declassified document proves is untrue.

"This is an incredibly — in my mind — significant finding. The idea that, as my colleagues have repeatedly said in this debate on the other side of the aisle, that there are no weapons of mass destruction, is in fact false," he said.

As a result of this new information, under the aegis of his chairmanship, Hoekstra said he is going to ask for more reporting by the various intelligence agencies about weapons of mass destruction.

"We are working on the declassification of the report. We are going to do a thorough search of what additional reports exist in the intelligence community. And we are going to put additional pressure on the Department of Defense and the folks in Iraq to more fully pursue a complete investigation of what existed in Iraq before the war," Hoekstra said.

FOX News' Jim Angle and Sharon Kehnemui Liss contributed to this report.

Care to revise your statement?
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Murcielago on September 09, 2010, 09:54:06 AM
Christian, when people are obsessed with a particular factor themselves, they will often assume that others are too.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Adam on September 09, 2010, 05:59:52 PM
I cannot believe anyone would support Barack Hussein Obama. Do you not realize that he is a socialist? He is ruining our country!! Don't even get me started on Michelle, she is a fake.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 09, 2010, 09:36:56 PM
Christian..."there were no nuclear bombs or chemical weapons as formaly thought."

Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq
Thursday, June 22, 2006 

Print ShareThisWASHINGTON —  The United States has found 500 chemical weapons in Iraq since 2003, and more weapons of mass destruction are likely to be uncovered, two Republican lawmakers said Wednesday.

"We have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons," Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said in a quickly called press conference late Wednesday afternoon.

Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum said: "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist."

• Click here to read the declassified portion of the NGIC report.

He added that the report warns about the hazards that the chemical weapons could still pose to coalition troops in Iraq.

"The purity of the agents inside the munitions depends on many factors, including the manufacturing process, potential additives and environmental storage conditions. While agents degrade over time, chemical warfare agents remain hazardous and potentially lethal," Santorum read from the document.

"This says weapons have been discovered, more weapons exist and they state that Iraq was not a WMD-free zone, that there are continuing threats from the materials that are or may still be in Iraq," said Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

The weapons are thought to be manufactured before 1991 so they would not be proof of an ongoing WMD program in the 1990s. But they do show that Saddam Hussein was lying when he said all weapons had been destroyed, and it shows that years of on-again, off-again weapons inspections did not uncover these munitions.

Hoekstra said the report, completed in April but only declassified now, shows that "there is still a lot about Iraq that we don't fully understand."

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Asked why the Bush administration, if it had known about the information since April or earlier, didn't advertise it, Hoekstra conjectured that the president has been forward-looking and concentrating on the development of a secure government in Iraq.

Offering the official administration response to FOX News, a senior Defense Department official pointed out that the chemical weapons were not in useable conditions.

"This does not reflect a capacity that was built up after 1991," the official said, adding the munitions "are not the WMDs this country and the rest of the world believed Iraq had, and not the WMDs for which this country went to war."

The official said the findings did raise questions about the years of weapons inspections that had not resulted in locating the fairly sizeable stash of chemical weapons. And he noted that it may say something about Hussein's intent and desire. The report does suggest that some of the weapons were likely put on the black market and may have been used outside Iraq.

He also said that the Defense Department statement shortly after the March 2003 invasion saying that "we had all known weapons facilities secured," has proven itself to be untrue.

"It turned out the whole country was an ammo dump," he said, adding that on more than one occasion, a conventional weapons site has been uncovered and chemical weapons have been discovered mixed within them.

Hoekstra and Santorum lamented that Americans were given the impression after a 16-month search conducted by the Iraq Survey Group that the evidence of continuing research and development of weapons of mass destruction was insignificant. But the National Ground Intelligence Center took up where the ISG left off when it completed its report in November 2004, and in the process of collecting intelligence for the purpose of force protection for soldiers and sailors still on the ground in Iraq, has shown that the weapons inspections were incomplete, they and others have said.

