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General Category => General Discussions => Topic started by: Bob Pickle on March 04, 2013, 05:37:23 AM

Title: Dan. 2:43 & UKIP
Post by: Bob Pickle on March 04, 2013, 05:37:23 AM
"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay" (Dan. 2:43).

I recently noticed that "cleave" above comes from the Aramaic word that corresponds to the Hebrew word in:

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" (Gen. 2:24).

Thus, there will never again be a single federal state in Europe. Not that European leaders might not try yet again, despite the failures of Napoleon, Hitler, and many others.

So what will get in the way this time? The Euro Zone is in a crisis over economics. But another obstacle is arising. Due to a scandal, a British Liberal Democrat MP resigned in Eastleigh, England, and the by-election last Thursday resulted in UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) coming in second with 27.8%, ahead of the Tories/Conservative Party, the party of the Prime Minister.

The Members of the European Parliment (MEP's) that belong to UKIP regularly speak out in the European Parliment against a federal state of Europe. Prime Minister David Cameron has felt so pressured by UKIP's rise in the polls that he recently promised an In/Out referendum ... in 2017 ... IF his party wins a majority in the next election and ... IF he can negotiate a change in Britain's relationship with the EU.

If you want to occasionally keep abreast of these developments which, in light of Dan. 2:43, have prophetic significance,