Theology Category > Doctrinal Discussions

Doug Bachelor Preaches Against Women Pastors & Elders

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The way I understand from a broad picture of the word "Ordained" is this:

When the foundation of the SDA was first formed, it was issential that all were on the same page of Inspired guidence before they entered into teaching. It was a responsibility of the people of the 3rd angels "enlightening" of this message to all be on the same page in order to go out and give it in the manner presented. Ordination was special prayer and laying on of hands to make sure that "ones own opinions and presentations were exactly as given that upheld all the foundation revelations of truth opened up for that time. To me that is all that it means and the asking of blessing on that person to be right and sincere in taking on this great feat of spreading the last message of to a people just before the coming events.

All other denominations take the same stance on their beliefs to uphold their religions.

Now the question arises that if God's chosen instrument is to bring this to light and she states has been "Ordained" of God to do so, then where is the thinking of men and women to think they must ordain EGW by their hands when she clearly states she has been "ordained" by God as a messenger and nothing else. That is plain simple to me. She never attended man's vote to do otherwise. She already gave clear picture the work of women according to scripture. She knew beyond doubt where her credentials came from and why would she want "applause" or credentials from men. I understand her clearly. What a slap in the face to God if she had "vanity" for this acknowledgement from earthly feebles.  The fact is that God made women to be a helpmate, companion, mother, teacher, and so what is man??...... without?? (smile) A women has the greatest job and accomplishments of all as she provides the nourishment and armour for the battle!!! A man in return for his protective and strong love for women gives back to him her reason for living and love for God that gave her this protection.  So this is what I get when I read that women are respected. Nothing more and nothing less. Too bad that some only like to wear pants and their duty and job is all mouth while they produce offspring that is cared by someone else.

Two weeks ago unexpected and instant to my finding, I just lost the love of my heart. I feel very lost and broken and can't believe hardly what time of day or when it is. Just coming on post to divert my hurt. He gave what he was in my life for and I in return believe and did what I wrote above. We always wanted eternity together. Now I wait. It was the best way that worked for us.

Alex L. Walker:
I for one would never allow a woman to stand behind my pulpit. Call me sexist, call me old-fashioned, whatever. The truth is lady's are  not called to preach!


--- Quote from: Alex L. Walker on February 23, 2011, 09:40:39 AM ---I for one would never allow a woman to stand behind my pulpit. Call me sexist, call me old-fashioned, whatever. The truth is lady's are  not called to preach!

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You are in "good" company. The largest Christian body will be in full agreement with you.

--- Quote ---Women Priests — No Chance
There is a general assumption, especially in North America and Europe, that the Catholic Church’s insistence on a male priesthood is an obscure anomaly, which endures only because a Polish pope has refused to move with the times.
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In the Church’s latest statement on this matter, Pope John Paul II, using his full authority as the successor of Peter, states categorically that the Church cannot — not will not, but cannot — ordain women, now or in the future. The Catechism of the Catholic Church sets it out clearly, quoting the decree Inter insigniores:

    Only a baptized man (vir) receives sacred ordination.
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From The Texas Baptist Committed:

--- Quote ---  Dr. Billy Graham, when asked by David Frost about women's ordination, said, "Women preach all over the world. It doesn't bother me at all from my study of the Scriptures. And there were many women preachers in the Bible." . . .

. . . on the same day that the SBC published its proposed revision to the "Baptist Faith and Message," USA Today carried an article about Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of the famous evangelist. In that article, Graham called her the "best preacher in the family."
--- End quote ---

I had the hardest time believe that Saturday was the Bible day of worship.  I though they were crazy.  How could so many be wrong?  It took me a few years of study.  I read book after book on Sunday and Saturday worship.  I read of Moody and other great preachers who questioned Saturday as the true day of worship.  I read only a few Germans didn't believe in what Hitler was doing.  I had been wrong so many times.  Now I question more.  I was 45 when I went to college.  It taught me so many things I had been wrong about.



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