"We know it was there, in place, it just wasn't operative when inspectors got there after the war, but we know what the inspectors found from talking with the scientists in Iraq that it could have been cranked up immediately, and that's what Saddam had planned to do if the sanctions against Iraq had halted and they were certainly headed in that direction," said Fred Barnes, editor of The Weekly Standard and a FOX News contributor.

"It is significant. Perhaps, the administration just, they think they weathered the debate over WMD being found there immediately and don't want to return to it again because things are otherwise going better for them, and then, I think, there's mindless resistance to releasing any classified documents from Iraq," Barnes said.

The release of the declassified materials comes as the Senate debates Democratic proposals to create a timetable for U.S. troops to withdraw from Iraq. The debate has had the effect of creating disunity among Democrats, a majority of whom shrunk Wednesday from an amendment proposed by Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts to have troops to be completely withdrawn from Iraq by the middle of next year.

At the same time, congressional Republicans have stayed highly united, rallying around a White House that has seen successes in the last couple weeks, first with the death of terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, then the completion of the formation of Iraq's Cabinet and then the announcement Tuesday that another key Al Qaeda in Iraq leader, "religious emir" Mansour Suleiman Mansour Khalifi al-Mashhadani, or Sheik Mansour, was also killed in a U.S. airstrike.

Santorum pointed out that during Wednesday's debate, several Senate Democrats said that no weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq, a claim, he said, that the declassified document proves is untrue.

"This is an incredibly — in my mind — significant finding. The idea that, as my colleagues have repeatedly said in this debate on the other side of the aisle, that there are no weapons of mass destruction, is in fact false," he said.

As a result of this new information, under the aegis of his chairmanship, Hoekstra said he is going to ask for more reporting by the various intelligence agencies about weapons of mass destruction.

"We are working on the declassification of the report. We are going to do a thorough search of what additional reports exist in the intelligence community. And we are going to put additional pressure on the Department of Defense and the folks in Iraq to more fully pursue a complete investigation of what existed in Iraq before the war," Hoekstra said.

FOX News' Jim Angle and Sharon Kehnemui Liss contributed to this report.

Care to revise your statement?
I cant believe that you are still running thsi report that was found to be completely false. "President Bush later said that the biggest regret of his presidency was "the inteligence failure" in Iraq. While the Senate intellgence agency *made up of republicans and demorcrates*found in 2008that his administration  misrepresented the intelligence and threat from Iraq. Here is the revision that you need and you also need to find the pictures (oh, I know you cant)You so want to believe a lie that if it is repeated enough times with a little bit of truth you think that changes the lie.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 09, 2010, 09:42:11 PM
I cannot believe anyone would support Barack Hussein Obama. Do you not realize that he is a socialist? He is ruining our country!! Don't even get me started on Michelle, she is a fake.

Well, let me give you a news flash to wake you out of your stupor. Yes, there are people that are supporting Obama and believe in the things he is trying to do. And you already ruined the country at least he is trying to fix it. And the lovely Michelle Obama just makes you mad doesnt she? Yep, I want to get you started because it is obvious that you are definitly not started.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Adam on September 09, 2010, 10:22:50 PM
I cannot believe anyone would support Barack Hussein Obama. Do you not realize that he is a socialist? He is ruining our country!! Don't even get me started on Michelle, she is a fake.

Well, let me give you a news flash to wake you out of your stupor. Yes, there are people that are supporting Obama and believe in the things he is trying to do. And you already ruined the country at least he is trying to fix it. And the lovely Michelle Obama just makes you mad doesnt she? Yep, I want to get you started because it is obvious that you are definitly not started.
:ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: Trying to fix it? How? By forcing his socilaist anti-christ ways on us? Please. Use some common sense, or did he take that away from you too, like he has everything else? The loony bin awaits.

Again, Michelle is a fake a complete PHONY, so is Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on September 09, 2010, 11:19:51 PM
I see white everywhere and it is not the light..............Whew!!!  I am not sure how we all are going to get into heaven.........

