Issues & Concerns Category > Womens Ordination & Related Issues

Theology of Ordination Study Committee

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Battle Creek:

--- Quote from: Bob Pickle on November 24, 2012, 07:14:20 PM ---Out of the list of members of the NAD theology of ordination committee, which one or ones feel that ordaining women to the gospel ministry isn't biblical? The reason I ask is that I can see some names on that list that definitely are pro-WO, and thus the only fair way to do it is to ensure that there is at least one anti-WO person on the committee, since that would better ensure that all NAD viewpoints on the topic are represented.

--- End quote ---

The NAD committee is far from the only one dealing with this subject. There is a committee for each of the world divisions. In some of these divisions there seems to be a majority pro-WO, while in other divisions there is a majority anti-WO. Should that not be a sufficient guarantee that the anti-WO view is presented, even if the membership of the NAD committee should reflect the major opinion of the NAD unions?

Not only  this, but then there is a GC committee as another sieving apparatus before the matter is dealt with at various GC levels (Annual Counsel, etc) before it goes to the GC assembly. I have noticed, however, that some are hoping this is taken care of already by 2013/14, but wondering  how that can be accomplished?

Now I read that the WO is not the only matter the committees will take  care of. They will also deal with the task of reviewing or re-writing our 28 points of doctrines because the present wording has become obsolete. Who knows what that will include?

Daryl Fawcett:

Mbwana, Geoffrey G, Vice-chair
Porter, Karen J, Secretary
Boward, Tamara K, Recording Secretary
Arrais, Jonas
Arrais, Raquel C
Batchelor, Doug
Bauer, Steve
Beardsley-Hardy, Lisa M
Bischoff, Fred
Bohr, Stephen
Brown, Gina S
Brunt, John
Ceballos, Mario E
Chang, Shirley
Clark, Chester V III
Costa, Robert
Damsteegt, Gerard
Damsteegt, Laurel
Davidson, Jo Ann M
Davidson, Richard M
de Sousa, Elias B
Diop, A Ganoune
Donkor, Kwabena
Doss, Cheryl
Fagal, William A
Finley, Mark A
Fortin, Denis
Gothard, Doris M
Haloviak-Valentine, Kendra
Hasel, Michael
Holmes, C Raymond
Howard, James
Hucks, Willie
Jankiewiez, Darius
Kent, Anthony R
King, Gregory A
Knott, Esther
Knott, William M
Koh, Linda Mei Lin
Kuntaraf, Kathleen K H
McLennan, Patty
Mackintosh, Don
Miller, Nick
Mills, Phil
Moon, Jerry
Morris, Derek J
Mueller, Ekkehardt F R
Nelson, Dwight K
Nix, James R
Oberg, Chris
Page, Janet
Page, Jerry N
Paulson, Kevin
Peters, John
Pfandl, Gerhard
Poirier, Timothy L
Proffitt, Kathryn L
Prewitt, Eugene
Rafferty, James
Read, David C
Reeve, Teresa
Reid, George
Roberts, Randall L
Rodriguez, Angel M
Scarone, Daniel
Silva, Sandra
Slikkers, Dolores E
Small, Heather-Dawn K
Sorke, Ingo
Timm, Alberto R
Trim, David
Tutsch, Cindy
Veloso, Mario
Vin Cross, Tara
Wahlen, Clinton L
Warden, Ivan Leigh
Zarska, Carol

You can read more about this from the attached PDF file.

Daryl Fawcett:
Looking at the members of this committee, it should make for an interesting study committee.

Bob Pickle:
It looks to me like the list includes people on both sides of the issue, and that is the way it should be.

Daryl Fawcett:
I agree.

Also, even though there are those on both sides of the issue, if they do the study without bias, they should eventually come to a conclusion.


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