With each and every comment you make it becomes more and more evident that you are an angry school yard bully who know they are wrong, knows the teacher is coming and they will end up in the principles office, knows their mom and dad are going to be called in and they are going to be in a world of hurt when it is all over.
Your legal "prowess" has been minimalized on a reoccurring basis and it won't stop where it is - it will merely continue until you have to face the world naked claiming you have the finest gowns wrapped around you. The support roles in for 3ABN, the world is beginning to see you for who you are and what you are about - the TRUTH in this Mr. Gailon Arthur Joy is that you are intent on brining down the final mission of God's last day people. You want to draw as much attention away from the message God desires the people of earth to hear and know . . . you are detracting from God's work, you are attempting to hide and cast shadows over the message of love and grace in the death of the Savior of the people of this planet. You are the stumbling block of many who have listened to you play on their heartaches, their pain, their struggles - you have attacked these in a parasitic manner sucking your life from their pain and personal agony rather than leading people to the Savior, rather than showing the world the love of God you have lead them into a deeper personal hell where their pain and anger and struggles multiply. You are not leading a single soul to the Savior.
Attack me! Spew your meaningless venom against me! Rant, rave, writhe in anger that you have been exposed. Bellow, thump your chest, threaten . . . God will not be mocked and your mockery will come to demise when it plays out its role in the Great Controversy between the Lord of the Universe and the father of lies. Then you will answer for all you have done - not just here, but in all the attacks on those who would do the work of the Lord. You will answer in the courts of the land, but the most important case you will have to testify in is the one where you are asked, "Who have you lead to the foot of the cross?" "Who have you lead into the loving fold of the Good Shepard?" "Who have you brought into the arms of the Savior?" . . . instead you will have to answer by pointing out all that you have chastised, all you have vilified, all you have excoriated, all you have ridiculed, belittled, and attacked in public venues . . . you will have to answer, "I was Saul, I did the work he failed to do." You will continue your argument "I exposed all the personal lives of those who I determined were your enemies." Instead of being able to answer, "Like the Samaritan who cared for the man who despised him, I sought to lift up my brother to you. I sought to bring those hurting and in pain to your arms to be healed and cared for." you will have to answer that you sought to destroy, to eradicate, to devastate, you will joyously claim to be judge, jury, and executioner . . .
God is love. I have yet to see you demonstrate by word or action that this is even a consideration in your theology. Stop pointing fingers, stop the juvenile "But, he did this . . ." response. Take responsibility for your actions, your words, and apologize for you attacks on those who do the work of the Lord. Apologize to those whose lives you have laid bare for your own enjoyment. Admit your sins publicly as you demand of others, apologize publicly as you demand of others. Do the work that is required of those who walk hand-in-hand with God in these last days and bring the message of love, forgiveness, and salvation to a wonting world in these final days of earths history. You are doing nothing to bring the lost to the Savior. You are not a martyr, but rather a self-absorbed individual who has delusions of grandeur. The humble, loving spirit of the Christ is not evident in your words, your actions. What is evident is self-aggrandizement and narcissism. You display only disdain for your fellow traveler. You despise the children of God. You do not evidence the spirit of God's last day people - love, compassion, understanding. You want it your way, not God's way.
Earlier I posted a comment to the effect that I knew two peple who worked for the IRS. They had told me that the comments regarding the IRS investigation of 3-ABN having ended accurately described how the IRS Works.
Today I spoke to a male (For those who are interested.) attorney who has worked on litigation against the IRS in his law practice. [NOTE: I am saying that this attorney has worked in this area and can therefore be considered to have some knowledge.] I described to him what is being said by those who say that the IRS criminal/civil investigation is over and that 3-ABN has been cleared and I asked him to comment on those statements.
His comment was: What you have described is consistent what I have seen my my law practice as I have worked on cases that involved the IRS. That is how the IRS operates.
Folks, people whom I trust, are not involved in any way with 3-ABN (They are objective), and have personal knowledge as to how the IRS works lead me to blieve that the IRS has cleared 3-ABN of criminal/civil wrong doing.
I believe the issue regarding the IRS is over. I believe that 3-ABN has been cleared. Personally I believe that there were two flaws in the charges that people made against 3-ABN and Danny Shelton:
1) The people who made the charges did not know what evidence existed that 3-ABN/Danny Shelton had to rebut the charges. Folks, a one sided knowledge of an event is not enough to convict someone. I would say that 3-ABN made this same error in some of their handeling of charges against Linda Shelton. Now, in my opinion, some who have charged 3-ABN have committed the same error. One side of the issue is neither fair nor enough to convict. One must know and understand all sides of an issue before a decision is made.
2) I have been told by competent legal counsel that some of the IRS charges made against 3-ABN (specificly the sale of the house) were based upon a failure to understand the tax consequences of a property transaction that involved a "life estate." But, once I am told that pople making a specific charge do not properly understand a major aspect of the tax law as it applied to the transaction, I have to assume that those making other charges may (?) not understand other aspects of tax law.
My personal opinon: Folks, like it or not, the IRS tax isssues are over. 3-ABN apears to have been cleared on the criminal and civil front. Get on with your lives. In overall summary, while the IRS did not consider other charges not related to tax issues, the failure of the charges related to IRS issues to be sustained is a major wound to the other charges. If people making the charges can not get right an issue that is founded in established law and written records, most people will begin to question other charges that are more subjective. If your are wrong in this, who is to say you are correct on other issues?
Two questions, Mr Matthews:
1) Did your "competent counsel" tell you whether the IRS issues a file closed letter? And if so, where is it? Wouldn't you want to see that file closed letter, Mr Gregory, before you came to such a strong opinion?
2) Since the IRS has "exonerated 3ABN and Danny Lee Shelton", would you recommend and expect that they would add the IRS investigators to the 3ABN and DLS Witness list? Now that would be a real feather in their cap to bring in the investigative staff to testify on behalf of 3ABN and Danny Lee Shelton. Particularly since they "did not find a single thing wrong" Would not even debate the relevance of such an important witness, would you?
Well let me make it clear that we have already added one to our list and that is how certain we are that YOU ARE DEAD WRONG!!!
They are not cleared on the civil front, Mr Matthews, and we are CERTAIN of it!!! I do not have clarity on the criminal question and I am not convinced 3ABN does either and your statements are PURE CONJECTURE at the very best. Your analysis is clearly challenged and based upon incomplete, self induced prejudice and a fear driven need to stay out of the fray. But be sure to ask your "competent legal counsel" if a file simply closes with a request for document return without an inocuous file closed notice? Then analyse again. Practice makes perfect, they say!!!
Gailon Arthur Joy