I cannot believe anyone would support Barack Hussein Obama. Do you not realize that he is a socialist? He is ruining our country!! Don't even get me started on Michelle, she is a fake.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 10, 2010, 12:32:52 AM
I cannot believe anyone would support Barack Hussein Obama. Do you not realize that he is a socialist? He is ruining our country!! Don't even get me started on Michelle, she is a fake.

Well, let me give you a news flash to wake you out of your stupor. Yes, there are people that are supporting Obama and believe in the things he is trying to do. And you already ruined the country at least he is trying to fix it. And the lovely Michelle Obama just makes you mad doesnt she? Yep, I want to get you started because it is obvious that you are definitly not started.
:ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: Trying to fix it? How? By forcing his socilaist anti-christ ways on us? Please. Use some common sense, or did he take that away from you too, like he has everything else? The loony bin awaits.

Again, Michelle is a fake a complete PHONY, so is Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
Oh, so Obama has taken everyting from you? No, I think it is you the loony bin awaits. And why is Michelle Obama a fake, how do you know that? Oh, so what is her forcing you to do and explain the statement socialist anti-christ ways on us? The man has been in office two years, I think someone already had taken things away from you, start thinking for yourself on this subject and look at the facts before you talk.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on September 10, 2010, 01:54:15 AM

If you watch certain key words on this "fantasy dreamer" overbearing dude you will see he has more problems then political nonsense. I also suspect from misspelled words and way of wording he was not born in America  either.  His wording gives one the red flags of fantasy of the "fake" Michelle and then you can notice his "notice" and comments of her young daughters. It is getting too obvious. Do you realize how young the daughters are? He is watching their "beauty" and grace and can you believe? I think this person could be dangerous as he portrays his subconscious desires and likings.  and

Princess Di,
on what Adam states, because that is always the first thing you jump to and look for. We are talking about facts that the Americans are waking up to deceivement.  and Michelledoes shaves off her original low bushy eyebrows to help out her look and draws them back on. Her lower jaw juts out waaay past the uppers of which noone can help if that is their looks but, Makeup on the lip area is the fake that portrays "fake" look, won't even go into the rest of the story as she or her dresser has very poor taste of what her "eliteness" should be. She actually is a Ellenor of President Roosevelt all covered up and made up.  But anyone can be quite lovely if portrayed in sensible manner and goodness and can you imagine the money it takes to fix her. 

Then her money digs up the moneyless Obamablabla and gets him false Identification and diplomas and the whole conglomeration of kingly knighthood. Sound all "fake" and observed, Hmmm just keep watching political facts as they open up. The one "Alayna" that helped out Obamblabla is now a Supreme judge.  :ROFL: what a mess. Ever read or see what he left behind in Kenya?  Ever read anything where in the end America would be deceived?? and would bring great uprising??  :ROFL:  Pictures do not always lie.  Looks like in Nov we will see the real "change". If not get ready for the biggie. Red Necks will bring out the ignorance in people like the above.
Or will the Trojan Horse already be too great within.  Isn't it quite amazing that long ago they burnt the Bibles and now Americans  want to burn the Quaran. Are people starting to know and see what is coming. It won't come without an American fight. The picture is coming into view of nothing but a "time of trouble on the crest". and above all "do not" give me static on this is what all I go along with" it is what is happening and people that are watching. this is why whites and blacks are joining in Unity as a majority as they will fight this together with no color involved or mentioned. But some will to the end like this "Sabastian" fake.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: princessdi on September 10, 2010, 12:53:39 PM
Tinka, Girl please step away from the haterade.  You have to know that your comments only come of as jealousy.  And what money?  Michelle had no money. What the Obamas built, they built together.

I am telling you, tinks, you are going to have to get rid of that hate in your heart.  It would be different if, like Mrst53, you talked mainly about his policies, but you don't. you attack them for some things they just can't help, like being black and other physical features.   Michelle doesn't do anything that millions of other women in the world do to get themselves up and out looking decent in the morning.  Do you also know that Laura Bush and her Mother in law arched their eyebrows?  Check it out.  But when Michelle does it it's a problem?  Let it go, tinka!  You can differ on political policies, but persona attacks only make you look bad.   


