Issues & Concerns Category > 3ABN

What did Walt Thompson mean? Why did Greg Thompson get fired?

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First of all - look at the FHB's post on BSDA - to me he is way over the top and looks like he has crossed the line.  I wonder why he seems so bitter and angry?   >:( >:(

There may be more to this - it could be a piece of a puzzle.  See my next quote......

--- Quote ---(fallible humanbeing @ Jan 7 2008, 01:39 AM)
As for the drinking of Kool-aid . . . the Pickle/Joy version is a rather deadly blend of 1 smidgen of truth, 3 gallons of untruth, mixed carefully in a vat of deception, anger, and pride.
--- End quote ---

See below the full e-mail from BSDA written by Walt Thompson, Chairman of the 3ABN Board.

I am asking..... what is Walt Thompson talking about when he said that Greg (his son) is " of the few who have been willing to sacrifice reputation, professional career, family, and whatever was needed to stand for truth - at the hand of some of you who have had no such conscience of right and wrong."

What does Walt Thompson mean by those words...."sacrifice career and the hand of some of you".

In W. Thompson's mind - whose hands caused his son to lose his reputation, career, and family?

I have wondered why such a man as Walt Thompson would go along with this law suit?  Is this a vendetta?  Is he blaming Joy & Pickle?  Is the plan to get back at them for something he thinks is their fault?  :-\

--- Quote ---Dear **************, Since you** have felt free to post my e mails in the past (against my better judgment), I would appreciate it if you would now post this one, unedited, and unchanged. For reasons that I think I have made quite clear to those I have corresponded with, I do not believe the Internet is the place to resolve conflicts of the nature that 3abn has experienced in recent years. Therefore, it is with a certain reticence that I make this request to you. Nor is it because my name has been posted as the source of FHB's information - but only to clarify a few issues that have arisen by that post. It is true that I am the father of FHB - a fact that many of you have known for a long time, having obtained the information fraudulently. The fact is, FHB has obtained his information from the same sources as most everyone else --by scratching for it - not from me. In fact, the assumption stated in the recent post is the very reason that I have not revealed private things to him. Yes, FHB may have one advantage over some of you. From childhood, I have reminded him of the farmhand in Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories who could "sleep through the storm." He knew that if he did his job right, he need not worry about the things that might happen during the night. FHB knows that that farmhand has been one whom I have emulated through life, so that when I told FHB I could sleep through the storm, he knew he need not fear. Nor do I agree with him for joining in the frivolity of his post (and similar posts by others). He is of age, and need not share his thoughts (and posts) with me. Having said this, I wish to make it clear that I am proud of FHB's sense of justice and desire for truth to be told. Were it not for him and a few others who have often not been permitted to post "sensitive" comments, many who read the forums would remain in the dark regarding the truth of the matters at hand. He has been one of the few who have been willing to sacrifice reputation, professional career, family, and whatever was needed to stand for truth - at the hand of some of you who have had no such conscience of right and wrong. (And though a few of you may be innocent, others of you are not, and you know who you are!) Even if everything negative that has been posted against 3abn and its leadership were true, (which it is not) that evil would not begin to compare with the demonic tactics being used by some of you. I have received considerable criticism for 3ABN taking certain persons to court in our attempts to tell the truth regarding events of recent years. Some express the belief that it is a sin to use the court system in the search for truth, implying thereby that it is morally, legally and ethically right to destroy innocent people and ministries via the Internet forums, e -mails, etc. where there are few governing laws and virtually no moral restraints, but that it is evil to use legitimate systems established to determine truth and promote justice. I fail to understand this sense of righteousness. What seems to have been over-looked here is that people, human beings for whom Jesus paid the infinite price, are being lost - while we play our little games. Matters it not that our Lord loves each one of us, and is not in favor of any one of us missing the glories He is preparing? Have you no such love for one another? Ought we all not rather be on our knees before the King of the Universe, pleading for the salvation of each other? Yes, I have stood beside the people at 3abn and defended them based upon what I have seen and experienced there, but it has not been without a deep sense of sadness for all of those who are hurting and/or misled. You are daily, and often many times daily, in my prayers, not asking God to strike any one of you with injury or death, but that somehow, you might find the peace and joy of knowing Him for who He really is - our Savior - who also desires to be our very best friend. We are living on the very edge of eternity. It is no time for any of us to be playing games. For none of us must be missing in that glad day. I am most grateful for those of you who, though perhaps confused as to what to believe, have joined in with frequent prayers of intercession, for 3ABN and for its determined enemies. Thank you--God is not deaf to our pleas! This note is submitted in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Walter Thompson MD Chairman, 3abn Board of Directors
--- End quote ---

