Intersting point Habanero. I can't really see DS 'approving' AT!
However, he may be 'using' them for his own ends?
How sad. It would see Ozzie that you also belong to the cult of Danny Shelton. Who else would continue to attribute to him such power over others? Maybe you had better warn AT and Mr. Schwantes you are on to something.
Wow. At last we have someone acknowledging that DS has a cult-like following. A following that believes that he is anointed by God. That he is like Moses. That even if he is found to be doing evil, that is OK, because he's the 'anointed'.
Refreshing to see you actually posting more than your standard smilie filled, giddily tacit echos and cut downs.
About time that is is acknowledged that he has a following who believe that evil is good, that black is white;
Applying the breaks to look at your statements a little more closely... Whose thoughts are you parroting? Whose information have you taken as gospel?
that trashing one's ex-wife in front of the world is OK;
Not at all okay.... but then, it's okay to turn around and trash him, his chairman and the 3abn BOD, any of his supporters or family members as well as anybody who sees things differently than your leaders do in front of the whole world?
that diddling the books is fine;
This just may not turn out to be true, no matter how often Bob says it is so. I think we're going to have to wait and see on this one as that whole IRS clearing 3ABN just might be true.
that using donations for God's work to sue fellow Christians is fine;
3abn is a private ministry. It was built by the Shelton's, both Danny and Linda and others in the family. It is not a part of the SDA deonomination even though the message they share is the one many conservative SDAs believe in and practice. The donations they receive are given to support the ministry. If the ministry must take legal measures, why is it a "sin" to use money that donors have donated to support this private ministry? Why? Because Bob and Gailon have represented it as a sin to do so. Our SDA denomination most likely has a budget for legal needs. Where does that money come from? Tithes and offerings? If you step back a bit, Ozzie, perhaps you might see that Bob and Gailon went too far in their campaign to return 3abn to its conservative roots. There are right ways to handle sin in others and there are wrongs ways as well. IMO, Bob and Gailon diverted from ethical measures in their crusade and a lot of you bought it, hook line and sinker.
that scaring his then-wife with a firearm is the hallmark of a loving husband;
Did he brandish this firearm in her face or threaten her with it? It was in the house. As I recall this story, Linda was afraid that Danny was getting so unbalanced during the unraveling of their marriage that she was concerned about the gun he had, so she hid it.
threatening other Christians who might go to a Camp Meeting is quite legit.
Whether it was kind or not, it was certainly legit. This wasn't a case of Johann and Arild having an entitlement or a right to gather upon public property during that 2004 campmeeting, even though I believe their motives were good. 3ABN is a private ministry and, as such they can determine who they want to allow to attend their campmeetings and who they don't.
Yes. So sad that people can follow people like DS, David Koresh and others, but it's good to see that quaddie47 acknowledges that is so.
I can't understand the mentality of cult followers (or their leaders), but it is a relief to know that others are finally seeing it and that he 'uses' those people for his own ends. Thank you for pointing that out quaddie.
As for this Mother Duck, there's no way that I'll be leaning that way nor following like a hypnotised sheep. No siree![/b]
And yet, you have bought everything that Bob and Gailon have been selling. You probably now believe that Sam is the "miscreant pastor hunter" as Gailon has concluded instead of Sam being Danny as he, and then you, used to espouse. You probably believe that Gailon is telling the truth about Gregory Matthews betraying him and then Linda, simply because Gailon said so.
Might be a good idea for you to do some research into understanding the mind of a cult leader so you can start to think and see for yourself.