If you watch certain key words on this "fantasy dreamer" overbearing dude you will see he has more problems then political nonsense. I also suspect from misspelled words and way of wording he was not born in America  either.  His wording gives one the red flags of fantasy of the "fake" Michelle and then you can notice his "notice" and comments of her young daughters. It is getting too obvious. Do you realize how young the daughters are? He is watching their "beauty" and grace and can you believe? I think this person could be dangerous as he portrays his subconscious desires and likings.  and

Princess Di,
on what Adam states, because that is always the first thing you jump to and look for. We are talking about facts that the Americans are waking up to deceivement.  and Michelledoes shaves off her original low bushy eyebrows to help out her look and draws them back on. Her lower jaw juts out waaay past the uppers of which noone can help if that is their looks but, Makeup on the lip area is the fake that portrays "fake" look, won't even go into the rest of the story as she or her dresser has very poor taste of what her "eliteness" should be. She actually is a Ellenor of President Roosevelt all covered up and made up.  But anyone can be quite lovely if portrayed in sensible manner and goodness and can you imagine the money it takes to fix her. 

Then her money digs up the moneyless Obamablabla and gets him false Identification and diplomas and the whole conglomeration of kingly knighthood. Sound all "fake" and observed, Hmmm just keep watching political facts as they open up. The one "Alayna" that helped out Obamblabla is now a Supreme judge.  :ROFL: what a mess. Ever read or see what he left behind in Kenya?  Ever read anything where in the end America would be deceived?? and would bring great uprising??  :ROFL:  Pictures do not always lie.  Looks like in Nov we will see the real "change". If not get ready for the biggie. Red Necks will bring out the ignorance in people like the above.
Or will the Trojan Horse already be too great within.  Isn't it quite amazing that long ago they burnt the Bibles and now Americans  want to burn the Quaran. Are people starting to know and see what is coming. It won't come without an American fight. The picture is coming into view of nothing but a "time of trouble on the crest". and above all "do not" give me static on this is what all I go along with" it is what is happening and people that are watching. this is why whites and blacks are joining in Unity as a majority as they will fight this together with no color involved or mentioned. But some will to the end like this "Sabastian" fake.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Johann on September 10, 2010, 03:53:42 PM
Waiting for the election. . . would they be different if Bush was a president now?
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: mrst53 on September 10, 2010, 05:27:46 PM
we are supposed to be 'Christ-like"- Jesus does not see COLOR.......  If He did, all of us that  aren't Mediterrean COLOR would be in BIG TROUBLE :help:

I am glad HE is color blinded and SIN BLINDED TOO.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 10, 2010, 05:32:40 PM
No you didn't, you could not have said what you just said "misspelled words and way of wording he wans not born in America  either." You really make me laugh, obviously you cannot see yourself. Your way of wording is enough to drive someone crazy just trying to disypher it out LOL. Anyway, Michelle Obama I am sure can write much better than you, for that matter her children can probably spell better than you. And there is more class and grace in one of Michelle Obama's fingers than in your entire body.  

If you watch certain key words on this "fantasy dreamer" overbearing dude you will see he has more problems then political nonsense. I also suspect from misspelled words and way of wording he was not born in America  either.  His wording gives one the red flags of fantasy of the "fake" Michelle and then you can notice his "notice" and comments of her young daughters. It is getting too obvious. Do you realize how young the daughters are? He is watching their "beauty" and grace and can you believe? I think this person could be dangerous as he portrays his subconscious desires and likings.  and

Princess Di,
on what Adam states, because that is always the first thing you jump to and look for. We are talking about facts that the Americans are waking up to deceivement.  and Michelledoes shaves off her original low bushy eyebrows to help out her look and draws them back on. Her lower jaw juts out waaay past the uppers of which noone can help if that is their looks but, Makeup on the lip area is the fake that portrays "fake" look, won't even go into the rest of the story as she or her dresser has very poor taste of what her "eliteness" should be. She actually is a Ellenor of President Roosevelt all covered up and made up.  But anyone can be quite lovely if portrayed in sensible manner and goodness and can you imagine the money it takes to fix her. 

