Well, I find this whole thing totally disgusting.
I grew up around people eating pork, I ate pork, but that doesn't mean I downplay the evil results and potentially eternal consequences of disobeying God's commands in the Bible by eating pork.
I also grew up around people who kept Sunday and went to confession and thought that the priest could turn the bread into Jesus, and I kept Sunday and went to confession and probably thought the same. But that doesn't mean that I excuse or palliate such gross departures from Scripture.
People who teach that obedience is required and that perfection of character is possible and who prize theological and lifestyle correctness, and yet who can't stand up against such a gross, despicable evil, I wouldn't know how to claim them as conservatives. Sounds like rank hypocrisy to me.
So, scratsmom, you think one of the three possibilities you mentioned is the problem behind the silence or the excuses or the justifications?
Lee, are you around? What do you think of scratsmom's comments? Do they apply to you in any way?
I don't know any of the parties involved, but in my experience with victims and their families, when someone says "Get over it" or "It wasn't that big a deal" or "You could've stopped it if you had wanted to" or "He didn't mean anything by it" or "You are making mountains out of molehills", they are either honestly ignorant of the effects of abuse on the victim because they have not done any research or had any personal experience with it, or they have downplayed the "gross, despicable evil-ness" of abuse because of the reasons I previously stated. OR, they honestly don't believe it happened--that the victim is lying. I think a lot of TS supporters don't believe it happened. Some seem to believe that maybe he crossed lines but these weren't "kids" so it is not the same thing as abuse. (if they would educate themselves, they would learn differently)
And again, I haven't found any correlation between the conservative scale and response to abuse. Most conservatives I know would rather hush abuse up and make it go away than deal with it, actually. Wouldn't want to make our church or school or institution look bad before the world and all that. And the ones I grew up around didn't believe in going to counselors so "just pray about it" was the advice of the day. I can give you a lot of stories showing how well that worked...
So though I agree with you that abuse is despicable and that all Christians should stand up in defense of the exploited, I don't assume that all who are support D and T are hypocrites. Some are deceived. Some are wearing blinders. But yes, those in leadership that you are dealing with personally may be trying to save their reputation or position at any cost, and if so, those I have no problem seeing as hypocrites.