My position: Bob and Gailon have every right to fight for what they believe in and to defend themselves. Also, 3-ABN, Danny Shelton and whomever else has every right to defend their interests by means of the judicial system to the same extent that Bob and Gailon have those rights. On some issues, I believe that 3-ABN had a duty to those who have supported it to defend itself in court. I donot fault any of the participants in the litigation.
3ABN had a duty to its donors to spend over $1 million in 2007 and 2008 alone of those donor funds? 3ABN had a duty to pay for Danny's personal vendetta against us?
3ABN had a duty to defend itself in court? Against what? We were the defendants, not 3ABN.
What specific issues did 3ABN have a duty to defend itself in court about?
The lawsuit accuses us of lying about Danny's personal use of the jet, which was true nonetheless. However, the only reference I can find to that is my quoting from the judge's opinion in the property tax case, and then asking, "So are they now making sure that all trips in the plane are only for business purposes? Is that one of the changes that has been made?" I got sued for that?
Yet the very next post, by yourself, states:
I don't think so.
Is it not true that a recent "honeymoon" was taken on the 3-ABN jet? Did not that honeymoon last for several days? Is it not true that the only business conducted on that trip was a Sabbath sermon at a local SDA church?
Correct me if I am wrong.
Now why did I get sued and you didn't? Why did I get sued for saying that Danny was using the jet for personal purposes when, as far as I can tell, I never said any such thing? I only quoted Admin. Law Judge Barbara Rowe. Yet you indicated that Danny had used the jet for his honeymoon, and you didn't get sued.
I do not think 3ABN had a duty to sue me over my quotation from Judge Rowe's opinion, a duty which cost over $1 million in 2007 and 2008 alone.
So what specific issues did 3ABN have a duty to sue over?