Then her money digs up the moneyless Obamablabla and gets him false Identification and diplomas and the whole conglomeration of kingly knighthood. Sound all "fake" and observed, Hmmm just keep watching political facts as they open up. The one "Alayna" that helped out Obamblabla is now a Supreme judge.  :ROFL: what a mess. Ever read or see what he left behind in Kenya?  Ever read anything where in the end America would be deceived?? and would bring great uprising??  :ROFL:  Pictures do not always lie.  Looks like in Nov we will see the real "change". If not get ready for the biggie. Red Necks will bring out the ignorance in people like the above.
Or will the Trojan Horse already be too great within.  Isn't it quite amazing that long ago they burnt the Bibles and now Americans  want to burn the Quaran. Are people starting to know and see what is coming. It won't come without an American fight. The picture is coming into view of nothing but a "time of trouble on the crest". and above all "do not" give me static on this is what all I go along with" it is what is happening and people that are watching. this is why whites and blacks are joining in Unity as a majority as they will fight this together with no color involved or mentioned. But some will to the end like this "Sabastian" fake.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: horsethief on September 10, 2010, 07:15:47 PM
Christian.. Go tell the Kurds in Northern Iraq that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.

See if they let you live...
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 11, 2010, 04:27:30 AM
Christian.. Go tell the Kurds in Northern Iraq that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.
Horsethief, our own state department said they did not have any weapons of mass destruction. Did Sadaam do bad things with chemical weapons yes he did but that did not give us the right to invade his country. If we used the same criterior then there are a number of countries we should invade, China being one of them REMEBER CHINA MAN SQUARE? THE REASON THAT WE GAVE FOR INVADING THE COUNTRY OF IRAQ WAS A FALSE ONE.

See if they let you live...
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 11, 2010, 04:35:15 AM

If you watch certain key words on this "fantasy dreamer" overbearing dude you will see he has more problems then political nonsense. I also suspect from misspelled words and way of wording he was not born in America  either.  His wording gives one the red flags of fantasy of the "fake" Michelle and then you can notice his "notice" and comments of her young daughters. It is getting too obvious. Do you realize how young the daughters are? He is watching their "beauty" and grace and can you believe? I think this person could be dangerous as he portrays his subconscious desires and likings.  and

Princess Di,
on what Adam states, because that is always the first thing you jump to and look for. We are talking about facts that the Americans are waking up to deceivement.  and Michelledoes shaves off her original low bushy eyebrows to help out her look and draws them back on. Her lower jaw juts out waaay past the uppers of which noone can help if that is their looks but, Makeup on the lip area is the fake that portrays "fake" look, won't even go into the rest of the story as she or her dresser has very poor taste of what her "eliteness" should be. She actually is a Ellenor of President Roosevelt all covered up and made up.  But anyone can be quite lovely if portrayed in sensible manner and goodness and can you imagine the money it takes to fix her. 

Then her money digs up the moneyless Obamablabla and gets him false Identification and diplomas and the whole conglomeration of kingly knighthood. Sound all "fake" and observed, Hmmm just keep watching political facts as they open up. The one "Alayna" that helped out Obamblabla is now a Supreme judge.  :ROFL: what a mess. Ever read or see what he left behind in Kenya?  Ever read anything where in the end America would be deceived?? and would bring great uprising??  :ROFL:  Pictures do not always lie.  Looks like in Nov we will see the real "change". If not get ready for the biggie. Red Necks will bring out the ignorance in people like the above.
Or will the Trojan Horse already be too great within.  Isn't it quite amazing that long ago they burnt the Bibles and now Americans  want to burn the Quaran. Are people starting to know and see what is coming. It won't come without an American fight. The picture is coming into view of nothing but a "time of trouble on the crest". and above all "do not" give me static on this is what all I go along with" it is what is happening and people that are watching. this is why whites and blacks are joining in Unity as a majority as they will fight this together with no color involved or mentioned. But some will to the end like this "Sabastian" fake.

