Having lived in the Middle East, I've been following the protests with interest.
http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/world/2011/02/09/ac.kth.egypt.top.lies.cnn?hpt=T2Some of the tactics Mubarak's government has been pulling remind me of Danny Shelton.
The link above has a video that ends by saying that they have repeatedly requested the Egyptian government to appear on their program and present evidence in support of the allegations they've been making. But they refuse to do so. That sounds really familiar.
Heavy handedness also sounds familiar. Brutalize your opposition. Danny, fortunately, didn't resort to beatings and snipers, just lawsuits and lying lawyers, and stealing a child's college education away.
The resorting to lies also sounds familiar, all as desperate excuses for not doing the only respectable thing: resigning and disappearing.
Mubarak and Danny and their thugs must go.