Theology Category > Doctrinal Discussions

Are the Seven Trumpets of Revelation in the Future?

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The last major strike was Chicxulub, an asteroid 6 miles in diameter that struck the Gulf of Mexico. It left a crater 180 kilometers across, and it is estimated that it created megatsunamis well over a mile high that swept across all the continents (there is some discussion that this may be the Noah flood.) At current ocean depths, it would have created a splash approximately 80,000 feet high, twice the height that commercial aircraft fly. It would also have resulted in devastating earthquakes around the world, and many volcanic eruptions. It is believed that it eliminated most living things on earth and left an environment hostile to life for decades.

OH my, that sounds worse then the flood, I am surprised that there is no Biblical account of that.

 I have to find some scripture that really stuck in my mind on the description of the coming and until now want to find where I read and it seemed to instill in me that this is not going to leave the earth exactly round. I remember reading then relating to what D. Bachelor said about every eye seeing and as he explained but it just did not settle just right because he explained as the world turned in 24 hrs then every eye would see. From what that one particular verse was stating. As I visioned it--it seemed to say the earthquakes and mountains were laid flat from the east to the west and the north and south and all of a sudden that description made me feel the earth was laid flat and then yes every eye would see at the same time. Then you realize that it says destruction as never was. I do have a big imagination and immediately visualize  maybe earth in different form what I read but could be wrong about this. But have no idea where I read that verse.  Changed computers and my Whole library does not work like it used to just putting in words when I want to find quickly.  But I really need to find it again to know if that is what it is saying.  Your post was unknown to me. although I know we have been hit with small but not that big. But again, if that happens it seems to be going to happen in the time line of actual coming and not an asteroid.

Tinka, the space shuttles orbited the earth at 120-600 miles in altitude, and their orbit speed was 17,580 miles per hour. They could circle the globe very quickly. I assume that during the second coming of Christ an approach from space would be seen well in advance, and with the rotation of the earth it is likely that it could be seen by everyone. Also, I suppose that he could make a quick orbit before final approach.

Tinka, you made an interesting observation in noting that Chixculub was not mentioned in the Bible. There have been many other global catastrophes that weren't mentioned. Some examples would be the 6 super volcanoes: Yellowstone, Toba, Aira, Tauro, Long Valley, and Valles Caldera.

You also have Hekla in Iceland, and a smaller volcano here which disrupted international air travel for a while and cost the airlines millions of dollars. We never know when the next eruption will occur. I have seen some of those eruptions and even walked on top of glowing lava. Reminds of descriptions found in Revelation.

Not far from us we see a portion of the greatest lava field in the world. Scientists estimate it flowed about 6,000 years ago. Creation or Flood? About 100 miles long. Now some of it is covered with farmland where earth has gradually blown in and covered the lava, but the lava is still there underneath. It cooled off and stopped when it reached the Atlantic Ocean which makes a spectacular beach where you still clearly see the lava. That beach is one of our favorite walks - on the sand in between the typical lava stones and rocks.


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