I can bet you have a real image problem. I have never seen someone so jealous of someone in a long time. The only thing that needs waking up is you from your slumber and hatred, yes hatred. Michelle Obama is a beautiful high cheek bones lovey woman of color. And as Presidential wives go she is the most beautiful. Of cours you like Queen Elizabeth because you figuire you have a chance with her.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 11, 2010, 04:37:37 AM
christian, I am Caucasian, never owned a slave, my ancestors never owned a slave and fought against slavery. As I said before, I don't like Obama's POLITICS, NOT HIM. I always vote for the person, not the party. I didn't vote for him, but it had nothing to do with the fact that he was black. He ran on a Democratic Ticket that believed in ABORTION and Stem Cell research with no limits. I could not in all conscience vote for him. He wanted to end the war in Iraq- I believe that it's too soon, and that the men we are leaving in Iraq will be sitting ducks and I think it's wrong. So see, it has nothing to do with him being black- it is his POLITICS.   I think Michelle has done alot of good things for DC- I think the media has gone overboard because the Obamas are black and that is creating tension among some of the whites and blacks in the US, instead of uniting us. He should be OUR  President, not a President for the Blacks as some seem to believe.   

Let's take a breather.... Obama doesn't run for reelection for 2 more years...
I dont know where to start, no I dont see it has nothing to do with his color and I will not be persuaded to something when I know it is not true no matter how it might appear. And no the democratic party does not believe in abortion they believe in the right of an individual to make that choice themselves (it is the womans body the last time I checked). In the same breath you are upholding a war that we had no legitamate right to fight in the begining, there were no nuclear bombs or chemical weapons as formaly thought. How many more years would you say we should stay there and what is the goal in mind?
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: tinka on September 11, 2010, 08:26:52 AM
Just keep talking Sabastian, your sicker then I thought. The more you post the more one can see your "evil" thoughts". Oh and Satan is very smart too.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Murcielago on September 11, 2010, 12:07:35 PM
If anyone ever wondered how civilized Christians in Spain, France, England, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany could have come out of their homes to enjoy watching their neighbors and friend burned at the stake, broken on the wheel, or drawn and quartered... if anyone wonders how humans in Iran and Afghanistan could have enjoyed a good execution by stoning, or how supposedly civilized people could have cheered when watching the World Trade Center fall, this thread depicts in real life the declination that makes those things possible.

Here on this thread we see how normal people quickly decline into precicely the frame of mind that makes those things happen. When presented with differing thoughts in the areas of religion and politics, there are a surprising number of people who are predisposed (by a number of factors) to shed civility and restraint, and go into a frame of mind that, when led by the wrong people and circumstances, becomes blood lust. Studies show that this is related to deep insecurity. The inability to abide a differing opinion is widely considered a sure indication of deep insecurity with one's own belief.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: christian on September 11, 2010, 01:20:10 PM
Just keep talking Sabastian, your sicker then I thought. The more you post the more one can see your "evil" thoughts". Oh and Satan is very smart too.
And you know all about satan don't you? You know him inside and out, you know your father well.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Adam on September 11, 2010, 03:21:54 PM
Just keep talking Sabastian, your sicker then I thought. The more you post the more one can see your "evil" thoughts". Oh and Satan is very smart too.
And you know all about satan don't you? You know him inside and out, you know your father well.

I think that's a bit uncalled for Obama worshiper. Now that you have went that far, I am going to speak my mind.

Anyone who supports Barack Obama is a tool of Satan. The president just today was praising Islam on National T.V. What a moron! Islam is not our friend. You are a moron and your ingorance disgust me. I rebuke you.
Title: Re: 9/11 Mosque
Post by: Murcielago on September 11, 2010, 06:21:33 PM
Ok, enough of that! I am locking this topic for now. Stand back, take a deep breath, and lets resume discussing as civilized adults. This is shameful behaviour.