Do you think there is some connection, AW?

I have no personal knowledge but just wondering why the bitterness, why the statement, why the blame?  I guess it is the curious part of me asking why and where is the rest of the story? 

W.T.'s statement is pretty bold and it just jumped out at me when I read it again today at BSDA.  I did a search on FHB's statements and had some difficulty but finally came up with his angry and somewhat bitter post. 

So there it is ......if W.T. believes what he wrote (I have no doubt he does) then it just makes sense for him to have jumped on a bandwagon full of emotions instead of reason and then found himself in a fight for a cause that would bring some vindication to his son.

Gailon Arthur Joy:
Thank-you, Avidwalker, for the question.

We know from a communique we were given nearly a year ago that Danny's brother had claimed that we had cost Greg his job. Since then there have been various allegations regarding this concept. At one point we decided to investigate FHB and discovered it was Greg, which certainly clarified the motivation for the hostility.

As we pressed further, we discovered that Greg had been a student at AUC in the early 89-91 period, while we were actively involved in defending Virginia Jean Rittenhouse from ridiculous allegations of discrimination and "excessive expectation" workloads to the students at the Thayer Music Conservatory and in her New England Ensemble, world renowned at the time. We were just a newsletter then, but read throughout the New England conferences by a number of members. We also supported New England Ministries at the Time, a conservative forum group that sponsored conservative speakers to speak one sabbath a month (these included Osborne, Standish, Spear, Larsen, Ron Goss, etal). For some reason, they seem to believe that a student classmate breached some form of confidentiality and gave us information that we passed to the private school where Greg was teaching and he was terminated midyear.

Frankly, we learned enough to decide that Greg was off limits and we have never told anyone anything of what we was simply not relevant to the 3ABN/Danny Lee Shelton Discussions...the same position we have taken on Brandy and a host of others  such as Lomacang. We find their blindness to the truth profound, but not without motivation, and have simply left it that way.

It is a common tactic by the opponents of journalism to attack the messenger rather than take on the message and defend their position with documentation.  I am quite use to it. When we tell the truth and document the same, we will be exonerated time after time by the passage of time and unravelling of the factually challenged statements by blind defenders of fallacy.

The proof is in the documentation. We have repeatedly requested the documentation and they have repeatedly refused to produce the documentation. They claim the purpose of the Lawsuite is to make public the truth, but attempt to impound the case. Bob has done requests to produce the documents and now they attempt to prove to the court that everything is covered by some imaginary confidentiality. They simply avoid documenting the truth and one must logically ask WHY??? They still have not documented the very first allegation and still have not produced one document to prove that Linda was guilty of anything worthy of termination,  other than being married to Danny Lee Shelton and a discardable possession that had worn out her welcome.

We would challenge Greg, Danny's brother and Dr Walter Thompson to provide proof of this ridiculous allegation and post it here or anywhere else. And if they are convinced that we were responsible for Gregs' termination, why has Greg not filed suite against us?? I suspect the documentation will be avoided like all other documentation requests.

And they want the truth to finally exonerate them??? The history is not good and I doubt we will see any proof without another court fight!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy


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