Issues & Concerns Category > 3ABN

Are We All Tired of 3ABN Issues?

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I've noticed on some of the forums wishes expressed that might be characterized as "Can't we all just get along?".

Some say they have had enough of prolonged conflict and that "both sides" are equally guilty of bad behavior. 

Others are just weary of continual discussion of the issues and problems.

So are we all, on both sides, "God's chosen children" as some see it, in the future all standing together on the sea of glass?

Do Bob Pickle's and Gailon Joys's so-called tactics put them on the same moral plane as Danny Shelton, Tommy Shelton, and Walt Thompson with the multiple allegations against them?

Do we have a reason to keep discussing these issues?


Bob Pickle:
Sorry. I can't answer since I have a conflict of interest.

What great questions you have posed, Artiste.  Very thought provoking.

I guess what I am most tired of is not necessarily the 3ABN issues themselves (I don't mean to say the issues are not important) but the way folks have managed to personalize them and then prioritize them.  Wrong is wrong, period.  Who is to say that the abuse issues are more important than the wrongful termination issues or the financial issues or the divorce issues or whatever other issues there might be?  Doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible that if we are guilty of breaking one commandment we are guilty of breaking them all?

What I have observed since starting to read these forums is the tendency of some to embrace their own particular pet issue to the point that it becomes its own monster - they live it, eat it, breathe it and sleep it until it becomes all consuming and nothing else matters.  We are all children of God.  Certain issues may affect me differently than they affect someone else - that doesn't mean the issues that concern me are more important than the others.  Issues affecting Linda Shelton are different than those affecting FHB or Dr. Thompson.  And those affecting the fired Trust Department employees are different than those of the Clem brothers.  But they are all issues and they all matter.

I guess I'm rambling now and not making much sense.  I'm just really sad.



--- Quote from: Artiste on January 30, 2008, 11:26:46 AM ---
Do we have a reason to keep discussing these issues?    

--- End quote ---

If we let it 'die a natural death', won't that be just what Danny and 3abn hope for?


You ask do we have a reason to keep discussing these issues? 

Well, I ask.... has anything been resolved?  Has the clean up crew finished the work or even begun to do that which was and still is so sorely needed?  Are people suggesting a bigger rug? I sense some feel a weariness with it all but that is exactly what a long law suit was intended to accomplish.....  Wear down those who ask questions and stand for truth and righteousness. 

I find it odd that those who say they were on one side quickly turned the other direction when they disagreed with defense tactics.  When one side via a person attacks, it is necessary to defend and get to the bottom of issues or what lies behind the scene in order to build a defense...after all it is a law suit with a need to defend oneself. 

It does seem that some are willing to carry a certain banner for truth and restitution while willing to wink at another issue and blame and judge motives of those who carry another banner.

I have been questioned if I posted for another as if I do not have a mind of my own and as if I am able to be manipulated.  Are the ones we have trusted and confided in spoken truthfully or full of betrayal? 

I still applaud Joy and Pickle even if they may have made mistakes for which one of us has not.  After all they are DEFENDENTS.  What do any of the rest of us have to lose in this battle?  It is easy for those hiding behind false names to say "do this" or "do that". 

I still believe this is a worthy cause.... to stand up and be counted on all of the issues.  Let our prayers be for peace and an end to this madness but there must be repentance, restitution, and healing for all. 


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